
She came in my room, and I saw her put her phone on my computer table. I didn’t lie to her. I told her to follow me, but I didn’t say I was taking her to Monique’s room.

“This is not her room so where is it?” she asked.

She didn’t sound nervous, which was a good thing.

“Next door,” I said taking up her phone.

I didn’t need to put in a code, obviously she the only child. She missing out on a lot. Being the oldest is fun, but it’s a big responsibility. I started by putting my number in and saved it under ‘my boo’ then used it to call my phone. That way I could have her number also. In my phone, her name was ‘my bae’ because that is what she was to me. I was really feeling Kareem because she was different from the others that I have seen around school.

I can’t believe what Gabriella did though. Not that my boys didn’t warned me, but fuck she lucky my mama taught me well or else I swear she would get her ass beat. Yeah, everybody knows not to fuck with me. I’m not cocky, just confident. I found a bubble game on her phone and I guess she heard it  because she was now coming back to my bed.

“ Give me my phone!!!” she shouted but it came out in as cute way

Damn since I have met her, everything is “cute”

“No .. come for it” I said smirking

She came for it and I dropped it in my shorts

“Take it out there. All that STD shit from the hoes on yo dick. Take my phone out !!!” she demanded while hovering over me. I found that little gesture sexy as hell.     

“So that’s why you won’t fuck with me?” I asked

Shit I really wanted to know why she wouldn’t

She sat on my belly. I was hoping she would go further down  if you know what I mean, but using her hands to hold her chin up she looked me straight in the eyes

“Did you hear yourself awhile ago?”

“Ok that sound weird” I admitted snickering and she was smiling

“He is snickering ... so cute” she whispered

“Not as beautiful as your smile” I said leaning and kissing her.

She kissed me back. Damn... shawty don’t know what she does to me

“I KNEW IT !!!!!!!” Monique shouted making us break the kiss

Like the fuck?! I shot her and Jase a hate glare

“Uugh we are sorry” Jase said closing the door

“No we’re not, I am hella happy if you ask me” Nique’s voice boomed from the other side of the door  making Kareem giggle

“I should probably go... since ..” she said trying to climb off me but failed because I had a grip on her waist

I sat up and pulled her closer to me

“No... we’re gonna watch a movie” I said pulling her so close to me that our foreheads were touching. I was looking in her eyes

Damnn make a nigga wanna stare all day

“How am I gonna watch a movie with my back turned to the T-“

“Who’s this hoe Cameron?!!!”  shouted at the door

Kareem was trying to get up again, but I held her a bit tighter and told her not to move.

“What the fuck you doing here?” I tried to be a bit more civilized

“What you mean what am doing  here?”

“ Look, you heard what I said so answer the fucking question” man this hoe was making me angry now

“I need you to get rid of that H-“



“Who’s this hoe Cameron?!!!” Gabriella shouted at the door

Yup that’s my second que to leave, but Cameron held me tighter and told me not to move.

“What the fuck you doing here?” he said a bit too calm

“What you mean what I'm doing  here?” man her voice was  annoying !!!!

“Look, you heard what I said so answer the fucking question” she was getting him angry

“I need you to get rid of that H-“ she didn’t even get to finish befor Nique grabbed her by her hair but luckily Jase grabbed her before she did it again.

“I know you didn’t just call my best friend a hoe .... SLUT !!!!!” she shouted in her face while trying to fight out of Jase’s grip

“Oh please! You’re the slut, fucking your brother’s best friend behind his back”

The moment she said that I leaped off Cameron and went  Muhammed Ali on her ass. I was banging her head on the ground. Jase and Cameron were trying to pull me off her, but I was throwing punches in all directions with my home girl cheering me on.

“MI NO KNOW IF YUH THINK ME A ONE A DEM GYAL DEH WEH YUH CAN WALK OVA” (I don’t know if you think I am one of those girls you can walk over)

That bitch brought the Jamaican out of me

“WELL DIS A NUH CHELSEY ..GO FUCK SUHMADY YUH OWN SIZE DUTTY GYAL”( Well this isn’t Chelsey. Go fuck with someone your own size bitch)” I screamed as I continuously punched her her

They finally got the strength to pull me off her, but I wasn’t done. I wanted to step on that bitch.

For all those years she made trouble, bothered and tormented me, I beat that ass.



“Is she badly  ?” her sweet voice asked me

We’re in my bathroom. She is sitting on the sink as I place a band aid on her belly. I was hoping it was a bit near to her breast but it wasn’t even close.

“No, but you beat her ass good though”

She was biting her lips and playing with her fingers

“Look ma, she will be fine”

“ok” she said looking down

I went between her legs and use my index finger to lift her chin up bringing her closer to my lips.

“No uhh” she said gentle push my chest

“What ???”

“I won’t kiss you anymore because I am not your girlfriend and I feel like a hoe”

“Alright then, will you be my girl?” I asked looking in her eyes

She looked me deep in my eyes and pulled me closer and smiled “ No”

Her minty breath hit my lips making them quiver into a pout.

“Why?” I said following her out the bathroom then she shrug

“I want to go home. Can you take me home please?”


“Wait let me go say bye to Nique”


We pulled up to her house and she was about to get out when I gentle pulled her back

“You want a kiss don’t you?” she said smirking


I licked my lips ready for the kiss and she leaned over and kiss me on my cheek.

“Bye!” she said getting out slamming the door in my face

Damn, I have to get her!



I went to the kitchen to get some juice but it took me a minute before I decided to drink the juice because I was afraid of Cameron's sweet taste leaving my lips. Although I wanted that kiss on my lips, my mother taught me to respect myself. There’s no way I would just let some boy who is not my boyfriend kiss me like I am a hoe.

On my way to my room, I passed my mom's room and heard some shuffling...

"Mom, you alright?" I asked

"LAWD GOD YUH FRIGTEN MI PIKNEY, WEN YUH GET HERE" ( Lord God you frightened me child, when did you get here) she said in a frightened tone. It looks like I scared the shit outta her.

"Umm  a few minutes ago" I said getting comfortable on her bed

"What you looking for?"

"Mi purple six inch heels. Weh dem deh?  Yuh see dem, yuh aunty Tanni a carry mi go a one club tonite an di heels go gud wid di tight up dress pon di bed beside yuh" ( My purple six inch heels. Where are they, have you seen them? Your aunty Tanni is taking me to a club tonight and the heels go good with the tight dress on the bed beside you) I looked on her like I didn't understand what she was saying but I actually did.

"Wah yuh no undastan me?"(what you don't understand me) she asked with her hands on her hip

" I said I am looking for my six inch heels because I am going out tonight with your aunt"

It made me smile. Yeah my mom can speak proper english , but she refuses to. She said she ain’t got the time to make everything out her mouth sound proper.

"Whateva, now yuh have yuh fun mi want mi shoes" (whatever now you had your fun , I want my shoes) she said going back through the closet

Shaking my head, she is something else "Thank God mi fine it"( thank god I found it) I heard her as I stepped in my room.

I changed into a white tank top with a black "PINK" booty shorts accompanied with my white ankle socks. I  turned on my TV to Cartoon Network because "MAD" should be coming on soon. That's my shit Don't judge me.

"Till We Get It

Imma Get It

Till We Get It

Till We Get It

Imma Get It

Till We Get It"

Damn! Who’s calling when I am watching "MAD"and where the hell is my phone? Where was the last place I had it?

Uugh fuck!

"You See All You Need Is-" the call ended. Hmm whoever that was can always call back

"Till We Get It”

“Imma Get It”

“Till We Get It”

“Till We Get It”

“Imma Get It”

“Till We Get It"

Like the fuck? Why call back when Spy vs Spy comes on? Ugh! I answered the phone and put it on speaker . Y’all know where it has been.

"Hello" I said putting the phone on my bed and getting on my back, hanging over the end of the bed.

"Hey" a deep voice slipped out the phone

Y’all should have saw me. I jolted up off my back so fast that Usain Bolt couldn't match my speed when I heard Cameron's voice.

"H-hey !!!" I said trying to sound cool and laid back, yet I failed.

"What you doing ma?" I could tell he was smirking when he said that

"Umm nothing but laying in bed watching cartoons. Hey, how you get my number?" I was kinda puzzle because I don't remember giving it to him. Scratch that! I DIDN'T give it to him.

"I took it out your phone today" he simply said. This nigga


"Mhmm" he sighed in the phone sending chills down my spine. I swear he doesn't know what he does to me.

