
Notes on Contributors

Introduction: A Critical Dissensus

Paul Bowman and Richard Stamp

The Thinking of Dissensus: Politics and Aesthetics

Jacques Rancière

The Politics of the Police: From Neoliberalism to Anarchism, and Back to Democracy

Samuel A. Chambers

On Captivation: A Remainder from the ‘Indistinction of Art and Nonart’

Rey Chow and Julian Rohrhuber

Politics without Politics

Jodi Dean

Out of Place: Unprofessional Painting, Jacques Rancière and the Distribution of the Sensible

Ben Highmore

The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Political Indeterminacy

Suhail Malik and Andrea Phillips

The Second Return of the Political: Democracy and the Syllogism of Equality

Oliver Marchart

Police Reinforcement: The Anti-Politics of Organizational Life

Linsey McGoey

Paul de Man and Art History I: Modernity, Aesthetics and Community in Jacques Rancière

Martin McQuillan

Film, Fall, Fable: Rancière, Rossellini, Flaubert, Haneke

Mark Robson

On the Shores of History

Alex Thomson

Anti-Sociology and Its Limits

Alberto Toscano

Against an Ebbing Tide: An Interview with Jacques Rancière

Jacques Rancière

Select Bibliography
