Resources for Women’s Spirituality and Celtic Magickal Living
This listing is intended to get you started with networking, or in seeking out your own resources; it is not, by any means, a complete listing of all the Celtic or women’s spirituality resources available. Having access to Pagan organizations and to the major Pagan, Celtic, and women’s spirituality periodicals can provide you with the information you need on women’s gatherings, products, and festivals, many of which are seasonal and cannot be adequately listed here. Remember that when requesting information from any publisher, retailer, or promoter, it is wise-and polite-to send along an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope), or an IRC (international reply coupon) with a self-addressed envelope when soliciting replies outside your own country.
If you are reading this book two years or more from the date of initial publication, it would be wise to query contacts with return postage to check on prices and the availability of goods and services.
Women’s Spirituality Periodicals
The Beltane Papers
P.O. Box 29694-SW
Bellingham, WA 98228-1694
Quarterly “journal of women’s mysteries.” Sample issue $8.50 U.S., $9.50 elsewhere. Subscription $21 in U.S., $35 elsewhere.
Crone Chronicles
P.O. Box 81-1
Kelly, WY 83011
A quarterly “journal of conscious aging.” Sample issue $6.50. U.S. subscriptions $18.
Daughters of Nyx
P.O. Box 1100
Stevenson, WA 98648
Quarterly of “Goddess stories, myth-making, and fairy tales.” Sample issue $5.
New Moon
P.O. Box 3587
Duluth, MN 55803
Bimonthly written and edited by and for girls ages 8-14. In U.S., $25. A companion guide for parents and teachers is also available. Both subscriptions for $45 in U.S.
Of A Like Mind
Box 6677
Madison, WI 53716
A “newspaper and network for Goddess.” Sample issue $4. $15-$35 subscription, sliding scale in U.S., bulk mail; $20-$40 first class. Outside U.S. $25-$45.
“Women’s Spirituality Forum” P.O. Box 11363
Oakland, CA 94611
Small newsletter published by feminist Pagan author and lecturer Zsuzsanna Budapest. Eight issues, $15.
Sage Woman
P.O. Box 641
Point Arena, CA 95468
An award-winning journal of feminist/Goddess spirituality, “Celebrating the Goddess in every woman.” In U.S., $18; $24 elsewhere. You may charge your subscription to a major credit card by calling 1-707-882-2052.
Woman’s Way
P.O. Box 19614
Boulder, CO 80308 (303) 530-7617
A quarterly encouraging spirituality, creativity, and self-discovery. Sample issue $3.50. Annual subscription in U.S., $14.
Celtic and General Pagan Periodicals
Department of Irish Folklore
University College
Dublin, 1
The quarterly journal of the Department of Folklore of Trinity University. Write with IRC for subscription information.
Celtic History Review
216 Falls Road Belfast 12 6AH Ireland
Published quarterly. Current subscriptions to the U.S. are $15 as of this writing, but it is best to query first.
Department of Archaeology
Queen’s University
Northern Ireland BT7 1NN
This is the journal of the Navan Fort Research Group, which studies Celtic prehistory. Write for information.
The Cauldron
Caemorgan Cottage Caemorgan Rd.
Cardigan, Dyfed
SA43 1QU, Wales
Send one IRC for updated subscription information on this quarterly which covers many nature spirituality paths.
Celtic History Review
216 Falls Road
Belfast 12 6AH
Published quarterly. Current subscriptions to the U.S. are $15, but it is best to query first.
Celtic Renewal
P.O. Box30
Greens Farms, CT 06436-0030
Newsletter for those interested in all Celtic spiritualities. Write with SASE for more information.
Circle Network News
P.O. Box 219
Mt. Horeb, WI 53572 fax: (608) 924-5961
Request a sample copy of their excellent periodical ($5, paid in U.S. funds) for more information and current subscription rates. Circle sells printed and recorded music written by and for Pagans. Also look online for Circle’s web site.
Coming Out Pagan
P.O. Box 12842
Tucson, AZ 85732-2942
Quarterly journal for Gay and Lesbian Pagans. Yearly subscription in U.S. $13, Canada $17.
P.O. Box 462
Maynard, MD 01754
This journal of earth spirituality is professionally produced and comes out at lmbolg and Lughnasadh. Only $7 a year. Sample issue $4.
The Green Egg
P.O. Box 1542
Ukiah, CA 95482
Very professionally produced and often controversial. Sample copy, $4.95. Write for other subscription information.
Hearth Circles
P.O. Box 95
Wauconda, WA 98859
A bimonthly, family-oriented Pagan zine. Sample issue, $2. U.S. subscriptions, $18; $22 in Canada.
Hecate’s Loom
Box 5206, Station B
Victoria, BC
Canada V8R 6N4
A quality journal of Paganism, professionally formatted. Yearly rates are $18 U.S., $15 in Canada. Write for other information or check out their web site.
