Defining Groups default retention rules

Previously, we learned how Groups allow administrators to create special emails that allow you to create custom email addresses that handle specific topics, and users can subscribe to them to facilitate routing messages. A very common example for a support group would be

Keeping a copy of these messages is important, so let's see how we can set up retention rules so that we can define for how long the system should keep them.

Follow these steps to configure Groups default retention rules:

  1. Click on the Groups tab.
  2. Enable Set a default retention rule for Groups.


  1. Set the Duration to one of the following options:
    • Indefinitely: This will keep the messages for as long as the account exists. I recommend using this option.
    • N days from when the message was sent: This will keep the messages for the amount of days set here. You can specify a period of up to 36500 days (100 years). If you set a limit, then you must also set the Action after expiration, as follows:
      • Expunge deleted messages: This will erase the messages that the user has already deleted
      • Expunge all messages: This will erase all messages that are older than the retention period
  2. Click Save.
  3. If you set a retention limit, you will be asked to confirm that you understand the consequences. Please read and confirm each.

Now that you have mails, files, and groups covered, let's continue by setting up the Hangouts Chat log retention rules in the next section.