

A beggar in a tall hat and long cloak, with a cottage and two figures in the background

A cavalry fight

A man making water

A peasant calling out ’Tis vinnich kout’

A peasant in a high cap, standing leaning on a stick

A peasant replying ‘Dats niet’

A polander standing with his stick: right profile

A stout man in a large cloak

A woman making water

A young man seated and standing [The walking trainer]

Abraham and Isaac

Abraham casting out Hagar and Ishmael

Abraham Entertaining the Angels

Abraham Francen, apothecary [born 1613]

Abraham’s Sacrifice

Adam and Eva

Arnold Tholinx, inspector [died 1679]

Bald old man with a short beard, in right profile

Bald-headed man in right profile [The artist’s father?]

Bald-headed man in right profile: small plate [The artist’s father?]

Bearded man in a velvet cap with a jewel clasp

Bearded man, in a furred oriental cap and robe [The artist’s father?]

Bearded old man with a high forehead

Beggar in a high cap, standing and leaning on a stick

Beggar leaning on a stick, facing left

Beggar man and beggar woman conversing

Beggar man and woman

Beggar man and woman behind a bank

Beggar seated on a bank

Beggar seated warming his hands at a chafing dish

Beggar with a crippled hand leaning on a stick

Beggar with a wooden leg

Beggar with his left hand extended

Beggar woman leaning on a stick

Beggars receiving alms at the door of a house

Bust of a man wearing a high cap, three-quarters right [The artist’s father?]

Bust of an old bearded man, looking down, three-quarters right

Bust of an old man with a flowing beard, the head bowed forward, the left shoulder unshaded

Bust of an old man with a fur cap and flowing beard, nearly full face, eyes direct

Bust of an old man with flowing beard and white sleeve

Bust of an old woman in a furred cloak and heavy headdress

Canal with a large boat and bridge [‘Het schuytje op de voorgrondt’]

Canal with an angler and two swans

Christ and the woman of Samaria: among ruins

Christ and the woman of Samaria: an arched print

Christ appearing to the apostles

Christ at Emmaus: the larger plate

Christ at Emmaus: the smaller plate

Christ before Pilate: larger plate

Christ carried to the tomb

Christ crucified between the two thieves [‘Three crosses’]

Christ crucified between the two thieves: an oval plate

Christ disputing with the doctors: a sketch

Christ disputing with the doctors: small plate

Christ driving the moneychangers from the Temple

Christ preaching [‘La petite tombe’]

Christ preaching [‘The hundred-guilder print’]

Christ presented to the people: the oblong plate [‘Ecce homo’]

Christ returning from the Temple with his parents

Christ seated disputing with the doctors

Clement de Jonghe, printseller [1624/25-77]

Clump of trees with a vista

Cornelis Claesz. Anslo, preacher [1592-1646]

Cottage with a white paling

Cottages and farm buildings with a man sketching

Cottages beside a canal

David in prayer

Death appearing to a wedded couple from an open grave

Diana at the bath

Ephraim Bonus, Jewish physician [1599-1655]


Four illustrations to a Spanish book

Girl with a basket

Head of a man in a fur cap, crying out

Head of a man in a high cap

Jacob caressing Benjamin

Jan Antonides van der Linden [1609-64]

Jan Asselyn, painter [‘Crabbetje’; 1610-52]

Jan Cornelis Sylvius, preacher

Jan Cornelis Sylvius, preacher [1564-1638]

Jan Lutma, goldsmith [1584-1669]

Jan Six [1618-1700]

Jan Uytenbogaert, [1606-84; ‘The goldweigher’]

Jan Uytenbogaert, preacher of the Remonstrants

Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

Joseph telling his dreams

Joseph’s coat brought to Jacob

Jupiter and Antiope: the larger plate

Jupiter and Antiope: the smaller plate

Landscape with a cottage and a large tree

Landscape with a cottage and haybarn: oblong

Landscape with a cow

Landscape with a fisherman [‘Het melkboertje’]

Landscape with a hay barn and a flock of sheep

Landscape with a road beside a canal

Landscape with a shepherd and a dog [‘Het jagertje’]

Landscape with a square tower

Landscape with an obelisk

Landscape with three gabled cottages beside a road

Landscape with trees, farm buildings and a tower

Ledikant or ‘Lit à la française’

Lieven Willemsz, van Coppenol, writing-master [1599 - after 1677]

Lieven Willemsz, van Coppenol, writing-master: the larger plate

Man at a desk wearing a cross and chain

Man drawing from a cast

Man in a broad-brimmed hat

Man in a coat and fur cap leaning against a bank

Man in an arbor

Man wearing a close cap: bust [The artist’s father?]

Medea: or the marriage of Jason and Creusa

Naked woman seated on a mound

Negress lying down

Nude man seated before a curtain

Nude man seated on the ground with one leg extended

Old bearded man in a high fur cap, with eyes closed

Old beggar woman with a gourd

Old man in a long cloak sitting in an armchair

Old man in meditation, leaning on a book

Old man shading his eyes with his hand

Old man with a divided fur cap

Old man with a flowing beard

Old man with a flowing beard: bust

Old man with beard, fur cap and velvet cloak

Old man with snub nose

Old woman seated in a cottage with a string of onions on the wall

Old woman sleeping

Peasant family on the tramp

Peasant with his hands behind his back

Peter and John at the gate of the Temple: roughly etched

Peter and John healing the cripple at the gate of the Temple

Pharisees in the Temple [Jews in the synagogue]

Pieter Haaringh [‘Young Haaringh’; 1609-85]

