acupuncture 179
“Adoration Society” 355
Americans, American culture 43, 47–48, 53, 70, 173, 294
ancestor worship 1, 3, 4, 8, 14, 25, 38, 55, 95–96, 108–109, 149, 157–159, 196, 254, 273, 364–365
apps 281
Arirang (movie) 10
Arirang (novel) 11
arranged marriages 165–168, 224–225
associations, business 135
Baekji kingdom 78
Book of Filial Piety (Confucius) 193–194
Buddhism 22–25, 64, 83, 116, 149, 152–154, 228, 243, 244, 254, 306, 307, 309
Buddhist monks 7, 22–23, 25, 81
Buddhist sects 25
business culture 15, 20, 21, 26–29, 31–32, 38, 41, 47–48, 102–104, 118–119, 125, 135, 144, 146, 156, 165, 190, 191, 200, 214–219, 229, 282–283, 307–309, 309–310, 362–363
calligraphy see writing system
character, developing 178
character, Korean 194
Chin I Hwang 249
China 21–22, 44–45, 52, 62, 67, 77–79, 85–86, 97, 234
Chinese writing system 67, 68, 70, 235, 248, 298
Ching dynasty (China) 86
Chongsun county 11
city life 169
civil service examination 211–214, 342
clan record 350
coins 81
“comfort women” 267
communication, nonverbal 129–130
communism 90
competition, competitive spirit 20–21, 106, 229–230, 239
concubines 6, 159, 166–167, 187, 225, 301, 341, 342, 345, 353
confrontational attitude 280
Confucian principles 194
Confucian sages 196
Confucianism (see also Neo-Confucianism) 1, 3, 6, 33, 34, 83, 136, 138, 141, 149, 152, 154, 158, 162, 170, 184, 191–196, 223, 228, 254, 257, 260, 291, 300, 364–365, 366
consultant-advisor 191
cosmic energy 178–179, 285–287
creativity 61
cultural misunderstanding 269
cultural nationalism 148, 204–206
daughters 5, 108–109, 122, 125, 224, 226, 349
dialects 99
diaspora, Korean 147
discrimination 145
division of Korea 91
domestic shrines 193
drinking culture 49–53, 218, 282, 288, 289, 339
education 58–59, 195–196, 211–214, 234–241, 253, 299–300, 314, 342
enlightenment 192
entertainment 38, 40, 283, 287–289
entertainment girls 6, 38, 52, 63, 186–190, 353
Ewha Women’s University (Seoul) 238, 356
examinations 211–214, 216, 239
face, saving face 29–31, 171, 252, 260, 290, 320, 332, 339
factions, factionalism 275–276
family 6, 19, 37–38, 42, 54, 55, 104, 108–110, 122–124, 141–142, 144–145, 170–171, 302–303, 310–311, 330
farmers 261
father-king 2
fathers, fatherhood 1–3, 34, 35, 39, 54, 101, 109, 138–139, 147, 157, 158, 170, 193, 224, 272, 273, 303, 331, 334, 361
fighting spirit 140–142, 157, 176–178, 194, 208–209, 290
foreigners 268–271, 328, 330, 334, 336–337, 363
Foundation Day 94
“four pillars” 167
funerals 222
gender roles 254–255, 301, 348–349
gifts, types 305
grandmothers 14
“Hall of Worthies” 160
Hangeul Word Processor 281
Hanyang 83
harmony 105–106, 180, 192, 216, 256, 293–295, 331, 348
Harvest Moon Festival 159
heating, underfloor 274
“Hermit Kingdom” 161
hobbies 46
hostesses 288
household 142
Hwang Yi 236
industrialization 151
inequality 195
infant mortality 13
international marriages 200–203
internet 281
“Irish of the Orient” 335
Islam 154
Japan 8, 20, 26, 58, 82, 84–90, 100, 110–113, 147, 161–163, 183, 204–205, 207, 237, 263, 266–267, 284, 295–296, 352
Japanese invasion (1592) 84, 161
Japanese occupation (1910–45) 10–11, 25, 58, 62, 69, 76, 88–90, 111, 179, 266, 295
Japanese pirates 82
Joseon (Yi) dynasty 6–8, 30, 63, 67, 78, 83–89, 91, 150, 153, 159–162, 166, 199, 220, 224, 235, 236, 237, 248, 255, 266, 298, 302, 327, 345–346, 350
Joseon royal court 166
Jung Rae Cho (author) 11
Kim clan 227
Kim Il Sung 71, 74, 91, 146, 163, 205, 241, 292 (n.)
