Debuggers are the apple of the hacker's eye. Debuggers enable you to perform runtime tracing of a process, or dynamic analysis. The ability to perform dynamic analysis is absolutely essential when it comes to exploit development, fuzzer assistance, and malware inspection. It is crucial that you understand what debuggers are and what makes them tick. Debuggers provide a whole host of features and functionality that are useful when assessing software for defects. Most come with the ability to run, pause, or step a process; set breakpoints; manipulate registers and memory; and catch exceptions that occur inside the target process.

But before we move forward, let's discuss the difference between a white-box debugger and a black-box debugger. Most development platforms, or IDEs, contain a built-in debugger that enables developers to trace through their source code with a high degree of control. This is called white-box debugging. While these debuggers are useful during development, a reverse engineer, or bug hunter, rarely has the source code available and must employ black-box debuggers for tracing target applications. A black-box debugger assumes that the software under inspection is completely opaque to the hacker, and the only information available is in a disassembled format. While this method of finding errors is more challenging and time consuming, a well-trained reverse engineer is able to understand the software system at a very high level. Sometimes the folks breaking the software can gain a deeper understanding than the developers who built it!

It is important to differentiate two subclasses of black-box debuggers: user mode and kernel mode. User mode (commonly referred to as ring 3) is a processor mode under which your user applications run. User-mode applications run with the least amount of privilege. When you launch calc.exe to do some math, you are spawning a user-mode process; if you were to trace this application, you would be doing user-mode debugging. Kernel mode (ring 0) is the highest level of privilege. This is where the core of the operating system runs, along with drivers and other low-level components. When you sniff packets with Wireshark, you are interacting with a driver that works in kernel mode. If you wanted to halt the driver and examine its state at any point, you would use a kernel-mode debugger.

There is a short list of user-mode debuggers commonly used by reverse engineers and hackers: WinDbg, from Microsoft, and OllyDbg, a free debugger from Oleh Yuschuk. When debugging on Linux, you'd use the standard GNU Debugger (gdb). All three of these debuggers are quite powerful, and each offers a strength that others don't provide.

In recent years, however, there have been substantial advances in intelligent debugging, especially for the Windows platform. An intelligent debugger is scriptable, supports extended features such as call hooking, and generally has more advanced features specifically for bug hunting and reverse engineering. The two emerging leaders in this field are PyDbg by Pedram Amini and Immunity Debugger from Immunity, Inc.

PyDbg is a pure Python debugging implementation that allows the hacker full and automated control over a process, entirely in Python. Immunity Debugger is an amazing graphical debugger that looks and feels like OllyDbg but has numerous enhancements as well as the most powerful Python debugging library available today. Both of these debuggers get a thorough treatment in later chapters of this book. But for now, let's dive into some general debugging theory.

In this chapter, we will focus on user-mode applications on the x86 platform. We will begin by examining some very basic CPU architecture, coverage of the stack, and the anatomy of a user-mode debugger. The goal is for you to be able create your own debugger for any operating system, so it is critical that you understand the low-level theory first.

A register is a small amount of storage on the CPU and is the fastest method for a CPU to access data. In the x86 instruction set, a CPU uses eight general-purpose registers: EAX, EDX, ECX, ESI, EDI, EBP, ESP, and EBX. More registers are available to the CPU, but we will cover them only in specific circumstances where they are required. Each of the eight general-purpose registers is designed for a specific use, and each performs a function that enables the CPU to efficiently process instructions. It is important to understand what these registers are used for, as this knowledge will help to lay the groundwork for understanding how to design a debugger. Let's walk through each of the registers and its function. We will finish up by using a simple reverse engineering exercise to illustrate their uses.

The EAX register, also called the accumulator register, is used for performing calculations as well as storing return values from function calls. Many optimized instructions in the x86 instruction set are designed to move data into and out of the EAX register and perform calculations on that data. Most basic operations like add, subtract, and compare are optimized to use the EAX register. As well, more specialized operations like multiplication or division can occur only within the EAX register.

As previously noted, return values from function calls are stored in EAX. This is important to remember, so that you can easily determine if a function call has failed or succeeded based on the value stored in EAX. In addition, you can determine the actual value of what the function is returning.

The EDX register is the data register. This register is basically an extension of the EAX register, and it assists in storing extra data for more complex calculations like multiplication and division. It can also be used for general-purpose storage, but it is most commonly used in conjunction with calculations performed with the EAX register.

The ECX register, also called the count register, is used for looping operations. The repeated operations could be storing a string or counting numbers. An important point to understand is that ECX counts downward, not upward. Take the following snippet in Python, for example:

counter = 0

while counter < 10:
     print "Loop number: %d" % counter
     counter += 1

If you were to translate this code to assembly, ECX would equal 10 on the first loop, 9 on the second loop, and so on. This is a bit confusing, as it is the reverse of what is shown in Python, but just remember that it's always a downward count, and you'll be fine.

In x86 assembly, loops that process data rely on the ESI and EDI registers for efficient data manipulation. The ESI register is the source index for the data operation and holds the location of the input data stream. The EDI register points to the location where the result of a data operation is stored, or the destination index. An easy way to remember this is that ESI is used for reading and EDI is used for writing. Using the source and destination index registers for data operation greatly improves the performance of the running program.

The ESP and EBP registers are the stack pointer and the base pointer, respectively. These registers are used for managing function calls and stack operations. When a function is called, the arguments to the function are pushed onto the stack and are followed by the return address. The ESP register points to the very top of the stack, and so it will point to the return address. The EBP register is used to point to the bottom of the call stack. In some circumstances a compiler may use optimizations to remove the EBP register as a stack frame pointer; in these cases the EBP register is freed up to be used like any other general-purpose register.

The EBX register is the only register that was not designed for anything specific. It can be used for extra storage.

One extra register that should be mentioned is the EIP register. This register points to the current instruction that is being executed. As the CPU moves through the binary executing code, EIP is updated to reflect the location where the execution is occurring.

A debugger must be able to easily read and modify the contents of these registers. Each operating system provides an interface for the debugger to interact with the CPU and retrieve or modify these values. We'll cover the individual interfaces in the operating system—specific chapters.