Dadibaajimoowinini, the Storyteller

To the sculpture by Gordon Van Wert, Red Lake Nation,

at the University of Minnesota Duluth Tweed Museum of Art

The color of gabbro in thick greenery he takes the form of a turtle,

this wise and compassionate healer

honored with the weight of knowledge, leaning heavily on a stick,

he bears on his back a circle of red,

petroglyph symbols,

of ancient wisdoms that will be revealed

at the time planned by the Creator.

Dadibaajimoowinini, the storyteller

who is also Gitigaaninini the gardener,

tends the stories,

the foundation of our existence as a people

and of our place in the corporal and spiritual worlds

and as planned by the Creator.

At those times, seasons that have always

since before time existed were meant to be,

he speaks from the lush and living greenery

where the stories, tended, have bloomed.

Dadibaajimoowinini the storyteller

who is also Gitigaaninini the gardener

speaks; we, who have waited with patience

hear the stories; listening we ponder,

honored to accept and bear their weight.

Together, then, storyteller and students

weave the knowledge that passes

generation to generation into the fabric

of our stories and existence,

the spirits of all that has been

and what will come to be.