History Ireland
P.O. Box 695
Dublin, 8
From USA: 011 (353) 1-453-5730
Scholarly magazine of Irish history. Write or call for subscription rates.
Hole in the Stone Journal
High Plain Church of Wicca
2125 W. Evans #286
Denver, CO 78023
Professionally produced quarterly focuses on the central Rocky Mountain area. U.S. $12, Canada $17.
Irish American
180 East Central Ave. P.O. Box 209
Pearl River, NY 10965-0209
A bi-monthly journal for the 44 million Americans of Irish descent. One year subscription: $19.95.
The Irish American News
503 S. Oak Park Ave. Suite 204
Oak Park, IL 60303
phone: (708) 445-0700
fax: (708) 445-0784
Another journal for Irish Americans. Current rates $14 in U.S., $20 in Canada, and $36 elsewhere.
The Irish Echo
309 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10016-6548
phone: (212) 686-1266
fax: (212) 686-1756
A journal for Irish Americans. Query for rates.
Keltic Fringe
Box 251 RO#l
Uniondale, PA 18470
A quarterly that approaches Celtic studies-which they spell “Keltic”-from many angles. Focus is not only on mythology and culture, but on present-day issues facing the Celtic nations and their people.
P.O. Box 33284-C
Minneapolis, MN 55433
This popular magazine focuses on Druidism and Celtic magick. Write for current subscription information.
New Moon Rising
12345 S.E. Fuller Rd., #119
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Quarterly journal of magick and Paganism. Send SASE for current rates.
School of Scottish Studies
27 George Square
Edinburgh, Scotland EH8 9LD
This is the journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society. Write with IRC for information.
Box 6091
Madison, WI 53716
A quarterly for solitary Wiccans and Pagans. In U.S., $15 to $36 a year on sliding scale. $3.50 for sample issue.
The World of Hibernia
220 E. 42nd St., Suite 401
New York, NY 10164-2548
A relatively new magazine (1995 premiere) focusing on all things Irish. Write for current subscription rates.
Online Zines
Several of the major Pagan presses, as well as some of the goods and services providers, now have sites on the World Wide Web that carry some of the articles to be found in the most recent issues of their magazines. Hecate’s Loom and Connections are two of the most recent additions as of this writing. Joining the Wiccan/Pagan Press Alliance (membership info can be found in this Appendix), or subscribing to any of the major Pagan journals can keep you apprised of the latest status of Pagans in cyberspace. In the near future it is likely that some new Pagan zines will spring up which will serve only online subscribers.
Music and Video
As of this writing, a new cable television channel is being introduced in the United States called “Celtic Vision: The Irish Channel.” Currently a toll-free number has been set up for inquiries. 1-800-4-Celtic. Or call in Ireland, 353-1-662-3434.
Anyone Can Whistle® P.O. Box 4407
Kingston, NY 12401
This “Catalog of Musical Discovery” carries unique instruments from around the world, many of which include tapes and/or instruction books for learning to play. The most recent catalog featured a Celtic pennywhistle, Gregorian chimes, a German concertina, an Aboriginal digeridoo, and an African rain drum. Also carries novelty items and some recorded music. Write for catalog.
Celtic Video, Inc.
141 E. 33rd Street
New York, NY 10016 (800) 992-3584
Call or write for current catalog.
Circle Sanctuary
See above under “Pagan and Celtic Periodicals.”
Green Linnet Records
70 Turner Hill
New Canaan, CT 06840
Sells recorded Celtic music. Request free catalog.
Rego Irish Records and Tapes
64 New Hyde Park Rd.
Garden City, NY 11530
CDs, cassettes, and videos of Irish music and dance. Also some Scottish items. Send $2 for most recent catalog.
Robin Williamson Productions
BCM 4797
London, England
Producer of Celtic books and musical recordings.
Soaring Spirit
Valley of the Sun Publishing
P.O. Box 683
Ashland, OR 97520-0023
Publishers and sellers of New Age music and of mind/body video and audio tapes, including tapes to aid meditation, past-life recall, and astral projection. First copy of their mag-a-log is free upon request, and will continue to be sent free for up to a year if you order from them.
General Pagan Organizations
Covenant of the Goddess
Box 1226
Berkeley, CA 94704
An internationally known Pagan organization. Very active in politics and ecumenical work. Query for membership information. Members receive COG’s excellent newsletter.
(Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans)
P.O. Box 442
Boyes Hot Springs, CA 95416
(707) 939-7559
National headquarters, which can put you in touch with nearest C.U.U.P.s organization to you.
The Fellowship of Isis Clonegal Castle Enniscorthy
County Wexford, Ireland
This is an international organization of Goddess worshipers with a membership of around 10,000. Send one IRC for response to inquiries.
