I can’t wait to meet my niece. This hasn’t been just a long nine months for Karlie and Aiden, but for the rest of us too. I have sat back and watched two of my older brother find their soul mates and now Aiden has his first child too.
It makes me wonder if I will ever find my own happily ever after with a husband and children. I would like nothing more than that but I haven’t been lucky enough to find him yet.
I see everyone passing little Aleah around and smiling. They are all so much in love with her after only meeting her minutes ago. We all are so in love with her. My heart leaped so far out of my chest when I saw her sweet little face. That little round button nose just like Karlie’s. Seeing my big and strong older brother holding such a little person in his arms was intoxicating. I long to see my husband and child like that. Holding her close in my arms was the greatest feeling I have ever felt before. It made my biological clock start ticking so loud I was afraid the whole world was going to hear it.
My parents are over the moon about becoming grandparents tonight. They will be amazing ones too because they were and continue to be amazing parents. I wonder if Austin and Leah will be next to give them another grandchild?
The little green monster takes a little bit of a hold on my heart as I think of someone other than me being the next one to have a baby. I never realized I wanted one so badly until I say Aleah.
Seeing everyone so happy and fawning over the baby I slip out of the room unnoticed and wander down the hall. I come to the nursery where I can see baby after baby laying in their little clear cribs sleeping. They are sleeping so peacefully while their parents are able to rest a bit before taking them to their new homes.
There’s a little boy in the back row that is not happy at all. He’s crying and crying wanting someone to pick him up. I can only imagine how upset his mother would be if she knew he was crying so loudly. I don’t see a nurse in there with him either. Why isn’t anyone helping him?
I see a nurse down the hall so I go to her and ask, “Ma’am there’s a little boy in the nursery that is just crying and crying. Why isn’t anyone helping him?”
“His mother had a really hard delivery and is resting. There should be a nurse going in soon to help ease him back to sleep. It’s ok, thanks for the concern though.”
“Oh thank you. It just broke my heart to see him so upset and alone.”
She smiles and walks away. I turn and go back to the window of the nursery and see that he has been picked up and now getting a bottle in the rocking chair on the far side of the room. That eases my own anxiety seeing him content and taken care of. Poor little guy. Poor mommy too.
Sighing I lead my head against the glass and feel the presence of another person next to me. I look over and it’s the most handsome man I have ever seen. Sort of tall, dark hair and the most gorgeous brown eyes I have ever seen.
I must be staring because he smiles and asks looking into the nursery, “Which one is yours?”
I look at him for a split second longer and wait for my brain to start working again. Once I realize what he has said I turn back to the window and answer, “None. I don’t have any children. Any of them yours?” I secretly hope he says no. I don’t see a ring on his left hand so I pray I’m right about him.
“No, none for me either. What are you doing here then?”
“My niece was just born about an hour ago. She’s not in here yet though. What about you?”
“Well congratulations Auntie. How exciting.”
“Yes, she is just beautiful and our family couldn’t be happier to have her here finally. Been a long nine months for all of us.”
“I bet. Why don’t you have any of your own? Your face lights up when you look at them.”
“Ah, well I tend to lean on the traditional side and haven’t found the husband yet. What about you?”
He laughs and says, “Same here. I am back and forth from Nebraska and Tulsa that I really don’t have time to look. Haven’t found Mrs. Right yet either.”
“Why are you back and forth so much? Sorry if you don’t mind me asking. If it’s not too personal for a casual conversation.” I redden a bit knowing I’m asking too much.
“It’s ok I don’t mind. My Mom is here and has been for the past year. She’s in the nursing home portion of the hospital for Dementia and Alzheimer patients. She’s got Dementia.”
“I am so sorry to hear that. That’s terrible.” I reach out and put my hand on his forearm. Both of us feel the electricity spark between the two of us as I do. He looks down at my hand and I pull it back immediately. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have touched you. I just feel so badly for you.”
“Please don’t apologize. Not many people know about my Mom and it’s nice to talk to someone who cares. Thank you.” He smiles and touches my shoulder.
“Why haven’t you told anyone?” Ok Audrey you are really getting personal here. You need to just say goodbye and walk away.
“Goodness I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut and questions to myself.”
“Would you like to go to the cafeteria and get some coffee? I would really like to carry this conversation on a bit longer. I like you a lot. What did you say your name was?”
“Audrey Blake. You really don’t have to tell me anymore. I can go so that you can visit with your mother. She must wonder where you are.” I turn and start to walk away when he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him. I feel heat from his skin on my skin and it shocks me.
I look up into his face and he says, “I’m Maysen Correli. Very nice to meet you.” He sticks his arm out and initiates a hand shake. I reach out and put my hand in his feeling my skin tingle with awareness as I do. He smiles and turns with my hand still in his and walks us towards the cafeteria. I pull my hand away and follow him. I think at this point I would follow this man anywhere he wanted to go.