
THE PREPARATION FOR PUBLICATION OF THESE LECTURES, from thousands of pages of auditors’ notes, has had a long gestation. Like a complex jigsaw puzzle assembled by numerous hands over many years, this work would not have been possible without the contributions of many individuals, to whom thanks are due. The Philemon Foundation, under its past presidents Steve Martin and Judith Harris, past copresident, Nancy Furlotti, and present president, Richard Skues, has been responsible for this project since 2004. Without the contributions of its donors, none of the editorial work would have been possible or come to fruition. From 2012, the project has been and continues to be supported by Judith Harris at UCL. From 2004 to 2011, the project was principally supported by Carolyn Fay, the C. G. Jung Educational Center of Houston, the MSST Foundation, and the Furlotti Family Foundation. The project was also supported by research grants from the International Association for Analytical Psychology in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

This publication project was commenced by the former Society of Heirs of C. G. Jung (now the Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung), between 1993 and 1998. Since its inception, Ulrich Hoerni has been involved in nearly every phase of the project, actively supported between 1993 and 1998 by Peter Jung. The executive committee of the Society of Heirs of C. G. Jung released the scripts for publication. At ETH Zurich, the former head of the archives, Beat Glaus, made scripts available and supervised transcriptions. Ida Baumgartner and Silvia Bandel transcribed shorthand notes of the lectures; C. A. Meier provided general information about the lectures; Marie-Louise von Franz provided information about the editing of Barbara Hannah’s scripts; Helga Egner and Sonu Shamdasani gave editorial advice; at the Jung Family Archives, Franz Jung and Andreas Jung made scripts and related materials available; at the Archives of the Psychological Club, the former chairman, Alfred Ribi, and the librarian, Gudrun Seel, made lecture notes available; Sonu Shamdasani found notes taken by Lucy Stutz-Meyer. Rolf Auf der Maur and Leo La Rosa provided legal advice and managed contracts.

In 2004, the Philemon Foundation took on the project, in collaboration with the Society of Heirs of C. G. Jung, and since 2007, with its successor organization, the Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung, and the ETH Zurich Archives. At the Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung, Ulrich Hoerni, former president and executive director, Daniel Niehus, president, and Thomas Fischer, executive director, oversaw the project, and Ulrich Hoerni, Thomas Fischer, and Bettina Kaufmann, editorial assistant, reviewed the manuscript. Since 2007, Peter Fritz of the Paul & Peter Fritz Agency has been responsible for managing contracts. At the ETH Zurich Archives, Rudolf Mumenthaler, Michael Gasser, former directors, Christian Huber, director, and Yvonne Voegeli made scripts and related documents available. Nomi Kluger-Nash provided Rivkah Schärf’s shorthand notes of some of the lectures, which were then transcribed by Silvia Bandel. Steve Martin provided Bertha Bleuler’s shorthand notes of some of the lectures.

The editorial work has been overseen by Sonu Shamdasani, general editor of the Philemon Foundation. Between 2004 and 2011, the preparatory phase of the compilation of the scripts and editorial work was undertaken by Angela Graf-Nold at the former Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Zurich. From 2012 the compilation and editorial work has been undertaken by Ernst Falzeder and Martin Liebscher at the Health Humanities Centre and German department at UCL.

The editor of this volume, Ernst Falzeder, offers thanks to the board members of the Philemon Foundation, with particular gratitude to Judith Harris; Angela Graf-Nold, for providing the preparatory ground he could build on; Mark Kyburz and John Peck, who established a first translation on the basis of Graf-Nold’s preliminary draft; the team at Princeton University Press, who were always supportive and always there in the sometimes difficult and delayed making of this book, in particular, Fred Appel, executive editor, Jay Boggis, copyeditor, Karen Carter, project manager, who dedicated much time to this project, and Virginia Ling, who created the index; Gertrude Enderle-Burcel, Österreichische Gesellschaft für historische Quellenstudien; Erika Gonsa; Thomas Fischer; Ulrich Hoerni; Martin Liebscher; Christine Maillard, University of Strasbourg; Sonu Shamdasani; Tony Woolfson; Gemmo Kosumi; Gerhard Laber; Marina Leitner; the members of the Phanês group ( Anna Dadaian, Alessio De Fiori, Gaia Domenici, Matei Iagher, Armelle Line-Peltier, Tommaso A. Priviero, Quentin Schaller, Florent Serina, Josh Torabi, and Dangwei Zhou; and the community of the translators’ forum at