§10 A Great Catch of Fish (Luke 5:1–11)
Luke’s story of the great catch of fish parallels Mark 1:16–20, which Luke expands, partly by utilizing other Marcan details (see Mark 4:1–2, where it is necessary for Jesus to preach to the crowds from a boat) and by drawing upon his own special information. (Some scholars think that Luke’s information regarding the great catch of fish is somehow related to the similar episode in John 21:1–11.) Mark’s account of the calling of Simon (Peter), James, and John takes place shortly after the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:16–20). Although Jesus had begun to proclaim the kingdom of God (Mark 1:15), no reason is given for why these Galilean fishermen would be inclined to follow Jesus. But Luke’s arrangement does afford a logical context. Jesus has been preaching throughout Galilee (4:14–15, 31–32, 43), has performed numerous healings and exorcisms (4:33–37, 40–41), and has healed Peter’s mother-in-law (4:38–39). The miraculous catch of fish provides a fitting climax, and it becomes easy for the reader to understand why Peter, James, and John would drop their nets and follow after Jesus (See Talbert, p. 59).
Luke’s view of Peter calls for a brief discussion. In the Lucan Gospel, Peter (who is called “Simon” consistently until Jesus changes his name to “Peter” in 6:14) enjoys a position of prominence among the disciples and a position of closeness, almost endearment, approximating the relationship between Jesus and the “beloved disciple” in John’s Gospel. When one realizes to what extent the evangelist Mark cast the disciples, particularly Peter, in a negative light and that Luke utilized this Gospel as one of his major sources, one can appreciate the special effort this evangelist has undertaken in rehabilitating Peter. Although probably not the only reason, it would seem likely that Luke desired to portray Peter as positively as possible in view of his future prominence in the early church, as can be seen in Acts 1–11.
Luke’s special interest in Simon Peter is seen in the miraculous catch of fish. When Jesus desired to board one of the boats so that he could address the crowds, he chose the one that belonged to Simon (v. 3). After the miraculous catch of fish it is Peter who cries out to Jesus (v. 8; see note below). Moreover, when Jesus speaks to the disciples (see Mark 1:17) Luke has him address Peter (5:10). Elsewhere in Luke, Peter is portrayed as spokesman for the disciples (9:20, 33; 18:28, all of which come from Mark, but see 12:41) or is named as one of the two disciples sent to fetch the donkey on which Jesus would ride into Jerusalem (22:8; see Mark 14:13 where Peter is not named). Although Peter’s close association with Jesus (along with James and John) is not unique to Luke (see 8:51; 9:28), there are several noteworthy features involving Peter found in the Lucan passion and resurrection stories. Only Luke recounts Jesus’ prayer in behalf of Peter, that his faith may not fail and that afterward, having recovered, he might strengthen his brothers (22:31–32). (In contrast, Mark’s account leaves the reader very much in doubt with regard to Peter’s condition.) This then leads into Peter’s assertion, also unique to Luke: “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death” (22:33). Later, when Jesus is arrested and Peter joins those standing by the fire (22:54–55), unlike Mark who then takes the reader inside to Jesus and his accusers (Mark 14:55–65), Luke proceeds immediately with Peter’s denials (22:56–60). There are several minor differences between the Marcan and Lucan accounts, but the most noteworthy is where Luke alone tells us that after the cock crowed, “The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter” (22:61). Furthermore, whereas Mark tells us that after the cock crowed, Peter went outside and “wept” (14:72), Luke says that Peter “wept bitterly” (22:62). Luke’s editorial activity heightens the pathos of this scene, leaving the reader with a sense of empathy for the fallen Peter. Following Jesus’ resurrection, Mark only mentions the angel (or “young man”) at the tomb, who commands the frightened women to tell Peter and the disciples that Jesus will appear to them in Galilee (16:7), but no actual appearance is recorded (Mark 16:9–20 had not yet been attached to the ending of Mark’s Gospel when Luke made use of this document). Luke, however, reports in 24:34 that the Risen Christ did indeed appear to Peter. Luke also manages to cast Peter in a better light by omitting two of Peter’s more embarrassing moments: the rebuke he received for disapproving of Jesus’ passion plans (see Mark 8:32–33) and his reproach by Jesus for sleeping, instead of watching and praying (see Mark 14:37).
The central concern of the episode of the great catch of fish is not the miracle itself, but Jesus’ call to Peter to begin preparation for his ministry as an apostle. Jesus has been teaching throughout Galilee (4:43), has performed healings and exorcisms (4:33–35, 40–41), and now, through the catch of fish, has extended his first call of discipleship (5:11). The miracle itself aptly illustrates Jesus’ words in v. 10: from now on you will catch men. Peter the fisherman, a man who had expended his energies trying to catch fish for a living, has now left his nets behind and has begun his life’s training as one of Christ’s apostles.
5:1 / Luke 5:1 contains Luke’s first instance of the expression, the word of God, an expression that occurs frequently in both of his writings (see Luke 8:11, 21; 11:28; Acts 4:31; 6:2, 7; 8:14; 11:1; 13:5, 7, 44, 46, 48; 16:32; 17:13; 18:11). When the expression occurs in the Book of Acts it refers to the gospel, the message of the church. In Luke, of course, Jesus uses it in reference to the kingdom of God. By employing the same expression in both the Gospel and Acts, Luke links Jesus’ preaching and the later apostolic preaching.
Lake of Gennesaret is also commonly referred to as the “Sea of Galilee” (see Mark 1:16; Matt. 15:29) into which and from which the Jordan River flows. See HBD, p. 330.
5:2 / fishermen, who were washing their nets: See E. F. F. Bishop, “Jesus and the Lake,” CBQ 13 (1951), pp. 398–414.
5:3 / Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat: Lachs (pp. 66–67) notes that although it was customary for a rabbi to teach in the synagogue or academy, there are many examples of rabbis teaching out in the open.
5:5 / In this verse Jesus is called Master for the first time in the Gospel of Luke. Whereas the other Synoptic Gospels refer to Jesus as “Teacher” or “Rabbi,” only in Luke is he called “Master,” and only by his followers (see Luke 8:24, 45; 9:33, 49; 17:13).
5:8 / Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!: Fitzmyer (p. 567) has correctly noted that Peter is not asking Jesus to get out of the boat, but to “leave the vicinity,” i.e., wherever Peter is. In more fully coming to recognize who Jesus is, Peter is overwhelmed by his own sense of sinfulness and unworthiness; see Tiede, p. 118.
5:10 / you will catch men may be translated literally: “You will be catching [or taking] human beings alive.” Mark’s version (1:17) reads literally: “I shall turn you into fishermen of men.” It has been suggested that because catching fish brings harm to the fish (in that they die), Luke has rephrased the words of Jesus to avoid such an implication. (Lachs [p. 66] suggests that Luke has misunderstood a Semitic idiom.) The word that Luke uses (i.e., “catching [or taking] alive”) is used in the LXX “for saving persons alive from danger” (Marshall, p. 205; for examples he cites Num. 31:15, 18; Deut. 20:16).
5:11 / followed him: This is the first time that the word “to follow” occurs in Luke’s Gospel, “where it often will be used of Christian discipleship” (Fitzmyer, p. 569; he cites Luke 5:27–28; 9:23, 49, 57, 59, 61; 18:22, 28). Josephus (Antiquities 8.354) states that Elisha “followed” Elijah (LXX 1 Kings 19:21). Lachs (p. 66) notes that the expression “to follow after” means to be a disciple of a rabbi.