"What you doing?" I asked because it was getting pretty awkward

"Thinking about this girl that's driving me crazy. She just has me wrapped around her fingers and she just doesn't know. I think I like her though, but she think she not my type, but she is. She a nerd and all dat"

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of who the hell this girl was. Ugh bitch better back off my man.

"Oh" I said with a little too much jealousy in my voice

"You jealous ma?" I know he was smirking ...I can’t stand him

"No" I answered a little bit too fast.

After about hours of talking crap.

"Ok lets play 21 questions" Cameron suggested

"Nope too many questions. How about 6?" Because I am getting tired. We have been on the phone for hours taking about shit. At one point, we were talking about cars.

"Fine but any question I ask, you MUST answer it"

"Ok ask first" I said now laying on my belly, and pulling my diary from under my pillow and started to doodle his name in it.

"Ok,  are you from Jamaica? Because earlier when you were tearing Gabriella's ass up, you were talking like you from Jamaica" that made me giggle

"No I am mixed. My mother is from Jamaica and my dad is Mexican, but I was raised in America"

"Oh well when I heard you speak it, it turned me on"

Thank god I am not very light skin and  I am on the phone because I just turned a shade of pink.

"My turn ... Umm how tall are you?" ok I don't know what to ask him

"About ten inches" I can tell he smirking ... Wait WHAT ?!?!? he is not talking about his height talking about his length !!

"Oh my gosh Cameron you are nasty !" we burst in  laughter

"Aye don't wake your mama up"

"Oh she’s not here. She went out"

"So your home ALONE?" he said putting emphasis on the alone


"You want me to come over and keep ya company babe?"

"Naw I pass" I wouldn't mind if he did though...

Then it popped up in my mind .... Is he really ten inches though

"Yes I am"

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yeah you did ma"

"Next question please" embarrassment couldn't explain how I felt right now

"Why did you kiss me on our first kiss?"

"I dont know ... next question"

"Not an answer. I want an answer" he said sternly now that shit turned me on

" Because your sister told me about your anger and I didn't want you to kill them on the spot" I said half  the truth

"Or you've been wanting to kiss a nigga for the longest" Cameron chuckled the other half of truth

"Whatever, my turn.. Umm when I kissed you, how was it?" It took me A LOT of guts to ask him that.

"Damnn shawty can work'em lips" I couldn't help but laugh

"Why didn't you want to fuck?" I sighed heavy

"Cameron seriously ???"

"Yes, I want to get to know you shawty"

Shaking my head "no you want to get to know my mufasa"

"Your what?!?!?" he asked on the verge of laughing

"My mufasa" he laughed at me and I joined him in the end

"Shit I taught y’all call it kitty or some'm"

"You are such a jerk !!!"

"You digging this jerk though"

That made me blush like a fool

"My turn. Were you upset that I didnt give it up?" I asked and I wasn't even nervous. I guess I am warming up to him.

"Well at first yes, but then shawty got me mad crazy over her because I wanted it bad" I bit my lips.

"Well you have 2 questions left" I said taking off my blouse because my room was getting hot and I was not getting up to turn the A/C on right now. Now I only had on my bra and booty shorts.  Thank God my windows are closed.

"Ok are you a virgin?" he ask

"Yes" I answered with ease because I have no problem letting a guy know I am a virgin. I don't care what they have to say, but I am glad I am still one. No offense to the girls who are not virgins, but I am proud to still have my virginity.

"I like that you weren't afraid to say it.You sound very proud"

"I am proud" I bravely said "Are you a virgin" I asked .. stupidly

Of course NOT, we're talking bout Thee Cameron Rodriquez here.

"No" he laughed in the phone

"Why? You wanted to be my first ???" he asked still laughing

Shit aint funny y’all


"Oh, well I lost my virginity when I was 13"

"Damn! Ma nigga you went hard" we burst out in laughter

"Ok so this is my last question right??"

"Yepp" I said popping the "P"

"Ok ... what you wearing?" I should have seen this coming

"Are you serious Cameron?"

"Yes now tell me. Remember you have to answer every question" I could tell the devil was smirking.

"I am in a black booty shorts that says "PINK" on my butt, and in a white ankle socks"

"Wait so whats up top?"

"I took my blouse off so I am in my bra"

I heard when he grunted "Fuck" it made me bite my lip


"Yes babe"

"Ok first I am not your babe and second I am tired and it’s 1 am"

"Alright, goodnight babe"

"I am not your babe and good night"

I waited for him to hang up, but he didn't

"Aren't you gonna hang up?" I ask

"No you hang up"

"Naw you should because you call me" I said


After 5 minutes of fighting  about who should hang up, we finally decide I should since I wanted to sleep.

I hung up my now low battery phone, put it to charge, then I turned the A/C on. Seconds later I went to bed without my blouse  on of course.



“Bitch sleeps like she a freaking princess” I heard a voice mutter

“Naw hoe I sleep like the Queen that I am” I said fluttering my eyes open to see Monique  sitting on my bed next to me watching tv

“Good Morning babe or should I say Cameron’s babe” she joked which made me blush

“Shut up!!” I said playfully pushing her

“Man I went to bed late because of y’all phone sexing and shit”

“WHAT !? Naww it aint even like that” I said blushing hard

“mhmm“ she said rolling her eyes at me. Then she stop and look down at me “ Ha if Cam knew you slept with out your blouse, he would have came over and tore that ass up!!!” she said shaking her ass in my face

“Ay ay get that shit out my face” I said

*Knock Knock*

“Come” I said turning my attention to my mom who’s at the door “yeah mom”

“unuuh hungry” (are you guys hungry) she ask poking her head through the door

“You want breakfast??” I turned to Monique like who the fuck am I  kidding? How she gone turn food down?

“Yass girl I feel like I haven’t eat in days” she said rubbing her belly

“Yeah sure mom” I said turning my attention back to my mom

“Wah yuh want fi yuh breakfast?” (what yall want for your bereakfast)

“The usual” I answered and with that she closed my door

“Is the usual big or-“

“Damn you greedy” I said cutting her off


“Mhhhm this is so good” Monique  said filling up her mouth with eggs that my mom made. She made her eggs different because she added a lot of spices to it.

“Girl shut up”  I said eating my bacon

“Oh god look Kareem!!!” Monique  shouted pointing out the window

Me with my stupid self fell for it “ what” I said looking in the direction she pointed

“You missed it” she said stuffing MY bacon in her mouth. I know its mine because she ate all of hers the minute she got her plate.

“Monique !!!” I said as I pushed her “You ate my bacon?! Ugh I hate you!!!”

“It ain’t my fault that it wanted to go in my mouth , and you know you love meh!!!!” she said pushing me back.

“Lawwd she reminds me a Carmen” my mom said as she stood at the island and smiled at us

But what she said made my eyes watery ...

“Baby mi soon come mi phone a ring” ( baby I will be back soon my phone is ringing)

“Kareem, I am sorry I didn’t mean to eat your bacon” Monique  said rubbing my back as I cried on her shoulder

“Its  not that” I muttered as I wiped my eyes pulling back from her “ My best friend Carmen, she died at age 10, she was bullied and committed suicide when she was 10. For six years I held it in. I never cried when I heard the news, and I never cried at the funeral.  I never cried whenever it was her death anniversary, I cried cause you remind me of her so much” I said as another batch of tears ran down my face

“Aww boo I am sorry” she said hugging me

“It’s ok” I said sniffing

“You know what imma promise you?” she said smiling

“What??” I asked confused

“I, Monique  Rodriquez, will always be your bestfriend, Sister...-In-Law and wifey”

“Aww Nique” I said pulling her into a hug

“Nu uh” she said pushing me “say yours”

“Dang hoe, why you gotta be so harsh?” I said mugging her

“Just say it bitch”

“I, Kareem Jenkins will always be your bestfriend and wifey”

“Bitch say Sister-In-Law cause I know you want to” she said smirking

Then it hit me out the blue why was Monique  here and how did she get here

“By the way why you here and how you get here?” I ask

“Oh Cameron dropped me here...” she said looking at me “Dang girl I didn’t know he does that much to you. He got you biting your lips and shit”

“What?” I said breaking out of a trance

“Anyway, I am here because we are going SHOPPING !!!!” she said screaming with her hands in the air.

