Earthsphere (157 star systems; 873 inhabited worlds and orbitals; population 5.3 trillion)–most numerous species are Henkayans, Vusark and Humans, although Humans have been politically dominant. Despite Sendrukan brutalities, Earthsphere has remained a committed if junior partner to the Hegemony.
Sendrukan Hegemony (112,000 star systems; 347,000 inhabited worlds and orbitals; population 815 trillion)–a vast and far-flung empire, the Hegemony maintains its cohesion through rigorous control of consensus, via doctrine and the omnipresent personal AIs. Many species come under its sway but the Sendruka are dominant.
Aranja Tesh (23,000 star systems; 88,000 inhabited worlds and orbitals; population 107 trillion)–a loose confederation of seventeen nations, including Buranj, Korjash, Gizeka and the Yamanon Domain, which was recently invaded by the Hegemony-Earthsphere coalition, thus toppling the tyrannical Dol-Das regime.
Indroma Solidarity (92,000 star systems, 482,000 inhabited worlds and orbitals; population 1,173 trillion)–six-limbed Bargalil are the Indroma’s most numerous sentient species. Their egalitarianism results in a suspicion of neighbouring civilisations, especially the Hegemony. They are reluctant to become involved in regional conflicts, but are perfectly capable of defending their territory.
Vox Humana (18 star systems; 27 inhabited worlds; population 7.9 billion)–breakaway Human colonies scattered along the Earthsphere–4th Modynel border; rebellion against Earthsphere control decades ago led to severe sanctions which are still in force.
Darien (population 3.25 million), Pyre (population 15,000), and Tygra (population 3.4 million)–the worlds settled 150 years ago by the colony ships Hyperion, Tenebrosa and Forrestal, respectively. Of the three, only Darien developed without external interference, resulting in a vibrant, heterogenous and at times fractious culture.
The Legion of Avatars (imprisoned survivors number approximately 1.1 million)–brutally expansionist, relentlessly authoritarian society focused on the doctrine of convergence, the merging of flesh and machine into a superior kind of sentience. Those who oppose convergence are to be erased.