

acupuncture 179

“Adoration Society” 355

affection 115116, 348

aging 107108

agrarian society 261262

Americans, American culture 43, 4748, 53, 70, 173, 294

ancestor worship 1, 3, 4, 8, 14, 25, 38, 55, 9596, 108109, 149, 157159, 196, 254, 273, 364365

animism 245, 327

apology 290291

apps 281

“Arirang” (song) 1011

Arirang (movie) 10

Arirang (novel) 11

aristocracy 341346

arranged marriages 165168, 224225

arts 245, 283284

associations, business 135

astrology 131, 167, 311312

authoritarianism 220221

authority 101102, 220221


Baekji kingdom 78

beauty 244245

birthdays 1314, 107108

Book of Filial Piety (Confucius) 193194

bowing 128130

bribery 256259

Buddhism 2225, 64, 83, 116, 149, 152154, 228, 243, 244, 254, 306, 307, 309

Buddhist monks 7, 2223, 25, 81

Buddhist sects 25

business culture 15, 20, 21, 2629, 3132, 38, 41, 4748, 102104, 118119, 125, 135, 144, 146, 156, 165, 190, 191, 200, 214219, 229, 282283, 307309, 309310, 362363


calligraphy see writing system

ceramics 283284

character, developing 178

character, Korean 194

Chin I Hwang 249

China 2122, 4445, 52, 62, 67, 7779, 8586, 97, 234

Chinese writing system 67, 68, 70, 235, 248, 298

Ching dynasty (China) 86

Chongsun county 11

Christianity 154155

city life 169

civil service examination 211214, 342

clan record 350

clans 149150

clothing, Korean 1314

coins 81

“comfort women” 267

communication, nonverbal 129130

communism 90

companies 102104

compassion 115116

competition, competitive spirit 2021, 106, 229230, 239

concubines 6, 159, 166167, 187, 225, 301, 341, 342, 345, 353

conformity 105106

confrontational attitude 280

Confucian academies 236237

Confucian principles 194

Confucian sages 196

Confucianism (see also Neo-Confucianism) 1, 3, 6, 33, 34, 83, 136, 138, 141, 149, 152, 154, 158, 162, 170, 184, 191196, 223, 228, 254, 257, 260, 291, 300, 364365, 366

connections, personal 360362

consultant-advisor 191

cosmic energy 178179, 285287

courtesy 198199

creation myth 75, 203, 292

creativity 61

criticism 1415

cultural misunderstanding 269

cultural nationalism 148, 204206


daughters 5, 108109, 122, 125, 224, 226, 349

deference 156157, 173

dialects 99

diaspora, Korean 147

dignity 338339

discrimination 145

division of Korea 91

divorce 8, 9, 223224

domestic shrines 193

dress, traditional 6467

drinking culture 4953, 218, 282, 288, 289, 339

duty 329330


economy 1617, 93, 296

education 5859, 195196, 211214, 234241, 253, 299300, 314, 342

elderly 363364

emotions 133, 172172, 301

energy (cosmic) 178179

English language 362364

enlightenment 192

entertainment 38, 40, 283, 287289

entertainment girls 6, 38, 52, 63, 186190, 353

eroticism 67

ethics 4244, 327, 365366

etiquette 365366

Ewha Women’s University (Seoul) 238, 356

examinations 211214, 216, 239

experts 190191


face, saving face 2931, 171, 252, 260, 290, 320, 332, 339

factions, factionalism 275276

failure 309310

fairness 196197, 260

family 6, 19, 3738, 42, 54, 55, 104, 108110, 122124, 141142, 144145, 170171, 302303, 310311, 330

family relationships 170171

farmers 261

fate, fatalism 335336

father-king 2

fathers, fatherhood 13, 34, 35, 39, 54, 101, 109, 138139, 147, 157, 158, 170, 193, 224, 272, 273, 303, 331, 334, 361