“No I’m not!” I said mocking her tone

“Yeah you a go” my mom said getting her bags and keys “now unnuh come on mi ready , me a go drop unnuh a di mall”(now yall come on am ready, I will drop yall at the mall)


“Nope...Naw...Ehh...Hmm...Naww” Monique  said scrolling through another rack

“Yes !! Kareem get here girl” mom and I went to where she was. In her hand she held two Hollister blouses, a pink and white stripe blouse with Hollister written on the front and a green looking stripe one.

“We are going as twins girl” she said all happy


“Huh? Where are we going?” I was confused at the moment

“Jase is having a party and we are going then yoir going to sleep over at my house my house” she said like it’s nothing

“No I can’t Nique”

“yuh can go, but yuh betta come back before twelve a.m” (You can go, but you better be home before 12 am)

“Yess!” Monique  said as she hit the dougie

This girl was something else.


We are getting ready to go,well I am. Monique  is eating because she got ready before me.

“Girl you look cute” she said  as she watched me put my pink make-up on


“Now lets go!!!” she said throwing the empty bag that had potato chips in it

“Bye mom”

“Bye Mrs Jenkins”

“Alrite girls have fun, but no too much fun now, and hi ms Kareem ma’am no go innah de people dem house drunk” (Alright girls have fun, but not too much fun now and Kareem don’t go to their  home drunk)

With that, she sped off down the road

“Damn your mom go hard” Monique  said as we walk to the door

The moment we walked in the party, the music got louder and their was a lot people here of tonight

Looking around, I saw people grinding on each other  and almost everyone looked wasted.



As we step through the door “Ayye Ladies” by Travis Porter ft Tyga blasted in our face. Monique grabbed my hand and headed to the dance floor

“This is my jam girl” she shouted over the music.

We started dancing together and it was so much fun. I hadn’t had this much fun for over 6 years. When the song was over, we burst into laughter.

“Lets go get something to drink”

We headed to the kitchen. Damn Jase’s crib was tight.

“What do you want to drink?” Monique asked as she was going through the refrigerator.

“Umm give me a coke” she gave me my drink then she started to look at me weird and  biting her lips. At this point I would like to believe that Jase is behind me.

“Jase is behind me isn’t he?” I said not turning around. She nod, still biting her lips.

Then she gave me her puppy dog face. I knew what that meant

“Yeah I’ll be alright, you can go”

“Thanks girl” she said sprinting as if he was running away

“Mhmm” I said sipping my coke

“Now what would a pretty girl like you be doing her alone ma?” a deep voice said in my ears that sent a heat wave throughout my entire body.

“Cameron ” I whispered

“Yes babe”

I turned around making our foreheads connect.

“I am not your babe” I said smiling

“Don’t make a nigga beg” he said staring in my eyes leaning in

I leaned in a bit more and kissed him on his cheek then went up to his ear and whispered “Nothing in the world is free babe, you gotta work for it”

Then I put my coke in the bin and left the kitchen, leaving him in the same position that he was in when he walked up.

As I exited the kitchen, a guy asked me to dance. I think his name was Xavier. He  was a cutie, not Cameron cute but he was alright. We danced to three songs then I went for a drink, but I didn’t see any coke. I saw punch on the island so I drank two cups before I went back to dance. As I hit the dance floor “Red Nose” came on that’s when I lost it...

All This Money On Me

Like Come And Take It From A G

But All She Tryna Do Is Get Naked and she gon' shake it, like a red nose

Li-li-li-li-like a red nose

And she gon' shake it, like a red nose

Like a, like a, like a red nose”

As I felt someone grab my waist, I started to twerk. I gave my all in it as I grind hard on the boy. As I slipped my hands around his neck, his grip got firmer around my waist as he moved with me. Whoever he was, homeboy was packed. I could tell he was long and BIG from the impact my ass was receiving.

I started to feel hot ... real hot. He then reached down to my neck and placed a kiss on it. If the music wasn’t so loud, everyone would have heard me moan

Grinding slowly on him ,the song stop and the DJ dropped “Panoramic”

“Oo how you do that

I’m trying to pursue that

Drop it down on a nigga do damage

Booty moving left to right its panoramic

Panoramic, its panoramic, panoramic, its panoramic”

Shit that’s when I started dropping it hard on him to the beat. He bent me over and I was all up on him. My hair was down and sticking to my face because I was sweating from the heat radiating from his body. Damn I don’t even know who he is and I’m dancing on him like that.

I felt so alive. I feel like partying all night. Damn I feel so good that I needed more of that punch. The music stop and I turned around breathing heavy from all that dancing and my eyes made four with his.

“You had fun?” I said looking at Cameron

He was biting his lips and it was turning me on. He grabbed me by my waist and went to my ear and whispered

“When we get married, I want a lap dance”

“You’re a trip and I need a drink” I said walking past him to the kitchen to get me another cup of  punch.

After having myself third glass of the punch, I couldn’t help but feel a bit tipsy. Walking out the kitchen “there you are” Monique  said linking our arms and bringing me upstairs, which didn’t have anyone. Jase told everyone to stay downstairs only.  V.I.P was allowed upstairs and he had security at the stairs so no one passed it.

Monique  pulled me to a room where I heard laughing. When we entered, I saw Chris, Jay-Quan, Tariq, Kay-Shaun, with their ‘hoe of the night.’ They were sitting in a circle. ‘A girl like me sitting with members of The Disiples’, a dream of half the girls from school.

“Now that she is here, we can begin” Monique  said putting an empty Bud Light bottle in the middle of us.

“Begin what?” I whispered to her

“10 minutes in Heaven” she didn’t even whisper back

“Wait, I thought it was 7” one of the hoes stated

“Yeah but what can a girl do in 7 minutes?”

Then everybody burst into laughter.The door opens and in walked Cameron.

“Took your ass so long” Jase smacked his lips

“Nigga please” Cameron said sitting down in front me


“Ok Kareem your turn” Monique  said to me

This was my fifth time going in the closet. The other 4 times I went in the closet, I looked at them and everytime one of them tried to touch me, I told them I would disable their chances of having kids in the future or I would cut their dick off and feed it to the dog I don’t have.

The bottle spun and it landed on Jay-Quan. He was kinda cute, and he was sitting next to Cameron. Suddenly Monique shifted the rug it was on and pointed it to Cameron. I looked at Monique and she smiled then shooed me to the closet.

Before I went to the closet, I grabbed Chris’s beer and gulped it down with one drink.



The minute she got in the closet, Kareem started to pull my zip down. She had to be drunk.

“I want you so bad” she whispered in my ear while she slid her hands in my pants. Shit , as much as I want this, I can’t do this to her.

“No, come on, lets get you home”

“No I want you right now” she said pouting and looking straight in my eyes

“Lets go” I said after I fixed my pants and grabbed her hand.

I opened the closet and everybody was staring at us.

“Uuh we heading out now” I said walking to the door

“Damn Cameron bout to beat that pussy up!!!” Tariq shouted

“Call me” Nique mouthed before I got to the door


“Yeah she really faded” I told Monique while I stopped at a red light

“When you scream ‘I need to pull your body closer let me sex you girl’ you better not change your mind!!!!!” Kareem sang on the top of her lungs in the back seat,sounding awful.

“Is that her singing?” Nique asked through the phone

“You mean crowing, yes its her”

“Haha only if she wasn’t drunk, you would have paid for saying that about her singing”

“Yeah I would” I said pulling up in my drive way “Hey, when do mom and dad come back?” I asked


“Oh, I thought it was today”

“Naww mom said they changed the tickets from today to tomorrow”

“Oh iight. I talk to you later and tell Jase I will fuck his ass up if he gets you pregnant. That’s if anything happens tonight”


“Monique I mean it” I said stern

“Uugh fine... Love You”

“Love you too Punky”

I ended the call, grabbed her from the back seat, and threw her over my shoulder and headed inside.

“Ooooh aggressive, I like” she moaned as I open the door

Fuck! This is gonna be a long night


“Cameron please!!’ she said laying on me in her bra and panties

I was only in my boxers. I was tempted because I wanted her bad, but I couldn’t. I know if she wasn’t drunk, she wouldn’t want this, and I couldn’t lose her now. Shit, she was now grinding on me, waking ole’boy up.

“Shhh you don’t want this” I said

“Yes I do. I want you so deep in me. I want my tight walls around your dick, and I want you to fill the empty space in me please Cameron” she said pouting

“No you don’t ma” I said looking in her eyes

Slowly she was drifting off to sleep “I-I Do.. I r-really do” she said as she tried to fight her eyes closing but failed.

