Chapter 15


No Enchantment

A while back, we had an office in Manitou Springs, Colorado. A rumor was floating around that the leading satanist in America had bought the house next door and was moving there to establish his headquarters. It turned out to be just a rumor and never came to pass, but while the rumor was circulating, people came to me and asked, “Are you putting your building up for sale? Will you be moving out of Manitou Springs?” When I asked why I would move, they answered, “Because the satanic high priest is moving in next door!”

I replied, “I hope he moves in next door. That guy needs Jesus.”

“But he’s the highest priest of Satan in America!”

“I don’t care,” I said.

People who get overwhelmed by that stuff don’t understand the power of the blessing. Satan can’t stop what God has said and done, unless we get into fear and believe that he can.


Back when they still allowed smoking on airplanes, I sat next to a satanic high priest on a flight. He wanted to curse me, cut out my heart, and offer me for a sacrifice. We were sitting in the last row of seats and I was in the middle seat, sandwiched in between this guy at the window and one of my employees who had the aisle seat. The satanist smoked two cigarettes while we were still parked at the gate. The stewardess came by and told him it was time to stop smoking. He just cursed her up and down. This guy was vile, vicious, and mean. He had a beard down to his waist and wore an army field jacket full of holes from cigarette burns. He stunk badly and his fingernails were about an inch long, with green and yellow crud coming out from underneath them. This fellow was grody, filthy, and nasty—and I was sitting next to him.

I started trying to talk to him, inquiring about where he was from and things like that. When I asked, “What kind of work do you do,” he answered, “Work?” (Remember Maynard, the beatnik who didn’t work, from the Dobie Gillis show? That’s exactly what this guy sounded like.) He continued, “Why should I work when the government pays me a good living to get my food out of trashcans? I’m on welfare. This capitalistic system can’t function without ten percent unemployment. I’m just helping the system.”

I started telling him about how God created Adam and Eve and gave them some work to do (Genesis 2:5). I said, “You need to do something, not only to be a blessing to others, but for your own self.” Then I started talking to him about the Lord, but he wouldn’t listen. Although he looked out the window, I kept talking to him. By this time, the plane had taken off and we were in the air. He just turned around, stuck his nose up against mine, and screamed, “You are speaking to a disciple of the Maharishi,” or something like that. He gave out this big, long name that I discovered afterward was a name for the devil. Later in our conversation, he admitted to being a satanic high priest and claimed that he had cut out the hearts of more than twenty people while offering human sacrifices. This guy was a mess! He had just screamed at me nose to nose (literally), and there was hate and fire in his demon-possessed eyes.

What would you have done in that situation? Would you have grabbed the hand of the other guy sitting next to you and said, “We need to pray! In the name of Jesus, we bind these demons…”?

This fellow had challenged me, so I just stuck my nose right up against his and screamed back at him, “You are speaking to a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, and my God is bigger than your god!” You should have seen what this guy did. When I said that, he freaked out! Fear and terror came on him. He jumped up, put his feet on the seat, and leaned back against the wall. He started barking like a dog, clicking his teeth, and doing all kinds of stuff. Two Filipino ladies seated in front of us were staring back at us. I could see their eyes peeking over at us from just above their seats.

“Shoot Your Best Shot!”

I just lit into this guy. “Your god’s a loser. He’s a nobody!” You know, we never had a stewardess come back there, and the six rows in front of us just vacated. I don’t know where the other passengers went; they were just gone.

“Your god is a loser. What a dud he planted here next to me. You’re a sorry representative of your god. You have to eat out of trashcans. You stink. Who would want to serve your god?” I just let the man have it.

It was an hour-and-a-half flight, and we went back and forth the whole time. At one point he stated, “I have to go to the bathroom.” He got up and went and when he returned, he was cool. I don’t know what he did, but he had calmed down. He looked out the window and commented, “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

I answered, “Every day’s a great day with Jesus.” At the mention of the name of Jesus, he jumped right back up and started barking again. Then he threatened me, saying, “I’ve killed twenty-seven people, offering their hearts as a human sacrifice. I can curse you, and you’ll be dead in minutes!”

