
Video tip: Never have your subject look directly
at the camera unless he or she is specifically
addressing the audience.

I get out of the shower and see that I have a missed call. From Chelsea, of all people. She says she wants to hear about my solution for the project, but she also wants to know what I’m up to tonight.

Is this some kind of joke—something like the video of me falling again? A prank? Maybe Ross is mad about the way things ended before and he wants to play a trick on me.

I’m so paranoid for even thinking these things.

I get dressed, mostly because I want to stall calling her back. Once my hair is dry, I decide to just take the plunge and make the call.

“Hello?” she answers on the third ring.

There’s noise in the background. She must be out somewhere.

“Hi, it’s Dina,” I say.

“Do you have plans tonight?” she asks.

I almost say no without even thinking about it because I’m so used to not having plans. But then I remember that I actually do have plans—with the Acceptables.

“Yeah,” I say.

“Oh. Kendall, Molly, and I were wondering what you were up to,” she says, and it sounds kind of like she’s about to burst out laughing. “Well, what are you doing? I mean, maybe you can come hang out for, like, a little while.” I hear voices in the background. It must be Kendall and Molly. They were talking about me? “By the way, they’re sorry about the video.”

The number of nights I wished for something like this to happen is too sad to mention. Like, every night before I went to bed. And now it’s happening, and it feels off somehow. And I already have plans.

Things like this make me question my faith in the universe. I just don’t get it. Why couldn’t they have invited me over weeks ago, when I really needed them? Why couldn’t they have invited me to the movies?

Why now? What changed?

“Oh, I’m actually going over to Maura’s,” I say and it feels sort of like being invited to meet the president but declining the invitation because you have to hang out with your cousin. And a cousin you don’t even really like that much. But then I realize I’m excited to go to Maura’s. She’s not a cousin—she’s a friend. I’ve been looking forward to it. I would much rather be with Maura and the Acceptables, who like me, than these girls.

Chelsea doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. “So come before. When are you going over there?”

It seems like she’s trying too hard. If I go over there, I’ll probably get a bucket of water dumped on my head when I walk through the door. Or maybe I just watch too much television.

“Thanks, Chelsea, but I have plans,” I say. “Have fun, though. I’ll see you in school.”

“Okay,” she says. “Oh, and Dina?” She’s almost whispering now, and it seems quieter in the background, like she moved away from where she was before.


“I’m sorry. Like, for being horrible pretty much the whole time we’ve been working together.” She clears her throat.


“Do you forgive me?”

“I guess,” I say. “You weren’t that horrible.” I laugh. “Well, you were just a little horrible.”

Yeah, she told me we weren’t friends. Yeah, she didn’t stand up for me when her friends posted that video. But it’s not like she threw food at me or embarrassed me in class. Or pulled my pants down in front of everyone. There are way worse things. “But forget about that for now!” I’m not sure how this conversation went on this long and we didn’t discuss Ross’s idea for the project. “I need to tell you about the idea, the solution to the video!”

“Oh, yeah! Tell!”

So I tell her about how Ross suggested that everyone could say one cool thing about themselves and then we could cut it together and make the faces and voices of Rockwood Hills.

“It sounds so perfect!” Chelsea says, and I can tell she means it. “By the way, you should call Ross.”

“Huh?” I ask.

“He likes you, Dina.” I wait for her to say more, but she doesn’t.

I know that he likes me. I just don’t really know what to do with that information. But that’s too pathetic to admit.

“Just call him. Just to say hi. See what happens.” She pauses. “And have fun tonight.”

I hang up and go downstairs, where I find my mom and my bubbie and her jokes club. They’re always so happy to see me, and that feels good.

“Look at this beautiful girl,” my bubbie says. “Have you ever seen someone so beautiful?”

She always says stuff like this, so I’m kind of used to it by now. And besides, it’s one thing to hear your grandma tell you you’re beautiful; it’s another thing for a boy to say it or for the other girls at school to think you’re pretty.

“The boys went bowling, so we decided to make it a girls’ night,” my mom says. I wonder if she gets depressed at the fact that she hangs out with women in their seventies. “Want to join us? We’re having baked ziti.”

“I have plans, Mom.” I’m annoyed she didn’t remember. This is a momentous occasion. And I’m not even dreading it. She should be more excited. “Remember?”

She nods, smiling, but trying to act that she’s not way too excited.

When I get to Maura’s, the Acceptables are all in the den eating tortilla chips and guacamole.

“We’re not studying yet,” Trisha says. “Obvs.”

I laugh. “Okay, fine with me.”

“Come sit.” Katherine pats the couch. “We’re watching some show about wedding planners to the staaaaaars.”

I sit next to Katherine, and she passes me the bowl of chips and the bowl of guacamole.

“She’s pretty,” Maura says about the bride who’s on the screen now. “But that dress—I don’t know—she can do better.”

“Totally agree,” Katherine says after a sip of soda.

It’s funny because we’re not even doing anything that exciting. We’re just sitting here watching some show that I’d never choose to watch on my own. But it’s relaxed and fun. I’m not stressing about what I’m going to say. Or stressing about what I’m not saying.

“That’s gonna be you and Ross when you get married,” Trisha says to me. “Ha, ha.”

She’s referring to this cheesy couple who are meeting with the wedding planner and seem so blissfully in love.

“Yeah, right.” I laugh. I keep thinking about what Chelsea said on the phone before, about how I should call him. Chelsea knows what she’s talking about when it comes to this kind of stuff. I should listen to her. I should call him, especially when I have the support of the Acceptables around me.

We spend the next few hours watching episode after episode of this stupid show, saying that each couple on the screen is actually someone from our school.

“That’s so what Maria Penso’s gonna be like!” Trisha shouts. “She’s such the diva!”

We go into Maura’s kitchen for drop-and-bake chocolate chip cookies. I will call Ross as soon as we’re done eating the cookies—that’s what I tell myself over and over again. I’m sitting on one of the high wooden stools when I feel my phone vibrating.

I take it out and look at it.

It’s Ross.

“Who’s calling you?” Katherine asks.

“Um … Ross.” I smile. I don’t know if I should answer or not. I was supposed to call him. I guess it’s better this way. But I just keep staring it, looking at it ringing, not answering it.

“Get it! Duh!” Trisha yells. She leans over and pushes the green answer button for me. I give her a look like I’m annoyed, but I’m really not.

I turn my back, because I feel weird talking right in front of them. They get the point because a few seconds later, they’ve left the kitchen.

“Hi,” Ross says. “I’m just gonna say this. Okay?”

“Um, okay.” I try not to laugh. I feel like I laugh at every single thing Ross says all the time, and I really don’t want to.

“I like you. I think you like me. So, let’s go out.”

I peek into the oven to check on the drop-and-bake cookies because it’s easier to focus on that than to focus on the fact that Ross just asked me out. “Sounds good to me,” I say finally.


“Good.” I laugh. I can’t help it.

“See you in school,” he says.

After I hang up, Maura, Katherine, and Trisha come rushing back in, like they were listening at the door.

They come over, and all lean in and hug me. The kitchen smells like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and Maura’s heated kitchen floor feels so good on my feet.

“You have a boyfriend,” Katherine says.

“And it’s Ross!” Trisha adds.

“Have a cookie!” Maura says, taking the tray out of the oven.

We all crack up.

As we’re eating cookies and drinking chocolate milk, I decide that they’re definitely not the Acceptables.

They’re the Favorables now.