Phase 1 – The Following Weeks
You have read through 6 weeks of a sample menu that  gives you a pretty good idea what you should eat for each meal. The menu involves eating some fruits and some carbs every day. If it’s not oatmeal for breakfast and quinoa or brown rice for lunch, then it’s a cooked buckwheat suggestion for a snack.
In following weeks, feel free to swap lunches from day to day (dinners too), but keep breakfasts as is. It’s important to mix carbs and to eat oatmeal for breakfast every second day. Also try to eat different carbs for each lunch. After 3 weeks, your palate will hopefully have changed and after 6 weeks you should not feel the need for fast food lunches anymore. By then, most people will abandon ideas about pizza, muffins, donuts and even meat and potato lunches and switch completely to Superfoods meals. Rotate different leafy greens in your diet, and add them to stews or salads (dandelion leaves, kale, watercress, mustard greens, Brussels sprouts). Remember to massage those leafy greens before adding them to salads.
Weight Maintenance – Phase 2
Phase 2 is essentially a weight maintenance diet and I have been on it for more than 5 years. This diet should be self-regulating, because you won’t eat any processed food or wheat and Superfoods alone should satisfy all your needs. Also, junk food cravings should be almost non-existent. After my initial weight loss, from 275 pound (125 kg) to 195 pounds (89 kg), I felt great, looked decent and decided that an additional weight loss would have to wait for a while. Since then, my weight went from 195 pounds (89 kg) to 210 pounds (95 kg) and back. A few times I have hit 210 pounds, as I let my weight slowly creep up to 202 pounds and then I wouldn’t take care for a few weeks (with a few birthdays and holidays in between) and then I suddenly noticed that my belt was close to bursting. My belt was my main weight measurement tool and as soon as I noticed that I would have to change it to the next hole, I would go back to Phase 1. In a few weeks everything would be back to normal, meaning that my belt would be in the same hole, but I would feel that was much looser than it was before.
Phase 2 meals are essentially very close to those in Phase 1, but there are more carbs, proteins, fatty meats parts and nuts included. Savory breakfasts can consist of a Superfoods quiche or frittata or a richer oatmeal breakfast with more seeds or nuts. Any stir-fry would be a proper stir-fry with 1 cup of cooked brown rice/quinoa. Snacks should stay the same, except that you can have more fruit (2 apples instead of one) or more nuts or seeds. A sample menu for 2 weeks is included as well as some new recipes (mostly recipes for a slow cooker). Calories are not listed for those recipes because you should not feel like you’re on a diet.