I replied, “Proverbs 26:2 says that the curse causeless shall not come. I dare you. Curse me. It’ll come back on you. Shoot your best shot!” I just dared the guy.

The Witch Moved

He declared, “I’d die for my devil. I love my devil. I’d die for my Satan.”

I countered, “You have died. You’re dead and don’t even know it. Who wants to be like you?” I just let this guy have it. Of course, I also told him about the goodness of God and gave him an opportunity to be saved. He didn’t take it.

You need to understand that God has blessed you and that nobody can reverse that blessing unless you get into fear. You’re blessed of God! He has spoken His favor over you.

R. W. Schambach told me a story about a woman who came to him for prayer. She said, “Brother Schambach, would you please pray that I could get a new place to live?”

“Why do you need a new place to live?”

“The woman next door to me is a witch. She comes over at night and puts powder in front of my door and says chants. Weird things are happening, and I’ve just got to leave.”

Brother Schambach answered, “I will not pray for you. If anybody needs to leave, it’s the witch. I’ll tell you what to do.” So, he whispered something to her.

That night she went home, turned the lights off, and stayed up. When the witch came over and sprinkled the powder in front of the door, this woman opened the door up, kicked off her shoes, and, in her stocking feet, started dancing and praising God, shouting, “Thank You, Jesus!” She defied the witch and the next day, the witch moved.

Satan Is Afraid of You!

God has blessed you, and that blessing cannot be reversed unless you reverse it. You need to start believing in the power of a blessing!

Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them.

Numbers 23:20-21

When Balaam said that God had not beheld iniquity in Jacob, it wasn’t because there wasn’t any. Consider what the Lord said to Moses:

I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people: Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.

Exodus 32:9-10

God got so mad at the Israelites that He told Moses, “Get out of My way; leave Me alone. I’m going to kill them all and start over, making a brand-new nation out of you!” The Lord saw perverseness and iniquity, but when it came to the enemy trying to curse Israel, their goodness or badness didn’t affect Him. He dealt with them on the basis of covenant. Israel had a covenant with God, and when somebody tried to curse His people, God said, “I have not beheld iniquity in them.”

Did you know that God also deals with you on the basis of covenant—your new covenant in Christ? When somebody tries to come out against you, Satan will make you think, Well, I deserve this treatment. The truth is, you have a covenant with God. You are blessed by God, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re doing everything you should or not. Even at your worst, you are better than the devil at his best. I don’t care how bad you’re living, you have a covenant with God and you shouldn’t be afraid of the devil. Satan is afraid of you (James 4:7)!

Defy Sickness

Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!

Numbers 23:23

There is no thing or enchantment that can come against God’s people. If you are born again and Jesus lives in your heart, you’re blessed. If you can understand and believe that you’re blessed, God’s favor has been spoken over you. You ought to defy sickness and disease. You should defy cancer and poverty. Those things are curses!

If you’re not sure about the truth of what I’m saying, look up Deuteronomy 28 for yourself. Verses 1 through 14 list what God considers blessings, and verses 15 through 68 list all of the curses. Blessings include health, prosperity, joy, peace, abundance, and deliverance from enemies. Curses include negative things such as the botch (boils), emerods (tumors), mildew, disease, and every kind of sickness—even the ones not listed in this chapter (see verse 61). Positive things are listed as blessings, and negative things are considered curses.

Religion has come along and said, “God put this cancer on you to teach you something. He’s done this to break you and make you better. It’s really a blessing.” Cancer is not a blessing! It’s a curse.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20


Religion has made many Christians call sickness “good” and healing “of the devil.” What? Religion screws everything up.

You’re blessed. If you understood what I’m sharing, you would defy sickness, poverty, emotional instability, depression, discouragement, fear, and every other curse because you are not cursed, you’re blessed! People aren’t walking in God’s best, because they’ve bought a lie that this is just normal and they have to live this way. It’s not true. You don’t have to be this way. After you have a child, you don’t have to have postpartum blues. You don’t have to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That is a curse. Many people have come to me who have been totally healed of PTSD, and they had been in some bad situations! But they heard these truths, rejected the curse, and started walking in the blessing.

You have limited God. You have not been receiving His blessing. God has blessed you. There is nothing—no enchantment—that can come against you unless you empower it by your unbelief.