“I know you ain’t ready ma, so I’ll wait” I said kissing her forehead as I rubbed her back. I turned the lights off and went to bed with her laying on top of me.


"Mhhh" I muffled against a soft pillow as someone jump on the bed.

"KA - REEM! GET – UPPPP!" I heard Monique’s annoying voice interupt my sleep.

"WHAT!!!!" I shouted grumpily

"Dang! Why you so grumpy?"

"I was just about to be Mrs. Breezy" I said pouting as she laughed in my face.

"What?" I asked still pouting 

"Your face though" she said laughing

"Shut up, I really wanted to be Mrs. Breezy" I laughed with her

"But if Cameron heard you though"

"Whatever " I smacked my lips "He’s a another story"

“He beg me to make you sleep in my room or else he would have killed you in your sleep"

I couldn’t say anything because I was blushing real hard.

"Even in your sleep you was begging ol' boy for the D" she said smirking 

"Uugh stop" I hid my face in the pillow

"But how is it that you don’t have a hangover?"

"My mom and her Jamaican remedies. When I am at home, I get some type of Jamaican tea and all that so yeah"

"Whatever, hurry up because my mom is making  breakfast" she said heading to the door

"Wait where is my phone?" I asked because I needed to call my mom

"Umm look on the night stand next to you on you left" she said going through the door

I turned around and was about to grab my phone but my clumsy ass knock it over in between the bed and the night stand, not to mention it’s a small space.

Still on the bed, I got on my knees and tried bending over and pushing my hand between the small space but I couldn't reach it so I had to go further. I know my ass must be sticking out right now.



"Mmmhhh Cameron please " she wiggled on me again

Yes she was still begging, but now in her sleep and it’s like 3 am 

I grabbed my phone and called Nique because she wouldn’t let me get up 

"Whattt?" Monique  sleepy and grumpy ass answered 

"Come get her"

"Uugh fine"

In no time Monique  came through the door. She tried getting her up but Kareem kept resisting.

"Babe if you don’t go in Nique’s room and go to sleep, you will get IT" I whispered in her ear then kissed her on her forehead.

After fighting with her for ten minutes, she finally got up and left. 

"Where is she?" I asked as Nique walked out her room.

"She in there" she answered heading to the stairs

As I enter the room, babe’s ass was in my face and it had a nigga thinking dirty. I smirked slapped on my face as I slid on the bed behind her reaching for her ears.

"You still want the D?"

"Cameron" she moan softly

Shit, babe just don’t know what she do to me .With a swift move, I turned her over on her back and hovered over her.

"What do you want?" she asked with a feisty attitude. This is too much for a nigga so early in the morning.

"My morning kiss" I said smiling

"Boy please, I dont know if you brushed your teeth or not"

"Yeah I did, just for you" 

"Yeah. That’s  good, keep that up because you show your teeth a lot. We can’t afford for your hoes to leave you"

Ok so I got hoes. When me and Gabriella were dating, she said she didn’t mind if I had different hoes. I found that as a turn off.  Although she my woman, she was ok if I had hoes but they worked for my dad. My dad is a street king of the West side. Therefore, me and Jase work for him. Out of respect for my mom, dad doesn’t let me and Jase do much. I only can sell from school but dad don’t give us product just in case I get check by them cops.I got my gun though. Sometimes dad lets me handle his business, but I can’t tell mom. Monique is not to be seen near any of our trap houses. She doesn’t know where they are or what they look like. Mom says that’s her baby and ain’t nobody taking her away, but I choose to get in the game.

When dad’s ready to pass down everything, I will be called 'King." Shit I am dying for that to happen, but good shit comes to the nigga that waits. I don’t know if I can wait for Kareem anymore because I want her to be mine too bad.

"Girl you know you love them teeth" I smacked my lips



"Girl you know you love them teeth" he smacked my lips, which made me giggle at his goofiness

“Can you get off me now?”

“No not till I get my kiss ”

“Excuse You !!!! Nigga if you don’t get up, I will shove my foot where the grass don’t grow so I advise you to move”

With that, he eased up

“Don’t worry, I will get you and you will be mine” he said staring me down

"Ha I wish you luck with that" I rolled my eyes

" what you saying I won't get you " he gently grabbed me by my ankles  me towards him positioning himself between my legs he kissed my neck tugging on the spot

"Cameron" a moan escaped from my mouth

Tugging on my shorts he huskily whispered in my ear"The things i would do to you right no-"

"Kareem breakfast is ready so...damn y'all fucking on my bed"  Monique burst into the room

"No" I quickly pushed him off me and headed for the door  "let's go" I linked  hand with Monique's as we go to the dining room


“So this is the Kareem I have been hearing about” Mr. Rodriques said eating his hash browns

"Nique talks about you a lot sweety” Mrs Rodiques added

“Mommy, Cammy got a crush on her” Nique giggled


“Boy I know you didn’t just kick your sister under my table” their mom gritted through her teeth

“Say Sorry!”

Hanging his head “sorry” he mumbled, but I found it cute.

"Cameron" his father said sternly because he didn’t say it loud enough 

“I’m sorry” he said a bit louder

“Huh “ Monique  said cocking her ears

I had to let this giggle out as Cameron shot her a glare

I love this, being around a family. It just being me and my mom it gets kinda boring and so we go do our own thing. Sometimes I wish dad never left.

After breakfast I help Mrs. Rodriquez wash the dishes.

“you a nice girl” she said rinsing the plate then passing it to me

“thank you” I dried it and placed it on the rack

“You dating my baby?” she said passing me the last plate

“No ma’am”

“chile’ dont ma’am me, I still got them curves” she joked making me laugh “you can call me mom

“okay mom” I smiled walking out the kitchen to text my mom informing her that I am ready to go home.

I went back to Monique’s  room and started goofing around and shit

“Don’t drop that thun thun na naaa AYEEE don’t drop that thun thun Na Naaa” Monique  and I sang as we dropped our booty

A car door slammed breaking us out our goofiness. We both ran to the window to see who it was. When we got to the window, this beautiful girl was walkin g to the front door. She looked like a model, her hair was straight and black, it passed her shoulder. She had a coco cola bottle shape, which complimented her outfit; a high waisted floral skirt and a tight crop top with shades covering her eyes.

“Alex ?!?!” Cameron said in a questoning way

“Huh” I was so confuse

“What is she doing here?”

“Shit !!!!” Monique  ran down the stairs with me behind her. By the time we got down there and open the door, Cameron came down and his mouth fell when he saw this girl at the door.

I watched him as he watched her, I could see the look in his eyes this girl meant something to him. But didnt he see me here.

“Alex ?”

“You miss me baby?” she said with a hot voice walking in the house and taking off her sun glasses. She walked up to Cameron and pulled him into a deep kiss.

If it wasn’t for the lip locking in front me, everyone in the room would hear my heart drop. But who is this bitch kissing him? I heard my mom van outside so I ran out the house. I didn’t even say bye to Monique.

“KAREEM !!!” I heard someone shout my name, but I didn’t know who it was nor did I care.

“Alex ?” I heard him say again

Just hearing him say her name made me feel bad, angry , sad, upset, and ..... jealous. I got in my mom van and left.


“Alex?” I just can’t believe it’s her.

“ Yes babe” she said pecking my lips again

My eyes shift to the door, and I saw Monique  rolling her eyes at me and shaking her head


“Save it Cameron” she said walking back upstairs

Shit! I know that I fucked up now because she only called me Cameron when she really mad at me.


Alex was laying on my bed, and I sat on my computer chair because a nigga done mess up and I need to know what was she doing here

“Would you stop staring at me?” she got up and sat in my lap

“I just wanna know, what are you doing here?” I asked serious

“I missed you babe” she trailed kisses to my ears and nibbling on it

“I thought you wanted to be a Victoria Secrets model”

“No I want you, and I want you ... now” she whispered seducing me and waking ol’ boy up

Did I turn the pussy down? .... NO! You must’ve forgot who I am ...



When I got home, I turned my phone off, took a shower to wash off all the encounters i’ve had today with him. After my shower I put on my most comfortable pajamas and snuggled my self in my bed.crying myself to sleep.

