(in discussion with Michael Katakis)
Your country comes across as a big bully. The expectation of Americans in my country is that they’re always right. It’s so damn frustrating. The American way is not always right. Should have some respect for locals.
MM, chartered accountant (male, New Zealander, 38)
Sydney airport
America is a place where you have a chance at opportunity and education. I don’t like the war policy of the United States.
Rey, bartender (female, 32)
Bangkok, Thailand
I like America because it is organized and its best part is its [America’s] technology.
Tan, waiter (male, 45)
Bangkok, Thailand
I don’t find Americans real – they are fake. They don’t have family values and think a lot about themselves. They live only for today.
DL, businessman (male, 31)
New Delhi, India (in conversation with Michael Katakis onboard a train from Delhi to Varanasi
It [America] funds its science which is very positive.
RP, Professor of Bio-Medical engineering (female, 57)
Varanasi, India
I see negative and positive. The positive innovations and scientific discoveries. The negative is there is so much violence that seems to emanate from the government.
NP, computer engineer (male, 36)
Varanasi, India
I have never been to the US though have plenty of friends and relatives settled there for a long time now. I’d be happy to travel to the United States, but the idea of living there is not appealing to me anymore. There’s enough crime, corruption, loneliness and growing racism to steer me away from that thought. I don’t think I would like to be treated like a second-class citizen ever. Also, I’d not like to settle in the US as I don’t want to lead my life driven by capital and commerce. There is more to life than reducing it to a beguiling chase after money. I don’t want a surveillance state to meddle in my affairs. I don’t want technology to supersede human values. I don’t want to miss connecting with myself at some deep, subliminal level. Finally, I don’t want to settle in a hypocrite state that doesn’t tire of talking about democracy, freedom, justice and human rights, but violates their very foundations elsewhere in the world.
SQ, publicity manager (female, 32)
New Delhi, India