Polander leaning on a stick

Portrait of a boy, in profile

Ragged peasant with his hands behind him, holding a stick

Samuel Menasseh ben Israel [1604-57]

Saskia with pearls in her hair

Seated beggar and his dog

Seated naked woman [‘Woman bathing her feet at a brook’]

Seated naked woman with a hat beside her [Woman at the bath]

Self portrait [?] with plumed cap and lowered sabre

Self portrait bareheaded, with high curly hair: head and bust

Self portrait bare-headed: bust, roughly etched

Self portrait drawing at a window

Self portrait in a cap and scarf with the face dark: bust

Self portrait in a cap, laughing

Self portrait in a cap, with eyes wide open

Self portrait in a cloak with a falling collar: bust

Self portrait in a flat cap and embroidered dress

Self portrait in a fur cap, in an oval border

Self portrait in a fur cap: bust

Self portrait in a heavy fur cap: bust

Self portrait in a soft hat and embroidered cloak

Self portrait in a velvet cap with plume

Self portrait leaning forward: bust

Self portrait leaning on a stone sill

Self portrait open-mouthed, as if shouting: bust

Self portrait wearing a soft cap: full face, head only

Self portrait with a broad nose

Self portrait with cap pulled forward

Self portrait with curly hair and white collar

Self portrait with long bushy hair: head only

Self portrait with raised sabre

Self portrait with Saskia

Self portrait, frowning: bust

Self portrait, leaning forward, listening

Sheet of studies of men’s heads

Sheet of studies with the head of the artist, a beggar woman, woman and child

Sheet of studies, with a woman lying ill in bed, etc.

Sheet of studies: head of the artist, a beggar couple, heads of an old man and woman, etc.

Sheet with two studies: a tree, and the upper part of a head of the artist wearing a velvet cap

Sick woman with a large white headdress [Saskia]

Simeon’s hymn of praise [The presentation in the Temple with the angel: the small plate]

Simeon’s hymn of praise [The presentation in the Temple: oblong print]

Six’s bridge

Sleeping puppy

Small gray landscape: a house and trees beside a pool

St. Francis beneath a tree praying

St. Jerome beside a pollard willow

St. Jerome in a dark chamber

St. Jerome kneeling in prayer, looking down

St. Jerome kneeling: a large plate

St. Jerome praying: arched print

St. Jerome reading

St. Jerome reading in an Italian landscape

St. Paul in meditation

St. Peter in penitence

Student at a table by candlelight

Studies of the head of Saskia and others

The adoration of the shepherds: a night piece

The adoration of the shepherds: with the lamp

The agony in the garden

The angel appearing to the shepherds

The angel departing from the family of Tobias

The artist drawing from the model

The artist’s mother in a cloth headdress, looking down: head only

The artist’s mother seated at a table, looking right: three-quarter length

The artist’s mother seated, in an oriental headdress: half-length

The artist’s mother with her hand on her chest: small bust

The artist’s mother: head and bust, three-quarters right

The artist’s mother: head only, full face

The artist’s son Titus

The baptism of the eunuch

The barrel-organ player [Polander standing with arms folded]

The bathers

The beheading of John the Baptist

The blind fiddler

The blindness of Tobit: a sketch

The blindness of Tobit: the larger plate

The boat house [Grotto with a brook; ‘Het spelonkje’]

The bull [‘Het stiertje’]

The card player

The circumcision

The circumcision in the stable

The circumcision: small plate

The crucifixion: small plate

The death of the Virgin

The descent from the cross by torchlight

The descent from the cross: a sketch

The descent from the cross: the second plate

The entombment

The first oriental head

The flight into Egypt: a night piece

The flight into Egypt: a sketch

The flight into Egypt: crossing a brook

The flight into Egypt: the small plate

The flute player [L’espiegle]

The fourth oriental head

The goldsmith

The goldweigher’s field

The golf player

The Good Samaritan

The great Jewish bride

The hog

The holy family

The large lion hunt

The leper [“Lazarus clep”]

The little Jewish bride [Saskia as St. Catherine]

The monk in the cornfield

The Omval

The pancake woman

The Persian

The phoenix or the statue overthrown

The presentation in the Temple in the dark manner

The quacksalver

The raising of Lazarus: the larger plate

The raising of Lazarus: the small plate

The rat-poison peddler [The rat catcher]

The rest on the flight into Egypt

The rest on the flight: a night piece

The rest on the flight: altered from Seghers

The rest on the flight: lightly etched

The return of the prodigal son

The second oriental head

The shell [Conus Marmoreus]

The shepherd and his family

The ship of fortune

The skater

The sleeping herdsman

The small lion hunt: with one lion

The small lion hunt: with two lions

The Spanish gypsy ‘Preciosa’

The star of the kings: a night piece

The stoning of St.Stephen

The strolling musicians

The third oriental head

The three trees

The tribute money

The triumph of Mordechai

The Virgin and the child with the cat and snake

The Virgin with the instruments of the passion

The white negress

The windmill

The woman with the arrow [Venus and Cupid?]

Thomas Haaringh [‘Old Haaringh’; died 1660]

Three heads of women, one asleep

Three heads of women, one lightly etched

Three oriental figures [Jacob and Laban?]

Three studies of old men’s heads

Turbaned soldier on horseback

Two beggars tramping towards the right

Two studies of beggars

Two tramps, a man and a woman

View of Amsterdam from the northwest

Virgin and child in the clouds

Woman at a door hatch talking to a man and children [‘The Schoolmaster’]

Woman reading

Woman sitting half dressed beside a stove

Young man in a velvet cap [Petrus Sylvius, preacher?; 1610-53]