“Girl I know you hear me. I know that hoe in there on your man” I snapped in the direction of the voice. It was a cute girl with long brown hai thatr past her shoulders and rested on her elbows. She had pretty brown eyes and was dress in all black ..

“Who are you? and where am I ?”

“Are you serious right now gir?l”

I kept staring at her

With a straight face she answered ” girl i’m your bestie. Your bad ass Adrianna” she said doing a little dance which made me giggle

“But what happened to Monique? ”

“Girl you forgetting everything now, but she and Jase went to Italy  for four days” 


" Now, where was I ... yeah the hoe up there with your man so let's go because I am ready to rearrange a hoe's face" she said getting out the car

"Wait who are you talking bout?"

"Girl Cameron and the hoe Alex in that restaurant. I know she up on him now" she said as we crossed the street.

The minute I heard her name my body started to boil. I was ready to hurt that hoe today. I entered the restaurant just in time to see them kissing, I walked over to them and grabbed her by her hair pulling her out the booth and startd to punch her.

“Somebody get her off me” she screamed as I threw punches

"Damn, and I ain't even get my share yet" Adrianna said

Some how Cameron got me off her then adrianna jumped in ...Shit Adrianna came to kill.


"Go fuck yourself Cameron and don’t talk to me again" I cut him off

" Adrianna let's go" I dragged the go popping my gum

"Uugh fine" she grunted while giving Alex one last kick

"That was fun" andrianna smiled

"Yeah it was!" I smiled pulling off

I woke up from my dream feeling better. I smiled knowing I beat that Alex girl up.

"Mi rawtid yuh wake up pon di right side a di bed dis mawning" ( Omg you woke up on the right side of the bed this morning) my mom smiled

"I guess you can say that" I smiled

"Anyway hurry up an get ready before yuh late" she said opening the blinds in my room

"Umm about that,  I was wondering if I could skip school today to go shopping for some new clothes. When I went Saturday, Monique didn't allow me to get anything but the outfit for the party"

“Kareem yuh know mi no like when yuh no go school” (Kareem you know i dont like it when you do not go to school) she frowned

“I know but mom, bu my clothes are starting to tear, I need new clothes” I lied

“fine, but hurry up and get ready cause me no wan late fi work” (Fine, but hurry and get ready because I dont want to be late for work)

“Thank you mom” I jumped out bed and headed for the bathroom


"Thanks mom " I said to my mom before she flew out the mall parking lot

I had to give her a million and one reasons for why I wanted  to shop new clothes when I should be in class. If I wanted to get back at Cameron, I needed some new clothes. I couldn’t wear the old clothes that people saw me in everyday. I left my phoneat home because I didn't want to talk to anyone. Monique might kill me, but I need to clear my mind.

I feel like crying. Somehow the most popular boy at school gave me my first kiss then he plays with my feelings. Next he’s lip locking with some other girl, but who am I to complain? I am not his girlfriend...

As I walked around in Forever 21, I became lost becaus I didn't know what to get.

“Uugh this is  why I hate shopping because I never know what to get” I shouted in frustration

"You need some help" I turned around facing this cute girl. Her long brown hair in a high pony tail and her eyes were brown. She looked very familiar, but I can’t remember where I saw her at before.

"You work here?" 

"Naww but I would love to help... so what do you say?" she smile

" Yes please "

“What are you looking for???”

“Well, I like high waisted bottoms, and maybe some crop tops, tank tops, you know all that is hot now” I smiled

“well your in the right place” she leaded me to the back where I saw leggings of all different colours. And thats when I started to load up on clothes


" My name is Adrianna and I’m 17" she said eating her fries

She helped me pick out some outfits, and she has great taste in clothes. She also waited for me while I got my hair braided. After getting my hair braided , we were hungry so we went to the food court and got Burger King.

"My name is Kareem and I’m 17 too"

"What school do you go to?" she asked me

" I go to Hood Rich High School"

"Yess!!! I got transferred there because I had to move to Richmondville" she said excitedly

"No way, I live there too on Winters Avenue "

"Aww I live on Summer Avenue" she pouted

"My best friend lives on Autumn  Avenue"

" I got a home girl on that avenue I think"

"Umm my mom should be here soon, but if you wanna keep in touch....

I got her number and mom came for me...

When I got home, I packed away my new accessories, clothes, and shoes. After a shower, I got some sleep then I woke up and went on the school website to get the lesson I missed today.After I finished my lesson, I open my draw totake my phone out.

As it turned on, it started to buzz. I went to the bathroom to put some eye drops in my eyes. When I got back to my room, I had 51 text messages and 10 miss calls. I read the last 11 message I received.

Unknown: Hi its Aidrianna!! :)

Bestie:I hope you see that I went over my texting limit for ur ass

Bestie:imma kill ur ass when I see you ....

Bestie: Kareeeeem pick up your phone please !!!!!!Shit  because you mad at Cam you can't answer a bitch’s call

Bestie: Kareem Jenkins pick up the phone this instant young lady.Fxxk You then !!!!!!!!

Bestie: I am sorry please forgive me just pick up your phone

Bestie:I hate you!!!!!

Bestie: Cam's dick ain't gold so stop crushing on the asshole

Bestie: Imma fuck you up just watch.

I had to laugh at her silliness. I put my phone on the charger then went to bed.


Because Adrianna’s new, I decided to get dress early and ask my mom to pick her up and take us to school. When we entered the school hall, a lot of people were staring.

" I guess they like you already Dria " I said turning the corner hearing whistles

"Me?? No girl, they are checking you out " she said opening her locker 

“Really? They never checked me out before” I said a bit surprise

“From what you told me, I think you locked away your looks for a long time”

“Well boys were never  really interested in me from the start so I didn’t care. The office is right there. Just go in and get your papers, and I will wait out here” I said pointing to the office door.

When dria got in the office, I opened my locker to get some books...

“ Give me one reason why I shouldn’t shoot your ass right now”

“Because I am your bad ass bitch/ wifey and you lubb mehh too much” I goofed facing Monique ’s straight face

“But you missed school yesterday and had me worried”

“I went shopping with my new friend”

“What !!”

“Her name is Adrianna and you can’t be replace babe”

“Make sure”

“Hey Kareem, can you show me my lock-“

“Omg !!!!!! Out of all the hoes in the world, you found Adrianna” Monique hugged Dria

“Hold on this hoe your best friend?” Dria asked me laughing

“Ok I’m lost, yall know each other??”

“Yes we use to go to Penbruck High together “ Monique  answered

“Then her ass dissapeared on me” dria frowned

“Cameron, girl you know how he is” monique rolled her eyes

“who doesnt know how cameron is”she scoffed

“lets get to class guys” I said walking off with the girls.

While walking down the hall to class, I spotted Cameron at his locker with that Alex girl.

“Is that Cameron and Alex?” Dria asked

Ok am I the only person who don’t this Alex bitch

“I will tell you at lunch “Monique answered

“Hold on, I need something from my locker “ Dria said going back while we stood at the water fountain not far from Cam’s locker. I saw Jase and Kay-shaun; we have chemistry together and he’s hella funny. He always making me laugh. That was before Nique came here.

The minute they got to us Jase and Monique started  kissing. All I could do is shake my head at those two.

“Is that all they do?” I ask

“Aye Jase man she might need her face for later blood” the way Kay-shaun said it made me giggle

“Yo ma you look different in’em clothes” he flirted

I laughed “Yeah change my wardrobe” I blushed

Today, I am sporting a solid green tank top along with short jeans shorts with green sandals, with my hair in a bun.

“Damn that ass though” he said looking behind me

I slapped him on his arm “Watch what you doing “

I felt like I was being watched

“Aye my bad ma” he put his hands up in a surrendering position

I must admit; my shorts were showing the ass my mama gave me

“Mhmm” I turned my back to him with an attitude look

I turned just in time to see Cameron looking at me, but it looks as if he was staring a long time.

“I am sorry ma” he whispered in my ears making me blush and Cameron noticed  while sending me a glare. I sent it back then I turned back around.

“So the girl you were walking in with ...who’s she?”

“Not your next prey thats who”

“Come on man. You don’t know if cupid hit a nigga with one of them arrows shit”” he smacked his teeth

I bust out laughing and he joined me too

“Her name is Adrianna”

“Fuck ....She so sexy”

"Hey Kareem, I think we shou- ... hi" she blushed at Kay-Shaun and he haven't spit his game yet.

