I called Jace from inside a stall in the office bathroom. He picked up his phone on the first ring.

“Asshole!” I said. “You must’ve known I would lose my job.”

“Rachel. I can explain.”

“You’re worse than TMZ.”

“Listen to me,” he said. “When Ofer called, it was like eight this morning. I’d just woken up. I thought he was calling about the commercial I’m doing for American Express. I break character to charge a Taser—anyway, he asked me flat-out if we had slept together.”

“He called you to ask if we slept together?”

“Yes! I was confused. I panicked. I figured you’d told him and that I was in trouble. So I told the truth.”

“Why would I tell him we slept together?”

“I don’t know. But he knew, so I just figured. Then, after I said yes, he said he hadn’t talked to you yet and I was like, Oh, shit.”

“So some member of your asshole posse spilled the beans.”

“No! I didn’t tell anyone.”

I wasn’t sure whether to be insulted by his discretion or grateful for it. But I knew he was telling the truth. First of all, he wasn’t that good of an actor. It was me who had been the dishonest one. I’d used him to elevate my status in the eyes of strangers, to prove to Ana that I was desirable. I’d gossiped to her about fucking him.

Then I realized. It was Ana who had told Ofer.