From: Alice King
Tuesday 7 June 6:16 PM
How’s Constable Plod and his ship of fools? Any progression?
I had to go and see Mrs Carmichael again today, which was actually pretty cool. Not just because of her non-nun status, but also because seeing Mrs Carmichael means I get out of other things – like Sister Mary Bernadette’s ordination mass – Yippeeee! I mean, it’s bad enough that she’s ruining her life but who wants to sit around and watch? So I told Mrs Carmichael that churchy things do nothing but remind me of Johnny’s funeral and she agreed I shouldn’t have to go. I HEART Mrs Carmichael! Anyway, she signed me out, then gave me this hand-out about the four stages of grief. I hope I don’t get tested on it later, but it was quite interesting – all about the stages a person goes through, like if someone dies – shock, denial, anger and acceptance. Mrs Carmichael says I’ve been pretty much in the shock and denial stage for months, which is why I didn’t feel anything and that now, because of throwing the jaffle maker at Siobhan and all, it’s obvious that I’ve hit the anger phase.
Don’t worry, though, CC, by the time I get back to Melbs I’ll definitely be out of the anger stage and probably well into full-blown acceptance, which is when I guess I’ll just go skipping down the corridor saying, ‘Ah well Johnny, ya win some, ya lose some, hey?’ Mrs Carmichael says that even though I’m throwing stuff and slamming doors, it’s super important that I express my anger – so I’m actually doing REALLY well and when it comes to processing my emotions I’m clearly getting As. Did I mention I LOVE Mrs Carmichael? I hope Mum’s people are just as good up there at Warburton. It feels good to know that since I haven’t quite graduated from the anger phase, I can still give Sister Catherine the finger or throw stuff at Siobhan O’Connor – gotta cram it in while it lasts.
Alice xx
From: Celia Beasley
Wednesday 8 June 6:16 PM
Today after school, we drove up the drive and there, chalked on the bricks, was this:
Who would write that? Why? What does it even mean? Cleo thinks it’s probably someone we know, but my friends can spell. I feel sick.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, this morning Grandma found Grandpa’s precious SLR camera cold and wet on the grass. Grandma was really cross because Grandpa loved that camera and she gave it to Cleo against her ‘better judgment’ when he died. Cleo grunted and waved and cried and then went and sorted pegs until she calmed down. It’s really strange, though, because Cleo’s careful with her cameras and she’s got that many. They’re always in her pouch or schoolbag.
Anyway, Mum ended up taking me to Dr Reid this afternoon. I explained that, every time I lie down, I feel like the trees are whispering warnings through the window, tapping and whispering, and leaving the bedroom light on doesn’t help at all. And that was before the chalking. Dr Reid prescribed tablets but I’m not going to take them. If I sleep something might happen, Alice, someone might come, and I’d be too groggy to do anything. I’m scared now, Alice, really scared. Everything feels slippery, like running in socks on tiles. I can’t get any grip.
From: Alice King
Thursday 9 June 9:42 PM
I cracked a full shiver when I read what you found chalked in your driveway. WHO would do that? Are you sure it’s not just Jaime being incredibly annoying, and clearly retarded? God! Tess might be a lot of things (okay, mostly just slutty), but she’d NEVER go that far. It’s not even funny. Just very very mean.
So . . . I’ve decided to focus mostly on good news, even though there is still a serial killer on the loose, who specialises in girls like us. Mum has been improving each day. Dad says she’s pretty much stopped crying and if she keeps it up she’ll be coming home soon! And I’m not allowed to say anything to her yet, but when she does we’re going to have a proper family celebration lunch ’cause we missed out on the whole festive season last summer with Johnny. Next bit of good news is that I’ll be back for that weekend and at this stage it looks like it’ll be Friday 17 June – not long, CC! Third piece of good news is that YOU and I will be able to catch up and I was thinking on the Sunday we could go to the Camberwell market ’cause I’ve been sooooooo deprived of shopping and ever since my shock and denial have lifted, I’ve heaps of good ideas for sewing. So do you want to come? I hope you don’t mind if my parents are there. Mum’s been making noises about it and I probably don’t have the heart to tell her not to. Anyhow – her and Dad are actually good to have at the market – in a funding kind of way.
Final piece of good news – I’ve got my appetite back. For a while there, I was worried I might be anorexic which would go against everything I stand for. Seriously, anorexics are the most tedious people ever. Anyway, I can smell dinner wafting about right now and I am staaaarving! I’ll even wolf down the packet custard for dessert.
Remember to check out Sunday 19 June for the market.
Speak soon, xxx
PS Hey, I had an idea about your poems – like I said before, I used to make these cool dresses out of old tablecloths, so we could embroider some of your words on the front and round the hems – wherever. What do you think?