1. Lovat Fraser, 260

  2. Ex-Civilian, vol. 2, 252

  3. Maynard lecture in Rawalpindi, 1913, Maynard Papers

  4. Christie, 45–6

  5. Beames, 223–5

  6. Ward to Wyndham, 15 September 1903, Ward Papers

  7. Pearce, 245–6

  8. Sifton to father, 21 May 1903, Sifton Papers

  9. Beames, 122

  10. Arnold (1993), 208-29, passim; Gilmour (2005), 208–10

  11. Reid, 51; William and Mildred Archer, 38–40

  12. Wakefield, 91–2

  13. Horsley to father, 25 May 1890, Horsley Papers; Fryer to Elgin, 11 October 1895, Elgin Papers

  14. Butler to uncle, 11 February 1891, Harcourt Butler Papers

  15. Butler to mother, 20 May 1891, Harcourt Butler Papers

  16. Unpublished recollections in Wingate Papers; Reid, 44–5

  17. Francis to Phelps, 19 August 1893, Phelps Papers

  18. Maynard to Murray, 20 March 1887, Gilbert Murray Papers

  19. Woolf, 180

  20. Hunt and Harrison, 135

  21. Hatch-Barnwell, 28

  22. Francis to Phelps, 24 September 1893, Phelps Papers

  23. Yeats-Brown (1930), 97

  24. Whish, 316

  25. Reid, 135

  26. Woolf, 247

  27. Herbert Thompson, 96; Hatch-Barnwell, 83

  28. Memo on appointments in Wenlock Papers

  29. Hickey, vol. 4, 341

  30. Aberigh-Mackay, 41

  31. Maconochie, 90

  32. Woodruff, The Guardians, 196

  33. Curzon to Cunningham, 23 January 1899, Curzon Papers

  34. Tupper, 315; Hamilton to Curzon, 20 October 1899, Curzon Papers

  35. Hamilton to Curzon, 23 January 1901; Curzon to Hamilton, 13 February 1902, Curzon Papers

  36. Christie, 61, 64

  37. Christie, 66

  38. Unpublished memoir, Hayward Papers; Darling (1966), 20

  39. MacDonnell to the Englishman, July 1884, MacDonnell Papers; Kanwar, 45

  40. Lyall letters to mother and sisters, 1871–4, Lyall Papers

  41. Note in Clerk Papers

  42. Lovat Fraser, 471–2

  43. Coen, 37

  44. Herbert Thompson, 46, 124–5

  45. Walter Lawrence, 66, 73; Durand, 182–3

  46. Walter Lawrence, 128, 142

  47. Humphrey Trevelyan, 165

  48. Humphrey Trevelyan, 154

  49. Walter Lawrence, 60–62

  50. Grigg to E. Grigg, 13 February 1893, Grigg Papers

  51. Chenevix Trench (1987), 19

  52. Malleson to Mayo, 29 August 1869, Argyll Papers

  53. Wakefield 172, 177; Chenevix Trench (1987), 164; Lee-Warner to Durand, 9 May 1887, Durand Papers

  54. Gilmour (2005), 168–71

  55. Chenevix Trench (1987), 56

  56. Winston Churchill, 145–6

  57. Letters from Tweedie to Durand, August 1885, Durand Papers

  58. Letters from E. Lorimer to parents, March–April 1911, Overend Lorimer Papers

  59. Godley to Curzon, 6 January 1899, Curzon Papers

  60. Gilmour (1994), 269

  61. Letters from E. Lorimer to parents, 1911–12, Overend Lorimer Papers

  62. Gordon-Alexander, 280

  63. Unpublished memoir by H. E. Shortt in Shortt Papers; unpublished memoir by Ernest Bradfield in Bradfield Papers

  64. Macleod, 154; unpublished memoir in B. A. Amies in Amies Papers

  65. John Morris, 76.

  66. Notes in Crichton Papers, and obituary in the Lancet, 19 May 1984

  67. Notes in Crichton Papers, and obituary in the Lancet, 19 May 1984

  68. From notes in Leventon Papers

  69. Unpublished memoir in Bradfield Papers

  70. Unpublished memoir in Shortt Papers

  71. Unpublished memoir in Bradfield Papers

  72. Unpublished memoir in Bradfield Papers

  73. Unpublished memoir in Bradfield Papers

  74. Trevelyan, 154–5