
The phone rang three times before my brother answered. I didn’t care what he was doing but I know he had better climbed out of the kitty to answer me.

“Hello?” I think I heard him answer and he had better had.

“WHAT?!” he answered angrily.

“Excuse you?” I asked him to know if I heard him correctly.

“What do you want?” he said annoyed, this nigga playing with me.

“Come pick me up at Burger King in town” I demand, annoyed as well.

“Why?” He shouted, I know his ass wasn’t shouting at me.

“Because I want to go home,” I shouted back.

“Well I can’t come right now, I’m busy.” He said with attitude.

“Busy doing what? You don't ever do home work. You better not be fucking a hoe!” Cameron is trying to make me act a fool in public over the phone.

Then I heard him grunt. Oh hell no he didn't!

“I am telling momma on you!” I whined

"Ouch!" I heard in the background. Was he really fucking a hoe while I was on the phone with him?

“I'm on my way,” he said before hanging up.


She got off the phone and smirked. I guess he is on his way, so I didn't ask her

I sat at the bus stop, not trying to get comfortable. Minutes later Cameron pulled up in a black Range Rover. I got my bag and was heading to the back when Monique stopped me.

"Nah go to the front. I want to lie down."

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Girl I wanna go to sleep. Now get in the front,” she said closing the door in my face

I got in the front and buckled up.

"Oh hey...umm?” he said trying to place my name with my face.

"Kareem" I said finishing Cameron statement.


"Hey," I said smiling. I couldn’t believe I was talking to him. As we were cruising the streets it was so silent in the car. With Monique asleep and us alone, it was mad awkward. I hated that the car was filled with silence.

We pulled up to a house that I assumed was theirs at this moment. He looked over at me and turned the music down. I looked up into his pretty eyes and prayed he didn’t ask me anything because I was breathless.

"Let me drop her sleepy ass at home first. Do you mind?" he said asking me while smiling. Oh lord that smile.

"No ... not at all," I said. Thank God I wasn't a white girl because the way am blushing, he would surely see it.

After waiting patiently for him to take her inside, He came back dressed differently. Black shorts sagging with a white wife beater and his red polo shirt over his shoulders with his black and red Jordans he jumped in the car.

"Where do you live ma?" he asked started the truck.

"17 Winter Street over in Richmonville."

"Oh okay, that's not to for from here," he said while pulling out his drive way. He turned on the radio and Bed Peace by Jhene Aiko and Childish Gambino started playing. I sang along with Jhene.

“The love is ours to make so we should make it, everything else can wait, the time is ours to take so we should take,” I sang staring out the window. I felt his eyes staring at me but I wasn’t for sure and I damn sure wasn’t going to look over and be made a fool of.

“Dang, we got a Beyonce over there huh” Cameron said smiling at me.

“No,” I laughed, truth be told I wanted to blush so bad.

“Which house is yours?” he asked.

"This one here," I said making him stop.


"Thank you," I said getting my bag off the floor.

"No prob," he said smiling.

Omg. I love it when he smiles I thought trying to open the door.

The more I paid attention to his smile, the less I paid attention to the door. I was so caught up I didn't see him leaning over. I closed my eyes and felt it, I just knew we would kiss. He kept going though, to open the door.

“Uhhh, Thanks again,” I blushed as I was embarrassed. , I got out and closed the door

I was about to turn around but my face was greeted with the back of his car fading as it sped down the road. I sighed and headed inside.

Jerk, I said out loud, locking the door behind me. He could have at least checked to see if I was ok. I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water but I saw a note on the counter

“Lasagna Is In The Oven”  -Mom

She must be coming home late. She has been coming home late for a-while now. I wonder what she’s doing that would make her come home late. She always closed her restaurant at 9 p.m, but she is been coming home at 11 or 12 at night.

I went to my room to gather my things and prepare for my shower. After taking my shower, I put on a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and started my homework.

“Babe!" a voice shouted waking me up.

“Babe!!!” I got out the bed and started to follow were the sound was coming from

Walking pass a standing mirror, I took a quick glance at myself and I look different. I touch my cheeks to see if the mirror is lying

“Babe!!!” the voice said softly behind me. I slowly turn around and my eyes made four with his as he walked up to me

“Didn’t you hear me calling you?” he said softly as he caress my cheeks

“Ah... um” I didn’t know what to say because here he was calling me his babe.

“Now you know I don’t like it when I call you and you don’t answer me,” he said as he got closer to me.

I was scared because of the look on his face. I started to back up. The next thing I know he flung me on the bed and hovered over me.

Then he attacked me with, Tickles! I was mesmerized by his smile as I looked at his lips. I still cant believe its –

“Kareem!” Now that’s voice I know.

“Kareem!” my mom shouted while shaking the hell out of me.

“Mom ... stop please,” I groan trying to pull out of her grip.

