Name: Anoushka Broncia LECH
My name is Anoushka Broncia LECH and I am 17 years old and I live at 224 Chaucer Street, East Camberwell. I am making this statement with my mother Broncia LECH present on this the 16th day of May. I am a Year 11 student at Balwyn Girls Grammar. On Monday 2nd May I was with my schoolfriend Alberta Jane BYRON. I had stayed at her house on Sunday night in Cotham Road, Balwyn, and we went to sleep around 11pm. Bertie and I were driven to school on Monday morning by Bertie’s mum who was on her way to work. After school that day I went straight home.
I do not know Terry BARNES personally, but I know who he is because he makes fake ID cards. He made one for Bertie about six months ago and I went with her to collect it. I can’t remember exactly where Terry’s flat was, but it was one of those two-storey orange brick blocks with stairs on the outside. Terry was pretty friendly and joked around a bit with Bertie and then he gave her the ID card and she paid and we left. On the way home Bertie got a text from Terry saying, ‘I like your friend’. We just laughed because he seemed like a bit of a stoner. About a week later I got a friend request on Facebook from Terry, but I ignored it. I looked at his friends list and they all looked like stoners too. Bertie was on his friends list though, because she’s friends with anyone on Facebook. About a week after I ignored his request, he messaged and asked if I wanted to hook up sometime, so I blocked him. I convinced Bertie to block him too. I don’t know Terry BARNES. I never went to his house. I never heard from him again.
I hereby acknowledge that this statement is true and correct and I make it in the belief that a person making a false statement in the circumstances is liable to the penalties of perjury.
Broncia LECH as guardian for Anoushka Broncia LECH
Acknowledgement made and signature witnessed by me at 4.17pm on 16th May at St Kilda Road Police Station.
Acting Detective Sergeant 29902