Dr Lorraine Bird
Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist
ABN 74 274 649 190
Provider No: 3389403948T
June 13th
Progress Report
Patient Name: Hallie Gabrielle Knight
DOB: 30/11/1995
Assessment and Formulation Summary
Hallie has experienced acute symptoms of anxiety over the past two days, relating to the physical and emotional trauma she has endured in revisiting the alleged site of her incarceration to assist police investigations. She is in a dissociative state, suffering from acute post-traumatic stress disorder.
Treatment Summary
Hallie is receiving regular sedation to assist with her recovery. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and supportive counselling will be provided to assist Hallie to develop strategies for managing symptoms.
Outcomes and Recommendations
Hallie should be fully supervised until her condition improves. Given her reaction to the alleged site of her incarceration, re-exposure is likely to be detrimental to her wellbeing. She will remain as an inpatient until she stabilises, however it is my recommendation that she is unfit to be interviewed by the police at this time, as it would be detrimental to her recovery.