feelings 172, 180181

female emancipation 243, 254

festivals 321, 325

fighting spirit 140142, 157, 176178, 194, 208209, 290

filial piety 108110, 239

“Five Blessings, The” 19, 336

food 9497, 175176, 322

force (ki) 178179, 324

foreigners 268271, 328, 330, 334, 336337, 363

formal procedures 137138

fortune-telling 130132, 226

Foundation Day 94

“four pillars” 167

freedom 127128

friendship 3738, 333334

funerals 222


gender equality 197, 355357

gender roles 254255, 301, 348349

Genghis Khan 23, 82

“gentlemen scholars” 341346

geomancy 285287

gift giving 256259, 304305

gifts, types 305

ginseng 120121

girls, entertainment 186190

gods and spirits 1819

government 134135

grandfathers 144145, 365

grandmothers 14

greetings 118119

grudges 180, 339340

guests 320321


“Hall of Worthies” 160

handicrafts 283284

Hangeul Word Processor 281

Hanyang 83

happiness 5657

harmony 105106, 180, 192, 216, 256, 293295, 331, 348

Harvest Moon Festival 159

heating, underfloor 274

herbal medicine 6264

“Hermit Kingdom” 161

history 7794

hobbies 46

Honam region 145146

honor 252253

hospitality 320321

hostesses 288

household 142

humility 293295, 340

Hwang Yi 236


industrialization 151

inequality 195

infant mortality 13

inferiority complex 357359

international marriages 200203

internet 281

introductions 316317

intuition 10, 267269

“Irish of the Orient” 335

Islam 154


Japan 8, 20, 26, 58, 82, 8490, 100, 110113, 147, 161163, 183, 204205, 207, 237, 263, 266267, 284, 295296, 352

Japanese invasion (1592) 84, 161

Japanese occupation (1910–45) 1011, 25, 58, 62, 69, 76, 8890, 111, 179, 266, 295

Japanese pirates 82

jealousy 313314

Jeju Island 69, 73, 292293

Joseon (Yi) dynasty 68, 30, 63, 67, 78, 8389, 91, 150, 153, 159162, 166, 199, 220, 224, 235, 236, 237, 248, 255, 266, 298, 302, 327, 345346, 350

Joseon royal court 166

Jung Rae Cho (author) 11

justice 138140


karaoke 263264

Kim clan 227

Kim Il Sung 71, 74, 91, 146, 163, 205, 241, 292 (n.)

Kim Young Sam 211, 258

kings 2

Koguryo kingdom 22, 80, 145, 234

Korea-Japan relations 295296

Korean Communist Party 90

Korean National Association 204

Korean negotiating 232234

Korean spirit 6062

Korean Ssireum Association (KSA) 322

Korean Taekwondo Federation (KTA) 325

Korean War (1950–53) 4344, 91, 126, 141, 205, 209

“Korean Wave” culture 5960

Korean-Americans 272, 336

Koreans overseas 336

Koryo dynasty 1, 22, 2325, 63, 8083, 153, 166, 192, 204, 235, 286, 342, 350

Koryo Taejanggyong (Buddhist scripture) 2324

kowtow, Chinese 129


“Land of the Morning Calm” 159

language 97100

leisure 282

letters of apology 290291

letters of introduction 317318

literature 247250

logic 259260

loyalty 39


management style 215219

Manchu dynasty (China) 8586, 343, 353

Mani, Mt. 292

manners 326328

March First Movement uprising 89

marriage 4, 79, 115, 142, 158, 165168, 170171, 173, 186, 200203, 223227, 243, 254, 272, 302, 351352, 354

marriage customs 223227

martial arts 176178, 324326

“Martial Arts Festival” 325

matchmakers 225

materialism 174175

McCune-Reischauer system for romanizing Korean 69

meals 176, 200

mediators 164165

medicine, traditional 188

meetings, business 118

men’s quarters 254, 301, 350

mental control 227229

mentor 191

midwives 5

military culture 207211, 218, 219

military recruits 209, 211

Ming dynasty (China) 1, 24, 82

money 102

Mongol influences 322

Mongol invasion 2324, 82, 349

“Moonies” 154155

“mother country” 147148

mother-in-law 272

mothers 272273

mountains, sacred 291293

Mt. Mani 292

Mt. Paekdu 75, 292

Mt. Taebaek 292


Naehun (manual on female behavior) 249, 352

Nai Sen Ittai (“Japan and Korea as One Body”) 90

name cards 250252

“Name Order” 111

names, Korean 69, 121125, 144145, 250251

National University 235

nationalism 147148, 203207, 253

Neo-Confucianism 1, 2, 6, 25, 84, 102, 128, 158, 160, 192, 194195, 251, 329

networking 361362

“New Confucianism” see Neo-Confucianism

Ni-ssen Yuwa (“Japan-Korean Harmony”) 111

North Korea 126, 145, 146, 163164, 205, 206, 240241, 292, 328


obligations 331332

old age 107108

oral storytelling 248249


Paekdu, Mt. 75, 292

“palace women” 349

parenting 2, 3, 55, 106, 107, 108110, 122, 125, 164, 194, 221222, 224, 238, 331

Park, President Chung Hee 70, 91, 210, 307

patience 116117

patriarchal society 138139

patriotism 218

peasant 261

People’s Republic of North Korea 91

personal connections 360362

personal space 367

philosophers 236237

poetry 248249

politeness 289291

politics 275

popular culture 5960

poverty 174175

power 101102

“power of insight” 260

“Practical Learning” movement 314315, 344

productivity 308

prostitution 186190, 287289, 303, 349; see also “comfort women”