“WAH WRONG WID YUH” (What’s Wrong) she shouted with a worried look on her face

“What do you mean? And please stop shouting” I said confused as hell

“Yuh did a back up pon di bed head like yuh see duppy den yuh start to laugh” (You were backing up on your head board like you saw a ghost, then you started to giggle)” she said with the same look on her face

“Oh... it was just a dream,” I told her as she head to the door.

“Yuh sure?” she asked one last time.

“Yes,” I assured her.

"Alright." She eased up off my bed and left through the door.

"Why are you in my dreams?” I huffed as I went to the bathroom.

I took a 20 minute bath, changed in my pajamas, and went to bed.


“Girl I can’t stand Cameron stupid ass for sending me to my room whenever Jase comes over to the house,” Monique blabbed on about her brother.

“Mhmm,” I said still playing with my food.

“Ok what’s your problem? You have been acting different today,” she said while eating her box of pizza. I swear she eats like a pregnant woman.

“Oh its nothing.”

“Girl I aint gone stop till you tell me,” she said chugging down her large cup of juice.

“Its just that I have been having some weird dreams lately,” I sighed looking around at our surroundings.

“About?” she asked giving me her full attention.

“Well me and this boy.”

“Oh, I have those dreams a lot,” she waved me off as she began drinking her juice.

“Well my dreams are of me and Cameron,” I said saying the last part as low I could. I guess It wasn’t low enough because all the juice flew out her mouth and onto the floor as she choked, then she started laughing real loud like she was crazy.

“Stop!! , you’re causing a scene!” I said as everyone looked at me.

“Wait, girl whet? Cameron? Really? Couldn’t it be Chris Brown or Tyga or better yet Trey Songz?” She asked calming down.


“I should have seen this coming, well not the dreams, but the way you were looking at him yesterday. Cameron though? Ugh...Well I have no problem with you two dat-”

“Wow! No, We aren’t gonna date. We don’t even talk, I don’t even like him like that,” I said cutting her off and lying. I hope she didn’t catch on.

“Girl, if you dreaming bout’ him, then you like him,” she said eating some skittles.

Where the hell did she find space in my stomach to eat that? I wondered and then snapped back to the matter at hand.

“Hey Punky,” Cameron said after he snuck up on Monique and covered her eyes, which made me smile. He has a nick-name for her, aww that was so adorable.

“Cameron,” she cooed as she remove his hands “What did I tell you about calling me that in public?” she added.

“What? You don’t like that name?” he asked pouting.

Awe, like come on, how could you deny that face? I thought to myself.

“Yeah how can you?” Cameron said smirking and winking at me.

Did I just say that out loud? I need to stop thinking around him.

“Its not even like that... Cameron” her voice trailed off as she stared at Jase, Cameron’s best friend. Next thing I heard her shouting.

“Cameron why did you do that,” she shouted at him.

“Do what?” he shouted back in a more of a question.

Her stare trailed off.

Slowly Cameron and me noticed what she was saying. He was embarrassing her by calling her “Punky” while the Jase was in her presence.

Wait, she was talking about this Jase. He’s cute though, not Cameron cute but he’s all right.

“Da fuck man I told you about-” he didn’t get to finish because she grabbed her bag and screamed, “Fuck Off and leave me the fuck alone!”

“Why the fuck you still here?” he spat at Jase, who later shook his head and walked out the cafeteria.

“She must hate me now,” he said sighing at he sat at the table.

“Umm.. y-your her big b-brother. I don’t think she will be mad at you for long because you have to take her home.” due to my nervousness, I look down in my lap.

Then the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and left the table, not that he would notice because Gabriella was in his lap sucking his face off.


“Babe” I moaned as he kissed me while squeezing my ass. Stopping him I felt a feeling that I hated to feel. It never felt right when we did this shit. Never!

“I hate that we have to hide our love,” I said staring in his brown eyes.

“Me too, but Cam would kill me.”

“Uggh I can’t stand Cameron. He always gotta interfere with my love life”

“ I know baby. He is just overprotective at times”

“It’s alright, but guess what?”

“What??” I asked still staring in his eyes

“I love you,” he planted soft kisses on my lips

“Awe Jase I love you too” I said kissing him

I really love Jase. We have been dating since I was in the 7th grade, and Cameron still don’t know about it. Basically, we have been hiding our love for three and a half years and I am tired of hiding. He is everything a girl wants. He treats me like a lady and he cares for me,that’s why I told my parents I wanted to transfer.  Well not really, I didn’t tell them that because Jase works for them and my dad and brother would have killed him. I didn’t really tell Kareem about him yet but she the only real friend I had so far and I trust her. Imma tell her soon.

Jase is in the drug game with my dad and brother. Ever since I have known him, my overprotective ass  brother wouldn’t let me go near Jase. When he comes around, he always send me to my room.

“What?” I asked him with a smirk as he looks at me weird

“I am trying not to think dirty with you sitting on my lap right now” he said seriously

I was sitting on his lap with my legs around his waist on a bench in the boys locker room. Risky I know, but I will do anything for him,