International Wiccan/Pagan Press Alliance
P.O. Box 1392
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
A membership in the WPPA is open to all, not just to writers and publishers. Current rates are $18 a year U.S., $20 Canada, and $27 elsewhere. The monthly newsletter, The Midnight Drive, discusses the trends and news from the Pagan publishing industry, keeps you abreast of the current state of legal problems and other issues facing the Pagan community, and provides ordering information for books from small presses that are hard to find elsewhere.
Pagan Education Network (PEN)
P.O. Box 1364
Bloomington, IN 47402-1364
Organizes Pagans in all communities on the local level to shape politics in favor of religious freedom and to disseminate correct information about our religion. Information and sample newsletter $3.
The Pagan Federation
BM Box 7097
London WC1N 3XX England
Founded in 1971, this British-based organization seeks to make itself a forum for all European Pagan traditions, and to promote understanding, networking, and exchange of ideas between these diverse groups. Send one SASE or two IRCs for membership information.
Pagan Spirit Alliance and Lady Liberty League
% Circle Sanctuary
Box 219
Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
For membership application to PSA, send SASE to Circle. LLL involves itself in aiding Pagans who face legal difficulties due to their religion.
Witches’ Anti-Defamation League
% Celestial Teaching Center
P.O. Box 8706
Modeled on the very effective Jewish Anti-Defamation League, this group actively combats discrimination against persons involved in nature religions. Include SASE for response.
Witches’ League for Public Awareness
P.O. Box 8736
Salem, MA 01970
Include a business-sized SASE for response. This organization seeks to educate the public about nature religions and tackles discrimination issues.
Witches Today
Box 221
Levittown, PA 19059
An organization whose goal is helping to educate the general public about Witchcraft and Paganism, and in maintaining religious freedom for everyone. If you are interested in aiding their efforts, please write.
World Pagan Network
%Chris West
721 N. Hancock Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
This network is staffed by volunteers (and always looking for others!) from all over the world who attempt to locate local contacts for those who request them. At present there is no charge for this service. Please include a detailed description of the area in which you are searching. If you would like to be listed as a contact person or organization in your area, let them know. If contacting by snail mail, send an SASE or IRC to ensure response.
Odds and Ends
RR #1, Box 213 F
Chester, MA 01011
(413) 623-2155
Request this free catalog of magickal supplies. Carries many books and jewelry with a Celtic flavor.
P.O. Box 433
Arlington Heights, IL 60006
Eclectic catalog full of jewelry, oils, incense, cauldrons, medicine bags, books, statuary, and so on. Alternatives provides a toll-free number ONLY to order, do book searches, and to take requests to find special items not in their catalog (800) 357-2719. All others, please write for current catalog price.
Aphrodite’s Emporium
628 N. 4th Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705
Sells books, jewelry, oils, candles, and gifts with a Pagan focus. Catalog, $3.50.
6504 Vista Ave.
Wauwatosa, Wl53213
This mail order company carries a large stock of brews, oils, and incenses designed for specific Pagan needs such as scrying, spirit contact, and spellwork. Write for free catalog.
373D Route 46
West Fairfield, NJ 07004-9880
(201) 882-1269
Importers of fine Irish goods including Waterford Crystal, Belleek China, coats of arms, Claddagh jewelry, and woolen clothing. Some items are costly, but worth their price. Catalog $4.
Cash’s of Ireland
Mail Order Courier Center
P.O. Box 158
Plainview, NY 11803
Irish imports-clothing, Brighid’s Crosses, Claddagh jewelry, and similar items. Request free catalog.
Celtic Heritage Books
P.O. Box 770637
Woodside, NY 11377-0637
(718) 478-8162
Send $2 for current catalog.
Compass Grove
Box 100
Hartland Four Corners, VT 05049
The full-color catalog is worth the $5 asking price. Offers a wide range of Pagan products.
Co-Op Essentials
5364 Ehlich Rd., Suite 402
Tampa, FL 33625
Sells fine essential oils. Prices vary by demand. Send $1 for most current price list.
Dreaming Spirit
P.O. Box 4263
Danbury, CT 06813-4263
Natural, homemade incenses and resins, oils, and tools for using them. Dreaming Spirit welcomes queries about custom blends of incenses or oils. The $2 for their catalog is refundable with your first order.
Dufour Editions, Inc.
P.O. Box 7
Chester Springs, PA 19425
Publishers and sellers of books about and from Ireland. Includes a good selection of hard-to-find mythology, children’s books, and poetry from ancient times. Request free catalog.
The Flame
P.O. Box 117
Korbel, CA 95550
The Flame bills its catalog as “complete.” They carry all manner of ritual and magickal items. Catalog, $2.00.