"Hey ma’ , lemme holla  at ya for a minute"

" OK" she walked with him to his locker


"Kareem what's wrong?" Monique  asked


" Bitch if you dont-"

"Who is Alex?"

"Cameron's first girlfriend, but when dad first introduced Cam to the business, Cam decided not to get too involved with the game. She was forcing him to go for the full offer at 16 because she wanted to be the drug king’s woman. She promised to stand by his side through thick and thin but she couldn't wait no more so she took off to be a Victoria Secret model and we haven't seen her since" Monique explained.

"I remembered when she left. He had mad love for her, and she up and left but I never liked her because I thought she wanted too much from Cameron" Dria added

"Shut up. The only reason you didn't like her was because you had a crush on Cam" Monique snitched on Dria

"Yeah but not anymore though"

Zoning out, I put one and one together and obviously Alex is Cam's first. It must be hard to let her go.

"Guys imma go now" I got up and went straight to the bathroom I can't hold the tears in no more.

On my way to the bathroom I spotted Alex and Cameron kissing then Cameron left. After Cam left, Andre, his enemy, came to her and they hugged.

I found that odd.


1 week later

I feel so good. For one week I have been ignoring Cameron. Monique  made fun of him, but I kept my eyes on that bitch Alex. I just don’t trust her, but other than that I feel great. I have my two best friends with me. Yes you heard me: Dria, Monique, and I are so close now that we don’t do anything without the other. Dria knows about the little thing between Cameron and I and now she wants to get rid of Alex.All I could do is shake my head. Adrianna is a trip. Slowly we are becoming popular, but to be honest I dont want to be popular, but fuck that for now.

"Haha girl you should have seen your face when Kay-shaun came in the gym shirtless" Nique laughed reminding Dria about her dumb-founded moment in our last class; Gym

"Girl shut up" Dria blushed 

"But your face was priceless" I added to Monique's joke

"Aww she blushing" Monique cooed as we took our lunch trays to our table 

"But still all them boys from The Disicples sure got a body though" I said sitting at our table, which was the last table around the back.

"My baby though" Monique  drooled, earning laughs from Dria and I 

Stuffing fries in my mouth, I spotted Cameron and Alex walking in the cafeteria. My appetite was rudely disturb and I was no longer hungry.

"I don’t want anymore" I pushed my tray to tne middle of the table

"Gimme this then because I been eyeing them nuggets since you got them" Monique  pull my tray towards her

"Fat ass" Dria coughed

Cameron was looking at me and I didnt like his stare " Guys imma go to the library, see ya later"

"Alright" Monique  nodded with a full mouth

I got up, grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulder and left. Before I could leave the cafeteria, I met Kay-shaun at the door.

"Hey ma " 

"Hey Kay-shaun" I flipped  my braids 

"Umm where Adrianna at? " he licked his lips

"Lawwd stop that! You making ya girl weak" we both burst in laughter

"Well ya know I got that effect" he licked his lips again

"Boy please,but she in there'” I pointed to the cafeteria

"Thanks" we hugged 

"Mhmm" I walked off and went to my locker to take out the books that I needed for the rest of my classes. I closed my locker and headed for the library but I felt someone pulled me in a dark room. I wanted to scream but a hand covered my mouth 

Slowly the hand moved from my mouth and I wanted to scream again but I didn’t

"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?” I asked panting


"I know you hear me" 


"Well fuck you then" my patience had worn out 

"Why you ignoring a nigga?" his voice came out hurt but I kept qiuet 

"For one week you wouldn’t answer my calls and when I see you in the hall it’s like I don’t exist" his voice came closer

"Cameron please dont start" suddenly I felt his arms around me and his lips in the crook of my neck.

"I miss you" he whispered

"I miss you too" I found myself  admitting 

"Gimme a kiss" 

"Cameron, this is not Alex" I got out his embrace

"Let me ex-"

"I got it. You don’t have to explain, and  I have to go" 

I turned to the door but I felt him grab my hand and pulling me into a kiss ... and my stupid ass kissed back. 



"She goes straight home boss" Tariq, one of my niggas who work for my dad, gave me a little info on where Alex went last night.

"Ok" I kept a straight face as I walked to the cafeteria door to meet Alex as she chatted with Stacey's group. That pissed me off because Stacey hoe-ish ass always catching something.

"Hey babe" Alex called as I walked off into the cafeteria leaving her. She knows I don’t like when she talk to them hoes.

“I am sorry” she came and sat on my lap kissing me

“Mhmm” I mumbled as I watch Kareem leave the cafeteria but my anger grew when I saw her and Kay-shaun, but Shaun have a thing for Dria. Plus I needed to talk to shawty because  she been ignoring a nigga for a week and I’on like that shit.

I pushed Alex off me and headed to the janitor closet before she could finish at her locker.

As she got closer to the locker,  I pulled her in the janitor closet with my hand over her mouth. I don’t want her to think imma hurt her...

"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck you want?' she asked panting


"I know you hear me" 


"Well fuck you then" she spat 

"Why you ignoring a nigga" I asked simply hurt

She kept quiet 

"For one week you wouldn’t answer my calls and when I see you in the hall, its like I don’t exist" I got closer

"Cameron please dont start" I pulled her in my arms and put my lips in the crook of her neck

To be honest, Alex may be my first but I never get this touchy with her. She would beg for it, but would never get me to be like this to her. With Kareem it comes naturally ... Fuck I sound girly-ish.

"I miss you"  I whispered

"I miss you too" she whispered back 

"Gimme a kiss" I played with her

"Cameron this is not alex" I knew she would say no. That’s what got me coming back

"Let me ex-"

"I got it. You don’t have to explain, but I have to go" she cut me off

She went for the door but I pulled her into a kiss and she kissed back

It didn’t last long because she pulled away “I have to go” and she flew out the door

At least I got my kiss ...



I had to meet with my English partner in three minutes. As I entered the library, I saw my partner ...

“Hey Gabriella” I called out

“Hey Kareem “

“Hope I’m not late”

“Naww you right on time”

If your wondering , yes it’s Cameron’s ex. We made up and she apologized about everything. I had to go to her house over the weekend and her mother was straight up ghetto-ish. she said all that “Thing” was an act and she really liked Cameron but he hardly pay attention her and andre did in some what way, and when I came around she knew she lost him and I apologize on my behalf too but nique and dria gives her a warm time

She said after the fight, her mom beat her for fighting over a man, and she said “mama said “I didn’t raise no stuck up bitch so cut the act” and her mom beat her ass bad too because she still got cuts but hey, we are kinda friends now.

“Hey I know that girl. I saw her at Andre’s house”

“You still messing with Andre?” I asked

“Well a girl do have needs” we both laugh “but I saw her there every night I went for some dick”

I looked up and saw Alex

“WHAAAA” I was stunned “Nope that Cameron’s girl” I protested

“No, that’s Andre main bitch”

“I fought for my man once, and I will fight again” I got up ready to go to war with her

“Wow wooow stop and  sit down girl” Gabriella pulled me back down

“If there is one thing I know it’s that once you’re Andre’s main bitch, security is tight  so don’t be going over there like you stupid “

“Are you sure?” I asked again staring at her


Then I saw her turn around and look at me “Who da fuck you looking at?” she shouted

“You hoe. What da fuck you think this is? I stare at who I wanna fucking stare at hoe get that right”

“I know this bitch didn’t” she said coming towards me

“Come for me bitch, I was born ready” I got up going towards her, she ran up to me and swung at me, I quickly grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to the ground, and throw punches all over her, she some how got a hold of my hair and thats when I grabbed her throat and began to choke her. Thats when I felt someone pull me off her.



"Let me fucking go" Kareem screamed as I held her by her waist. Shit she was a raging bull with her hair was all messed up and her eyes were dark.

"Let her go Cam" Alex shouted as Tariq held her back, and she looked like a truck hit her. Her face was bleeding and her hair messed up.

With all the commotion going on, a large crowd of nosey ass people surrounded us. The minute that I heard there was a fight going on because of me, I thought it was some thirsty hoe. But when I heard Kareem and Alex name, I ran so fast..

"Imma fuck you up hoe, just watch" Kareem growled at Alex 

If there is one thing I know is Alex can’t fight, and she was always the girl who made her man fight for her.  When it comes to Kareem, shit she strong as fuck.

I somehow managed to turn her around and pull her closer to me. That started to calm her down. If there ‘s one thing I know someone might end up in the morgue and the other in prison. Orange wouldn’t look good on Kareem.

