
You would not be holding this novel in your hands were it not for an incredible group of people:

First and foremost would be my wife of thirteen years and best friend for over thirty, Dawn Vail. Her love, patience, and support over the course of this journey speaks volumes about the beautiful soul that thrives inside her body.

My agent, Barbara Poelle, a wondrous mix of Wolverine and Charles Bukowski. She would go to the mat for me, or to the nearest liquor store to get me a fifth. I couldn’t ask for more.

The entire crew at Midnight Ink, in particular Terri Bischoff, Nicole Nugent, Courtney Coulton, and Kevin R. Brown.

To my incredibly supportive family: Sandy, Ed, Sherri, Jim, Siobahn, Garrett, Janet, and Ron. Thank you for loving me as you do.

And my parents, both of whom had a transcendent love of books. My mother, Roz, took me to the library as soon as I was able to read and let me bring home as many books as I could carry, time and time again. For that, and so much more, I will be eternally grateful.