protectionism, economic 1617

proverbs 318319

psychic makeup 332333

“pumpkinism” 259

punishment 3536

Pure Land Sect (Buddhism) 23

Pusan 112

Pyongyang 75, 78, 91


qi (Chinese) 178

quality 283284


racism 271, 272

rank 143144, 252, 316

recreation 4647

regionalism 145146

relationships, group 132133, 180, 360362

“Religion of the Heavenly Way” 154

religious beliefs 131, 137, 152155, 174, 193, 291293

Republic of South Korea 91

resentment 180

respectfulness 155157

retirement 107

reunification 328329

revenge 2021

Rhee, Syngman 125, 204, 205

Roh Tae Woo, President 259

room salons 287289

Roosevelt, President Theodore 88

rote-learning in education 240

rudeness 198

ruling class 341

rural gentry 344, 346


“sack marriage” 352

sadness 306307

scholar-official class (yangban) 340346

“seesawing” 351

Sejong, King 6768, 83, 160, 235235

“self-control training” 217218

self-reliance 162164

self-restraint 173174

sensual charm 289

Seoul 92, 151, 238, 286

Seoul Summer Olympic Games 92

“seven evils” 302, 354

sexual equality 254

sexual impulse 300304

shamanism 62, 105, 131, 137, 153, 157158, 199, 226, 245247, 335

shame, shaming 15, 3334, 241242

Shilla kingdom 67, 7880, 235

shyness 323

sincerity 216217

singing 262265, 306

singing salons 264

slave uprising 265

slavery 265266, 349, 352

social class 47, 105, 300, 320, 341345

social cohesion 142

social etiquette and manners 129130, 140141

social hierarchy 42, 47, 49, 101102, 105, 114, 130, 142, 143144, 151, 155157, 158, 181, 195, 196197, 198, 282283, 289291, 299300, 330, 341345, 361

social indebtedness 5354

social organizations 221223

sons 26, 8, 27, 55, 57, 101, 108109, 170171, 278279, 340

“special favors” 258

“spring festival” 321

street addresses 169

stress 282283

student demonstrations 139

students 5758, 139, 299300

success 360

Sung Pum Lee 12

surnames 251

Suwon Folk Village 93

swordsmanship 177


Taebaek, Mt. 292

Taejo, see Yi, Song Gye

Taekwondo 177178, 324326

Tangun 203, 292

Tang dynasty (China) 79

Taoism 153154

teacher 191

television dramas 60

terms of address 348349

time 307309

titles 144145

Tong I Po Gam (“Treasures of Eastern Medicine”) 63

Toson (Buddhist monk) 286

Toyotomi, Hideyoshi 84, 85, 160

Tripitaka Koreana (Buddhist scriptures) 24

trust 310311

truth, objective and subjective 135137

two-income families 242243


Un Gyu Na 10

underestimating 346348

Unification Church (“Moonies”) 154155

United States 16, 17, 8688, 92, 272, 295, 362

universities, present-day 240

urban planning 168169

urbanization 151

U.S. Army Military Government of Korea (USAMGIK) 205206


Vietnam War (1965–73) 93, 141

violence 278280


warrior monks 177, 179

wedding practices 167168, 222, 226

Weltevree, Jan Janse 269

“Western learning” 315

Wiman Joseon 78

wives 4, 79, 124, 159, 170, 171, 202, 222, 222227, 253254, 302, 303, 313, 341

“wives kye” fund 222

women 49, 28, 3739, 40, 5152, 6567, 68, 76, 111, 123, 166, 170171, 186190, 224, 231, 235, 243–

246, 248249, 266, 273, 278279, 300304, 306, 323, 348357

work, workplace 103, 104, 243, 282283, 307309, 356357

World War II 100, 112

wrestling 321323

writing system 6771, 235235, 247248, 297299

Wu-Ti, Emperor (China) 78, 203


Yi, Chung Hwan 344

Yi dynasty see Joseon dynasty

Youngnam region 146

Young Women’s Christian Association 356

Yi, Song Gye (Korean general) 1, 2, 24, 81, 83, 85, 128, 158, 160, 192, 286, 329


zaibatsu (Japanese conglomerates) 26

Zen Buddhism 23, 163, 177, 228