"Ssshhh stop and calm down" I whispered in her ear 

"Cameron let me go! Let me kill her!" she said a bit calm

"What did she do to you?" 

"THE HOE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID" she lost it again. This time she got out my grip and charged into Alex. Tariq saw the look in Kareem’s eyes and left Alex to run .  Pussy ass nigga. But if it was me, I would run too.

Somehow my boys got everyone out the library leaving me, Alex, and Kareem alone. I would go after Kareem while she beating Alex, but Andre walked in with a blunt in his mouth. 

"Nah you see, I always told you pussy was gone kill you" Andre spat as he walked around me 

"Uugh, get the fuck off me" Alex tried to fight back as Kareem scratched up her face

Kareem got up and walked over to me but in one swift move Andre pulled his hand from his waist and  the next thing I heard was Kareem screaming "CAMERON NOO!!!!!!!" before I knew it she jumped in front of me and suddenly I heard four shots

both  of us fell to the floor ...



"Yow err'body two girls fighting in the library over Cameron!!!!!!!!" a girl shouted at the cafeteria door

"Shit I gotta see this" Dria grabbed her bag from off the table

"Ain’t no way good shit missing me this time" Monique  followed sprinting towards the library 

"Seriously??" Jase glanced at Cameron

"What? I havent hit nun since Alex came back. I swear on my love for Kareem"

"Nigga you fucked up" the boys laughed at me before sprinting to the library  

Unfortunately,the boys reached the library before the girls, due to Monique  drinking two cans of Arizona, they had to stop at the bathroom.

"Shit that’s Alex and Kareem fighting " Kay-shaun blurted

"Fuck" Cameron mumbled trynna get through the crowd

While Kareem was having a ball pounding Alex with her fist, Alex had fun punching Kareem in her stomach.

But on que as Kareem was about to finish off her face, a pair of strong arms pulled up holding her by her waist. She knew those arms anywhere "let me the fxxk go" Kareem screamed as Cameron held her by her waist, raging like a mad bull, her hair was all messed up and her eyes were dark

"Let her go Cam" Alex shouted as Tariq held her back

While on the outside of the library "Shit, what’s happening in there?" Dria asked confused

"I can’t see shit because I am too short" Monique  tried to jump up but failed

"Fat ass. If you didn’t eat like a pig, you could have seen" 

"Shut up" she scowled at Dria with wicked eyes

"Guys.... Kareem .... and Alex" Gabriella squeezed through the crowd informing the girls of  what’s happening inside.

"Shit I know that bitch ain’t gone give Alex all them hits I've been begging to fling" Dria cursed.

The girls tried to push through the crowd but failed. 

"Fuck" Monique  sighed in frustration

“YO ERR’BADY GET DA FUCK OUTTA HERE NOWW!!!!!” Kay-shaun gangsta voice kicked in with his gun in the air.

Without hesitation, everyone flew out the library, even the librarian

Dria and Nique had no choice but to step back and let the crowd pass. Then they saw Andre walked in with a lit blunt in his mouth

They would go in but it was safer for them to stay outside

"Nah you see, I always told you pussy was gone kill you" Andre spat as he walked around Cameron.

"Uugh get the fuck off me" Alex tried to fight back as Kareem scratched up her face

Kareem got up and walked over to me, but in one swift move Andre pulled his hand from his waist and the next thing I heard was Kareem screaming "CAMERON NOO!!!!!!!" she jumped in front Cameron then four shots fired...

and they both fell ....



The machine beside me chimed every minute telling us that she was still alive. One shot ... Kareem took a shot for me, shit I owe her my life.

As for Alex, doctors got her her upstairs thankfully she didn't break any bones but I heard they gave her something for the pain.

Kareem’s mom she didn’t take everything lightly ...

“weh she deh” (where is she) she walked into the hospital mad as ever. Her Jamaican accent rang out loud and clear.

“weh mi pikney deh!!!”( where is my child) she got outrageous

“Ma’am, can I assist you with something?” the nurse asked politely  

“hoo-man mi did ask you fi yuh assistance, a mi pikney me want weh Kareem deh !!!!!!” ( lady did I ask you for your assistance, I want my child , where is Kareem?)  she bawled in the lady’s face

The moment she said that I know my ass in some deep shxt, I swallowed my pride and got up and went over to her

“Ma’am I-I know w-where  your daughter is” I stuttered a bit .... If you saw the look on her face, you would have too.

“wehh” ( where)


The moment we got in the room she started to cry and I went to comfort her ... yeah I guess I shoudn’t have.

“Its ok ma’am” I went over to her to comfort her

“OK !!!, mi pikney inna hospital bed cause a yuh and yuh a talk bout its ok” ( ok, my child is in a hospital bed cause of you and you’re talking about it’s ok) she said beating me with her slippers ... shit ain’t funny

Then her phone ring “hallo ... mi say T when the hospital call meh, me haffi put mi foot inna mi han an run like tief ...wah alright lata” ( hello, T when I got the call from the hospital, I had to put my foot in my hand and run like thief .. what .. alright .. later)

She had to leave though because she wanted fresh clothes for Kareem

As for Punky and Dria, I sent them home. I had Jase drop them off, while my dad’s men went on man hunt for Andre and his crew. He got away once, but he won’t get away twice.

I just can't grasp it into my brain that I let that happen to her


Kareem woke up and I was glad I was there when she did.  I rubbed her hand using my thumb to warm FOUR just above her knuckles.

“I am not dead you know” her soft voice whispered making me jump

“Shit why you gotta scare a nigga like that?”


Then I studied her face. I realized that I was mad at her.

“Please I don’t want to hear it “ she protested

“Why the hell did you do that!? a shot? Are you kidding me?”

“Give her a break asshole. You should have gotten shot, but she took it for your stupid ass. Just be grateful for once” Monique burst through the doors with Adrianna behind her

“Get out nigga. Its our time now” Dria pushed me out

“You can see your wife when we done” Monique  added

I shook my head and left to go in the waiting room and see if they had a trace on Andre



Pain was all I felt as my body ached everywhere, But I am glad I took care of Alex’s ass. That should teach other girls not to fuck with me.

“Mean ass bitch what you smiling for?” Monique  mugged

“Yeah you so mean” Dria added

“I mean, we begged you to let us have a piece of her, but nooo you had to take everything” Monique  shook her head

“Haha you guys are sick. Y’all need to go see a therapist” I laughed at them

“Yeah but we heard you crippled Alex’s ass” Nique smirked


“Shit as of now, I will be staying at least 30ft from Cameron because I love my legs” Dria dramatized

We all burst out in laughter

“I hope no one else comes between you and your man” Monique  said

“Me too” I said quickly ... too quickly

Then the girls started to make fun of me

“You know I heard Alex is in room 103 and thats two floors up” I said shutting them up

“Shit leggo” Dria shouted and out the door they went

I don’t even know where Alex is ...

“Kareem I need to ask you something important” Cameron burst through the doors

“Whats it with y’all and my door?” I muttered

“What’s so important?” I asked giving him all my attention

“Can you sit up for a while?" I sat up and hung my foot making it touch the cold ground

"Can you hurry? My back hurts" I whined

" You went through hell and back for me. You took a shot for me and now I will ask you again" He got on his knees taking my hands in his "Kareem Jenkins will you be my girlfriend?" 

I bit my bottom lip while looking in his eyes

"Please" his eyes got softer like he was about to cry

'This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Why are you stalling?You like this boy and you know it '  a voice said in my head

Taking a deep breath, I smiled as tears ran down my face. "Yes ... I will be your girlfriend Cameron Rodriques" with that he flew up off the ground and hugged me tight as I cried on his shoulder. I was finally his and he was finally mine.


"So you mean her legs are not broken?" Dria asked again for like the fifth time. We were laying in Monique 's bed. Nique on the left, me in the middle, and Dria on the right.

"No, they are fine, and  she has to wear a neck brace for two weeks " I assured her.

"Disappointment, disappointment, disappointment one after another" Monique  shucked her head "First I thought I would get four pancakes this morning, only to to find out I only got three. i swear the struggle is real" 

After I shook my head I asked Nique "Is there a time you never talk about food?"

