Written in Terezín

Meine geliebten Geschwister

Unendlich habe ich mich mit Euerer lieben Karte gefreut. Gottlob dass Ihr gesund und beisaImagesen seid. Unsere Nichte konnte [ich] nicht sprechen da sie abgereist ist. Ich danke Euch für die Muster ohne Wert Sendung mit Einbrenn die Ihr mir von Pressburg sandtet und die mich sehr freute. Ich bin gesund und wiege wieder meine 51 Kilo und sehe gut aus. Habt keine Sorgen über Euren Sohn, der ist ein kluger, zielbewusster Mensch. Ich küsse Euch in Liebe alle Verwandten und bin Eure


My dear sisters

Your card has brought me endless joy. Thank God you are healthy and together. Our niece could not say anything since she has left us. I thank you for sending to me Einbrenn [a browned roux] from Pressburg [Bratislava] by sample without value [cheap package mail] which brought me great joy. I am healthy and again weigh my 51 kilos and look very good. Have no worry about your son, he is a clever and goal-oriented person. I kiss you in love, all (my) relatives, am yours


Meine Geliebten

Ich kann Euch unmöglich die grosse Freude schildern, die wir, und inbesondere ich hatte, als Peterls Brief kam. Erinnert ihn nur oft an mich, damit er nicht an mich vergisst. Wir möchten gerne mehr über Euch wissen wollen, aber ich bin schon zufrieden wenn ich weiss dass Ihr gesund seid und dass Ihr Euer Auskommen habt, ich weiss zwar nicht die Art Euerer Beschäftigung. Es ist mir nur leid dass Du Annerl so mager geworden bist. Seit einem Jahr waren die wenige Worte Deiner Daranschrift an Berts Brief das erste Lebenszeichen. Kannst Du denn Heinz, wenn Du ihn siehst, nicht veranlassen, mir einen Gruss zu schreiben?

Mein Leben ist nicht gerade ganz leicht und ich ertrage alles gerne in der Hoffnung Euch wiederzusehen. Die Eltern kommen täglich zu mir, ich gehe den ganzen Winter nicht heraus. Ich küsse Euch vielemals, grüsse die Sterns, Eure


My beloved

It is impossible to convey our great joy and especially mine at the arrival of little Peter’s letter. Just remind him often of me so that he does not forget me. We would like to know more about you but I am satisfied when I know you are healthy and all your needs are met, though I do not know your occupation. I am just sorry that you, little Anny, have become so thin. The few words you added to Bert’s letter were the first sign of life in the past year. Couldn’t you ask Heinz, when you see him, to write me a greeting?

My life right now is not easy and I suffer everything willingly in the hope of seeing you again. The parents come daily to me, but all winter I have not stepped outside. I kiss you many times, greet the Sterns, your


Můj milej zlatej Petřičku!

Já tobě nemohu vyslovět jak jsem seja se já s Tvoj psaním těšila, ja ho několikráte četla aš ho umím naspamět. Těšim se velice že jse tě vede dobře a že jsi zdráv.

Take babička Otti a dědoušeh Josef si velice s tvém psani těšili. Prosim Petřičku jen mně zase brzy piš. Kurty tě též nechá pozdravovati, čti někdy také česky abychom si tu krasnou řeč nezapoměl[i].

Na mém noční stolku mám tvoji práci vynáles ty malě letadla ležet a těším [se] a obdivuji vždy tvoji píli a práci. Imagesa ti brzy navštivim jen Petřičku prosim tě nazapomen na baby, tak rád ti žadný jiny nemá. Zde jest veliká zíma a mnoho sněhu aja si vsopemenujak ty jsi dělal toho sněhového panáka. Že ti těsi ta elekrická dráha, jest mě milé, kdybych mohla já bych ti poslala různé hračky. Ze jiš také na poli pracuješ to jest krásný.Já jsi každý večer tvuj obrázek libám a prosim Pana Boha aby tě ještě mohla obejmout. Jen prosim tě Petřičku nezapomen na mě. Ja ti mnoho a mnohokrate líbám a jes jen hodně aby jsi byl silný.

Tisic pusinek ti posilá Tvoje babi

[Translated from the Czech]

My dear golden Petřičku [Little Peter]!

I can’t express how happy I was with your letter. I read it a number of times and I know it now by heart. I am delighted that you are doing well and that you are healthy.

Also, grandma Otti and grandpa Josef were delighted with your writing. Please Petřičku write again soon. Kurti also sends his regards. Read also sometimes in Czech so that we do not forget this beautiful language.

I have on my night table your work and invention, the little planes. I always admire your work and diligence. I will visit you soon, only Petřičku, please do not forget babi. Nobody loves you as much as I do. It is very cold here and a lot of snow and I remember how you made the snowman. I am delighted that the electric train pleases you. If I could I would send you different toys. That you also work in the fields is wonderful. Every evening I kiss your picture and I beg God to let me embrace you again. Only please, Petřičku, do not forget me. I kiss you many, many times and eat a lot to be strong.

Thousand kisses sends you, your, babi


My dear sisters

It is not known to whom this letter was addressed. Mina Pächter had five sisters, but it is uncertain if any of them were alive at the time. Roux is a mixture of flour and fat, used in cooking.

My beloved . . .”

Addressed to Anny. Anny and Heinz were Mina’s daughter and son, living in Palestine. “The parents” were those of Anny’s husband George, and Bert was George’s brother.

My beloved golden Petřičku”

Peter was Mina Pächter’s grandson, the son of Anny and George Stern, and was about 10 years old at the time. He was renamed David in Israel. Ottilia and Josef were George’s parents, and Kurti Koralek was one of Peter’s playmates, a neighbor in his hometown and a distant relative.


My dear sisters

Those who had einbrenn, a browned roux, were considered fortunate. It could be added to soup to make it more nutritious or, says Brown, whose family packed a jar of it to bring to Terezín with them, it could be spread on bread and topped with sugar. It could also be eaten with a spoon.

My beloved golden Petřičku

Mina Pächter was a native German speaker from the Sudeten, whose command of written Czech appears to have been limited (see original).