
JODY CORBETT, WHO EDITED SAVING ZASHA AND FINDING ZASHA, DESERVES CREDIT FOR MAKING THEM BOTH BETTER BOOKS THAN I COULD HAVE MADE THEM WITHOUT HER. SHE WORKS HARDER THAN ANY TWO people, reads faster and more deeply, and has the best ideas to make a story come alive. Thank you, Jody, for your kindness, your generosity, and for sharing your incredible talent and love of books.

Many thanks to my literary agent, Marlene Stringer, without whom Ivan, Zasha, and Thor would not have found a home. I’m sure I’m not aware of even half of the work you do behind the scenes, and all the stress that entails. But I know that you will always tell me the truth and give me reason to hope. Thank you for being there.

Thank you to the children who have taken the time to write to me. I love your e-mails and letters, and I am thrilled to know we are sharing a story together. I particularly like it when you give me suggestions about what to write about next and what to name the animals!

My husband, Arthur, will always get a special thanks for going to his studio so that I can write, even when he doesn’t feel like it. That is the very definition of a good man.

Lastly, to the people of Leningrad who were there during the siege: You were in my heart and mind as I wrote and read about that terrible time. I hope that in some small way I have helped people remember what you endured.