Early in my writing journey a seasoned author told me to, “Enjoy writing your first book. It’s the only one people aren’t waiting for.” And now I understand exactly what she meant. A second book brings with it a whole set of new challenges and pressures.

So it is with utmost gratitude that I thank the people who carried me through this journey:

To Najla and her amazing team at Qamber Designs and Media, for creating the covers of my dreams.

To Jolene Perry, my editor, for always knowing the perfect balance between tough love and cheerleading.

To Deb, Emily, Niomi, Sharon, and Tricia, thank you for taking time away from your busy lives to proofread this book. As a former copywriter, I’m mortified to find typos in my books. Thank you for saving me from that fate.

To Sandy and Tami, for always knowing exactly how to talk me down from the ledge.

And to my husband, my best friend and my most ardent fan, it’s been a hard year. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

And, as ever, a great big thank you to the readers. I appreciate your support and kind words more than I can say!