kings 2
Koguryo kingdom 22, 80, 145, 234
Korean Communist Party 90
Korean National Association 204
Korean Ssireum Association (KSA) 322
Korean Taekwondo Federation (KTA) 325
Korean War (1950–53) 43–44, 91, 126, 141, 205, 209
Koreans overseas 336
Koryo dynasty 1, 22, 23–25, 63, 80–83, 153, 166, 192, 204, 235, 286, 342, 350
Koryo Taejanggyong (Buddhist scripture) 23–24
kowtow, Chinese 129
“Land of the Morning Calm” 159
leisure 282
letters of introduction 317–318
loyalty 39
Manchu dynasty (China) 85–86, 343, 353
Mani, Mt. 292
March First Movement uprising 89
marriage 4, 7–9, 115, 142, 158, 165–168, 170–171, 173, 186, 200–203, 223–227, 243, 254, 272, 302, 351–352, 354
“Martial Arts Festival” 325
matchmakers 225
McCune-Reischauer system for romanizing Korean 69
medicine, traditional 188
meetings, business 118
mentor 191
midwives 5
military culture 207–211, 218, 219
Ming dynasty (China) 1, 24, 82
money 102
Mongol influences 322
Mongol invasion 23–24, 82, 349
mother-in-law 272
Mt. Mani 292
Mt. Taebaek 292
Naehun (manual on female behavior) 249, 352
Nai Sen Ittai (“Japan and Korea as One Body”) 90
“Name Order” 111
names, Korean 69, 121–125, 144–145, 250–251
National University 235
nationalism 147–148, 203–207, 253
Neo-Confucianism 1, 2, 6, 25, 84, 102, 128, 158, 160, 192, 194–195, 251, 329
“New Confucianism” see Neo-Confucianism
Ni-ssen Yuwa (“Japan-Korean Harmony”) 111
North Korea 126, 145, 146, 163–164, 205, 206, 240–241, 292, 328
“palace women” 349
parenting 2, 3, 55, 106, 107, 108–110, 122, 125, 164, 194, 221–222, 224, 238, 331
Park, President Chung Hee 70, 91, 210, 307
patriotism 218
peasant 261
People’s Republic of North Korea 91
personal space 367
politics 275
“power of insight” 260
“Practical Learning” movement 314–315, 344
productivity 308
prostitution 186–190, 287–289, 303, 349; see also “comfort women”
“pumpkinism” 259
Pure Land Sect (Buddhism) 23
Pusan 112
qi (Chinese) 178
relationships, group 132–133, 180, 360–362
“Religion of the Heavenly Way” 154
religious beliefs 131, 137, 152–155, 174, 193, 291–293
Republic of South Korea 91
resentment 180
retirement 107
Roh Tae Woo, President 259
Roosevelt, President Theodore 88
rote-learning in education 240
rudeness 198
ruling class 341
“sack marriage” 352
scholar-official class (yangban) 340–346
“seesawing” 351
Sejong, King 67–68, 83, 160, 235–235
“self-control training” 217–218
sensual charm 289
Seoul Summer Olympic Games 92
sexual equality 254
shamanism 62, 105, 131, 137, 153, 157–158, 199, 226, 245–247, 335
shame, shaming 15, 33–34, 241–242
shyness 323
singing salons 264
slave uprising 265
social class 47, 105, 300, 320, 341–345
social cohesion 142
social etiquette and manners 129–130, 140–141
social hierarchy 42, 47, 49, 101–102, 105, 114, 130, 142, 143–144, 151, 155–157, 158, 181, 195, 196–197, 198, 282–283, 289–291, 299–300, 330, 341–345, 361
sons 2–6, 8, 27, 55, 57, 101, 108–109, 170–171, 278–279, 340
“special favors” 258
“spring festival” 321
street addresses 169
student demonstrations 139
success 360
Sung Pum Lee 12
surnames 251
Suwon Folk Village 93
swordsmanship 177
Taebaek, Mt. 292
Taejo, see Yi, Song Gye
Tang dynasty (China) 79
teacher 191
television dramas 60
Tong I Po Gam (“Treasures of Eastern Medicine”) 63
Toson (Buddhist monk) 286
Toyotomi, Hideyoshi 84, 85, 160
Tripitaka Koreana (Buddhist scriptures) 24
truth, objective and subjective 135–137
Un Gyu Na 10
Unification Church (“Moonies”) 154–155
United States 16, 17, 86–88, 92, 272, 295, 362
universities, present-day 240
urbanization 151
U.S. Army Military Government of Korea (USAMGIK) 205–206
wedding practices 167–168, 222, 226
Weltevree, Jan Janse 269
“Western learning” 315
Wiman Joseon 78
wives 4, 7–9, 124, 159, 170, 171, 202, 222, 222–227, 253–254, 302, 303, 313, 341
“wives kye” fund 222
women 4–9, 28, 37–39, 40, 51–52, 65–67, 68, 76, 111, 123, 166, 170–171, 186–190, 224, 231, 235, 243–
246, 248–249, 266, 273, 278–279, 300–304, 306, 323, 348–357
work, workplace 103, 104, 243, 282–283, 307–309, 356–357
writing system 67–71, 235–235, 247–248, 297–299
Wu-Ti, Emperor (China) 78, 203
Yi, Chung Hwan 344
Yi dynasty see Joseon dynasty
Youngnam region 146
Young Women’s Christian Association 356
Yi, Song Gye (Korean general) 1, 2, 24, 81, 83, 85, 128, 158, 160, 192, 286, 329
zaibatsu (Japanese conglomerates) 26