Dear Reader,

Have you ever caught a glimpse of someone ahead of you, sucked in your breath, got all excited and hurried over to say hi only to discover you’d made a mistake. LOL, I have. I’ve shouted greetings only to get the “who are you?” stare.

They say everyone has a doppelgänger. I just love that word. I heard it first in a movie. It took me two weeks to learn how to spell it (I’m so glad spell-check will put that little thing over the a), and it’s really, really hard to work into conversations.

Lately, my misidentifications have to do with my dad. He was a WWII vet who passed away over a decade ago. But often I go into a restaurant and there’s an eightyish balding man, wearing baggy jeans and a plaid shirt—sometimes suspenders—and even though the face isn’t my dad’s, it’s all I can do not to go over, fall to my knees, touch his face and tell him how much I miss him.

In The Woman Most Wanted, Chief Tom Riley sees a woman he thinks he recognizes, one wanted by the police, and one he has a special interest in. Except it’s a case of mistaken identity. Though it takes him a while to figure out the truth, in his heart, he knows from the beginning that, indeed, Heather Graves was wanted. By him. Forever.

And in this case, it takes an entire book to get over a first impression because, boy, did he blow their first meeting.

Ain’t romance grand?

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