Work with the Statelessness and the Request-Response Pattern

With the help of a simple practical example, let's work with the statelessness and the request-response pattern. Here are the steps:

  1. Type this URL: This is a Wikipedia web page about ASP.NET Core.

We'll talk about ASP.NET later in this chapter.
  1. From the preceding URL, the browser fires a request to the Wikipedia server.
  2. The web server at Wikipedia serves you the ASP.NET Core web page.
  3. Your browser receives that web page and presents it.
  4. Now, request the same page again by typing the same URL again ( and pressing Enter.
  5. The browser again fires the request to the Wikipedia server.
  6. Wikipedia serves you the same ASP.NET Core web page without being aware of the fact that the same resource was requested previously.
  1. Here's a screenshot from the Wikipedia page showing requests and responses:
As mentioned earlier, there are several mechanisms to maintain the state. Let us assume, for the time being, that no such mechanism is implemented here.