Chapter 8



When Monday came around, Royce got up and went to work, unsure of how to move forward at this point. What he did know was, he loved Makeena. The whole day he pondered this. All the way home he thought about her.

When he arrived home and didn’t see her car, he immediately took out his cell to dial her number. That’s when a car pulled up behind his – his brother-in-law.

Royce stepped out of the car and watched Wendell emerge from his.

Hey, Royce.”

Hey, how’s it going, Wendell?”

Good, man. I thought you could use some company since Makeena is with mom and Meghan.”

His brows raised. “She is?”

Yeah. They went to see a movie.”

Oh,” Royce said, pushing his car door closed. It was news to him but since he and Makeena weren’t talking, he shouldn’t have been surprised that she wasn’t so forthcoming with her plans.

I brought a pizza and a six-pack, man.”

Royce smiled. Since Makeena wasn’t home, it’s not like he would have a home cooked meal prepared and ready. He remembered how the other day when she’d cooked, he didn’t eat. Now, his mouth watered for a hot meal, but it looked like he would have to settle for pizza. “Alright. Come on in.”

Once inside, Royce washed his hands then returned to the living room, popping the beer can open with one hand and grabbing a slice of pizza with the other.

Makeena was pretty upset when you didn’t show for dinner yesterday,” Wendell said with a mouthful of his first bite.

I know.”

What happened?”

We got into an argument, man. I told her I didn’t feel like this life was for me.”

Oh. So she finally talked to you about it, huh?”

No. It was more like me talking to her. Did she say something to you?”

Yeah. When we were at the gallery, she asked me if I thought you were acting strange. I told her to ask dad. Speaking of the gallery, I could’ve sworn I saw you there that night.”

That’s because I was there.”

I knew it!”

Royce grinned. “I like to see Makeena in her element, you know. Plus, I keep having flashbacks of the last time I let her out of my sight. I don’t like not being there to protect her, even when she probably doesn’t need my protection.”

Wendell nodded, remembering the story and understanding where Royce was coming from.

I saw your friend staring at her, too.”


The tall guy.”

Oh. Uriah.” Wendell smirked. “He’s just a fan.”

Yeah, well I think I need to have a lil’ chat with him to tell him the same thing I’m sure he tells people who come to his shows.”

What’s that?”

You can look, but don’t touch.”

Wendell chuckled. “I’m certain Makeena knows how to handle men who come on to her. Besides, my sister is so in love with you, she doesn’t even see other men.”

Royce smiled and took a sip of beer. “I tried to communicate how I was having a difficult time adjusting to this new life and—let’s just say it didn’t go over the way I had intended.”

So, let me see if I’m understanding what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that you don’t want to be here, like here in Petersburg, or you don’t like this stage of your life meaning you don’t love my sister?”

I do love your sister. She’s everything I want.”


I don’t know what I’m doing. This civilian lifestyle is something I’m not accustomed to. I’m used to danger—hence my half leg.”

Ah,” Wendell said, understanding fully what Royce meant now. “You miss your old job.”

In some ways. It was dangerous, but it gave me a sense of purpose with protecting and rescuing people.”

Then find a profession that’ll give you that same feeling. You could volunteer at the fire department or something.”

I don’t know, man. I want to be the man Makeena needs me to be. I want to be a father and live for my family. A dangerous profession would take a toll on her. I don’t want her home worrying about whether or not I’m coming home. It would be better if I just pushed my feelings to the side and learn to accept my new life. I talked to your father. He urged me to tell her how I was feeling, but now I wished I hadn’t.”

Wendell shook his head. “I agree with dad. You did the right thing by telling her.”

It sure doesn’t feel like I did the right thing.”

Royce turned up a beer. “Enough about me. What about you? Is there a special young lady in your life?”

Nah, man,” Wendell said with a chuckle. “I’m not thinking about settling down or nothing related to it.”


Nope. That area of my life is on hold at least until I’m thirty.”

Royce smirked. “Thirty, huh?”

Yeah. I have to put myself in a position to be able to take care of a family before I get out here and have one.”

I hear you.”

Wendell took a sip of beer. “Makeena’s young.”

She is.”

I’m sure she latched on to you because you were older. I think you were sort of like a father figure to her before she fell in love with you. Would you agree?”

I would.”

I don’t know Makeena that well, but had we grown up together like we should have, I’m certain I would see how intelligent and thoughtful she is. I know you’re going through your thing, but try to put yourself in her shoes. You saved my sister’s life, Royce. For two months, you were all she had to depend on in this world, and whether you believe it or not, you still are. You’re still rescuing her. Let that be your adventure.”

Royce pondered what Wendell said. He was right. He was still rescuing Makeena. It would take years to rid her of the bad memories – of the rough life she had to endure in the foster system. He was the one who could make it all better.