Gypsy Heaven
115 S. Main St.
New Hope, PA 18938 (215) 862-5251
Bills itself as “The Witch Shop of New Hope.” Request catalog of magickal supplies, oils, jewelry, statues, cards, and similar items.
Halcyon Herb Company
Box 7153 L
Halcyon, CA 93421
Sells not only magickal herbs, but also staffs, brooms, cloaks, drums, and other items of interest to Pagan folk. Current catalog, $5.
Herb Closet
c/o Osaanyin Herbal Cooperative
P.O. Box 964
Montpelier, VT 05602
Incenses, oils, and extracts. Specializes in rare and exotic plants.
Highlander Soaps
P.O. Box 1521
Plainville, MA 02762
Handmade soaps, bath salts, bath oils, dusting powders, and other toiletries that “celebrate the Celtic heritage.” Send SASE for brochure and current price list.
Indiana Botanical Gardens
P.O. Box 5
Hammond, IN 46325
Sellers of herbs, teas, charcoal blocks, herbal medicines and some books on alternative health care. Request free catalog.
The Institute of Irish Studies
(Institiuid le Leann na hEireann)
6 Ho1lyrood Park
Dublin 4 Ireland
From Europe: (01) 269-2491
From U.S.A.: (011) 353-1-269-2491
Offers summer courses in Irish heritage and culture through Dublin’s prestigious Trinity University. Though the courses are presented at a college level, no prior knowledge of subject matter is presumed. Some classes involve field trips to historic sites as well as classroom work.
Irish Castle Gift and Mail Order
537 Geary
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 474-7432
Sells a large variety of items imported from Ireland.
JBL Devotional Statues
P.O. Box 163
Rt. 1, Box 246
Crozet, VA 22932
Includes Irish deities. Request free catalog.
Kenny Bookshop of Galway Book Club
High Street Galway Ireland
phone: 011-353-91-62739
fax: 011-353-91-68544
Custom-designed mailing packages sent on approval. Accepts major credit cards. Fire up your search engines and check out Kenny’s web site as well.
Leydet Oils
P.O. Box 2354
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Sellers of fine essential oils. Price list $3.
Light and Shadows
Catalog Consumer Service
2215-R Market St., Box 801
San Francisco, CA 94114-1612
Write for their free metaphysical supply catalog, or fire up your search engines and check out their web site.
Box 948
Madison, NJ 07940
Sellers of herbs, incenses, oil blends, and other tools. Catalog, $1.
McNamara’s Green
P.O. 15822
Seattle, WA 98115
This catalog carries art, jewelry, stickers, sun-catchers, and jewelry with a Celtic flair. Most of it is rather inexpensive. I have ordered from them for years and have always been happy with their products. Catalog and annual supplements, $2.50.
Moon Scents and Magickal Blends, Inc. P.O. Box 1588-C
Cambridge, MA 02238
Sells all manner of magickal paraphernalia and books. Request free catalog.
Mythic Force
92-734 Nenelea
St. Ewa Beach, HI 96707
(808) 672-3988
Jewelry, art, t-shirts, glassware, and notecards copied from Pagan designs and ancient museum pieces-many of them Celtic in origin. Catalog is $1, and will be credited to your first order.
Nature’s Jewelry
27 Industrial Ave.
Chelmsford, MA 01824-3692
Sellers of seasonal and nature-oriented jewelry. Designs include moons, suns, autumn leaves, faeries, snowflakes, cornucopia, jack o’ lanterns, dolphins, snakes, and holly. Also an excellent source for gift exchange items for Pagan gatherings and festivals. Write to request a free catalog.
11002 Massachusetts Ave.
Westwood, CA 90025-3510
(310) 575-3717
POTO is an acronym for “Procurer of the Obscure.” Their mail order catalog features services, and rare books and herbs for those in the magickallife. Special orders and requests always welcome. Send $5.00 for current catalog and ordering information.
Really Wild ‘n’ Mild Celts
P.O. Box 280114
Dallas, TX 75228-1014
Send $1.00 plus an SASE for information on RWMC’s God and Goddess art, divinations, and other merchandise.
Sacred Spirit Products
P.O. Box 8163
Salem, MA 01971-8163
Sellers of books, magickal tools, herbs, incense, and other occult items. Catalog, $3.
Duty Free Mail Order c/o Aer Lingus
Building 87, Cargo Plaza
Jamaica, NY 11430-1727
Duty free Irish imports. Request free catalog.
1430 Willamette # 119
Eugene, OR 97401
Crafters of ritual blades and magick mirrors. Send $1.00 for brochure.
Wildwood Fragrances
717 Spruce St.
Boulder, CO 80306
Creates and sells oils, perfumes, potpourris, incenses, oils, and other items, many constructed to align with the energies of deities or festivals. Also offers a mail-order course in blending ritual oils, incenses, and so on. Catalog is $2, refundable with your first order.