Windigo Bimose

At the end of that last summer

that last summer we were like you

so dry it was, and so hot

when even the pines could give us no shade

and their brown, sharp needles, paler each day, fell

at first I thought the sound was rain

in drifts beneath dying branches

where they cut and scratched our feet till they swelled

then at the time of day that no shadows were cast

a piece of fire fell from the sky

and the sun grew on the ground.

Ravenous, it began to eat the earth.

Carrying babies, grandparents, the infirm

we fled, for a time ahead of the smoke and flames

but after the barren hungry summer

we were in a weakened state, even

the strongest. One by one we made the choice

to continue alone or die with our families;

I cannot fault one’s decision to stay

or another’s to abandon

for myself, after my old parents, my wife

and our children all but one fell like pine needles.

I chose to walk with my firstborn.

My oldest daughter who’d always been

strong as a man and slow to tire

walked beside me for how long

days, nights, lifetimes.

When she tripped and fell, the others

by then fewer in number

than the fingers on both my hands

watched without hope or interest

would I have done the same if I were them

her struggle to stand, singed lids closing

slowly slowly over dull desiccated eyes.

I lifted her, my firstborn. My heart recalled

her birth, her mother

her small brothers and sisters

her grandparents

and tore. Rent, it spilled and emptied.

Then from emptiness great hunger emerged

much like had the sun’s in summer

and through the air

less smoky now, and cold

sensing from the north a corporal warmth

a young mother’s arms and breast

and a sound from the north, a lost child’s cry

young bones and skin tender

ice-cut feet bleeding into snow

Follow me; let us walk, I said to the others.

Ravenous, I lifted my daughter.

Ravenous, I carried her across my shoulders.

Ravenous, I stepped the first step

follow me, let us walk

and then ravenous, the remnant rose and followed.

We had fled from heat to seek the cold,

endless cold our dark and everlasting life

where we never slept again, and where

in endless appetite we search for you

your warm breath

your blood that flows bright

and steams in winter air.

How we despise your frailties, envy your souls,

how we love and hate your living flesh;

how we yearn and crave past death

past life we hunger, and we walk today.