Words are scarcely enough when it comes to thanking the various folk who have in one way or another made this book and the preceding volumes possible. To my agents, John Parker and John Berlyne, who have been my ever-supportive shepherds and negotiators, to the most excellent Bella Pagan whose perceptions and polite insistence kept my writer-brain in the game (aided of course by Joanna Kramer, James Long, Rose Tremlett and everyone else at Orbit/Little, Brown). Thanks are due as well to Dave Wingrove and his fine eye for detail and the big picture.

Tips of the hat go out to my publishers in Germany and France, Heyne and Bragelonne, and to Tom Clegg and Stephane Marsan–bonjour, mes braves!–and to my French translator, Laurent Queyssi, and my German translator, Norbert Stobe. And a big howdy to such luminaries as Eric Brown, Ian McDonald, Keith Brooke, Ian Whates, Ian Watson, Mark Chitty, Phil Palmer, Ian Sales, Craig Marnoch, Neil Williamson, Andrew J Wilson and sundry others who soldiered on through the thickets of the Birmingham Eastercon–will we ever see its like again?

To Debbie Miller and Tiffany, to Rog Peyton, to Stewart Robinson in Musselburgh (the wee Edinburgh even further to the east!), to the Glasgow Writers’ Circle, to the Edinburgh Writers Group, to Graeme Fleming, Progmaster General of Greater Paisley, to Ronnie and Katie, to Spencer and Adrian, to Dave Bradley at SFX, to Cuddles and Ralph and Vince Docherty and Ian Sorensen, and to those tireless legions of con-runners everywhere, who have all added their idiosyncratic soupçon of enrichment to life itself. A long and winding list of thanks would not be complete without a wave of the banner to Norman, John and Allan, the other members of the New Wave of Gang-of-Fourism–who knows where we (and indeed the Cleggster) will be by the time this book comes out?

As ever, Susan coped with my absent-mindedness and numerous other writerly foibles during the scribbling with fortitude and loving good humour, for which I am deeply thankful. My thoughts are also with my dad, who has undergone many difficult months this past year but has endured, along with my mother, and come out the other side.

My soundtrack for this book has ranged far and wide, taking in several cinematic instrumental CDs by Nox Arcana and Midnight Syndicate, as well as the superfine doom rock of Alunah, Orchid and Witchburn, three awesome bands, three awesome albums. Honourable mentions go out to Honcho (Battle Of Wits), Pallas (XXV), SAHG (3), and to Black Space Riders, whose self-titled CD remains a hi-octane rocket ride to the starz!