"What!!! A girl gotta eat" she huffed "And I feel like eating Doritos like right now" she added

"So Mrs. Rodriquez, what will we be doing today?" Dria smirked making me blush 

Its been a week since we start dating, and every time I think about the fact that we are dating, I just blush. It feels like a dream. My first real boyfriend. He gives me my space, he trusts me, and he stop messing with other girls. However he is getting more involved with the drug game although I don’t really approve of what he is doing. I can’t and will not try to stop him because when I met him he was doing it. I can’t just pull him out like that, but he doesnt take me anywhere dangerous plus he got me two bodyguards now. They only around when me and him are going out. I love them already. Big Mac, whose real name is Maccoy, and Bars, whose real name is Barry, are so nice. I call them by their real names sometimes.

"Lawwd look at her cheeks though" Nique giggled

The door creeked and we sat up to look who it was...

"You busy bae?" Cameron eyes fixed on me 

"Umm" I blushed 

"Umm I’m hungry. Lets go downstairs Dria" Monique smirked as she and Dria passed Cam at the door.

He came in and lock the door behind him

"whats up?" I rolled over a bit more giving him space to lay down 

"I missed you" he blushed

I love it when he blushed, he looks so cute

"I missed you too" I kissed him on his cheek

"Let’s go back to my room" he suggested



'Oh baby lets get naked just so we can make sweet love' Kareem sang with the nigga on tv. She was sitting in front the T.V and I was watching her. Her eyes were so bright as some half naked nigga grind in front her. It’s like she adored this nigga. 

She focused on him, moving her hips to the music and I was fuming. She was in front me biting her lips with her hands at her heart as he sang , like tha fuck? She literally having an orgasm with some other guy in front me.

"Ahh hell naw" I grabbed the remote and shut the T.V off

"CAMERON  TURN IT ON BACK" she ran up to the bed and jumped on me 

"Hell naw, you over there having a orgasm over some other nigga" 

"Oh pleas- wait a minute ... you jealous" she smirked

"Shit ain’t funny" I gave her a straight face

"You jealous babe? " she smirked

"No I’m not " I lied

"Yes you are" she said turning the T.V back on

"No its just..."

"Its just .. that your jealous"

"Whatever" I smacked my lips 

"Aww babe don’t worry. I got eyes for you only" she straddle me 

'Twerk it Twerk it Twerk it Twerk it" Busta Ryhmes voice came through my speakers

'dutty gyal wen yuh see mi hear wah yuh fi do' Nicki Minaj voice rapped



"Fuck!! My wife on T.V" he pushed me off him

"Excuse you" I scoffed

"That ass though ..... and the things I would do to it" he mumbled

"Are you serious?"

I was heated right now as his eyes moved at the same rate as her ass. Don’t get me wrong I love Nicki Minaj, but he was giving her all his attention. I pouted and slowly I saw a smirk curved on his lips

"JERK !!!" I playfully pushed him and shove my head under his pillows and got under his covers. His scent entered my nostrils. 

I heard his husky and masculine laughter making me get hotter than I  was. If you know what I mean.

"Babe whats wrong?" he asked and I know his ass smirking right now. He brushed against my ass after getting under the covers.

I swear he doesn’t know what he does to me. 

"YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE" I tried to forced the smile off my face but failed

"I’m your asshole though" he grind on me 

"Cameron" I moaned 

"Cameron, who ate my Frosted Flakes?" I heard the door fly open and Monique shouted

"Oh shit! They busy" Dria voice came in

I would look up, but the position I am in I cant move.He had a grip on my waist

"Well u-um I'll come back when yall not Be-zayye" Monique  cleared her throat 

"uh huh yeah me too" Dria added 

Then I heard the door close

"Cameron stop" I giggled as he danced on me

" I bet the neighbors know my name

Way you screamin', scratchin', yellin'

Bet the neighbors know my name

They be stressin' while we sexin'   " he sang and dang he could sing 

"Omg stop! You can’t sing" I laughed

"Girl please, you know my voice is angelic" he smacked his lips rolling off me

"Whoever told you that, tell'em they lying" I joked

"Whatever" he pouted like a lil' kid 

"Aww baby I’m still not sorry" I kissed his cheek making him shake his head

"You’re a trip" .... " what you finna do today?" he ask wrapping his hands around my waist


"Wanna go to the park?"


He pulled out his Iphone and made a call "Yo ..come get us... the" 

then he turned to me "Come on, the guys on they way to get us"

"Ok "


Thank God I was wearing my black and white basketball shorts with a white wife beater with my black Jordans because Cameron bought me to play basketball with him and i'on know how to play.

"Babe, I don’t know how to play" I pouted

"Its easy. Just try to get the ball from me and dribble it up to the post, take two steps, and shoot" he broke it down for me


"CHEATER!!!" Cameron shouted as I stole the ball from him and dribbled it up to the post to shoot 

"HATER!!!! aye aye do my Dougie" I hit the Dougie

The score, me: 10 him: 5

"You know you cheated" he gave me a straight face

I turned to the bleachers section and ask Bars and Big Mac "Who innocently. 

"She won fair and square boss" Big Mac said

"I am the champion againnnnnn. I will be fighting to the end Boo Hoo for Cameron Boo Hoo for Cameron he's a sore loser because I am the champion ...... of the world" I sang as we headed back to the Range 

Big Mac and Bars jumped in the front and me and Cam in the back

"Shut up. That song ain’t even  all that.  Besides, I let you win anyways" he mugged

"Hol'up is .... is Thee Cameron Rodriquez ... crying cause he lost to a girl?" I tease 

"You’re such a tease, but come here" he pulled me in his lap

"What" I blushed trying to look away

"Gimme a kiss" he licked his lips which make me bite mines 

Leaning slowly, I got closer to his lips. Slipping my hands around his neck, I pulled him closer to me then our lips crashed and instantly he bit my bottom lip for entrance, but it took a minute before I let him in. Our tongues were at war trying to win demand over the other.

I felt like I was in a daze as our tongues fought. Pulling away slowly, I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"I like you a lot" I smiled

"I like you a lot too" he smiled back

For the rest of the ride home, I laid on his chest listening to his heart beat, falling into deep sleep .....


2 Weeks later

"They need how much to win again?" Monique asked stuffing her face with some corn chips 

"Three" Dria sipped her soda

"Dang yo Disciplines gone win" I said watching the boys pass the ball up near to the net where Cameron was

We were at a basketball game at school. So far, we got 97 and they got 99

"COME ON DISCIPLINES !!!!!!" Dria cheered

"So what y’all doing next week and next month?" Monique said sipping her juice

She was talking about me and Cameron's birthday, which was November 24th, and mine, which was December 3rd. He's gonna be 19 and I’m gonna be 18.

"How about a surprise party?" Dria suggested 

"Yeah and we could have it at my house since it’s TIME" Monique  emphasize the "TIME"

So, if you’re wondering what she’s talking about, it’s Cameron taking over his father's empire. Yeah he was going to be running the West side. Starting  next week, he will be called King and not Cameron. We had THE TALK too about me and his relationship and when all the changes will be made.



“Babe you got a min?' " Cameron parted the fight between Nique, Dria and me 

"Ok" I blushed then turned to them with a glare "When I get back, I will find out who ate my bacon because i had to go through Goliath for that shit" I referred to Cameron as Goliath.


"Whats up?" I entered his room

“I just talked to my dad" he said sitting on the edge of his bed

"And??" I asked with a worried look

"Well, do you remember when I told you about what happens when I'm 19?" 


"So you know what’s gonna happen. Are you in or out because you know this is when I choose my Queen, one who will sit by my side , my ride or die, and. my wife. Are you riding with a nigga or not?" he pulled me in his lap

"where the hell am I to go? I done took a bullet for your ass , but the title depends on how you treat me. You know if you mess up...."

"Yeah I know, gone like the wind"

"What? Nigga I ain’t got time fo' that I’m talking bout some usain bolt shit, like the speed of light I’m outta here" I smirked and we busted out in laughter

"I swear you’re a trip" he smirked

"Naww babe—ayye I’m a whole power trip itself" i ratchetly said "but yeah I’m in"

"Good because I wasn’t gone let you go anyway" he held my waist and kissed my forehead.


"AND SCORE!!!!!! THE DISCIPLINES WON" the announcer shouted .... him and his big ass mouth

"Why your ass ain’t cheering for your man girl?" Dria asked as I sat cursing myself because the disciplines won

"So Cameron made a bet that if they win this game, I have to give him a lap dance on his birthday" I glared at him as he danced and stuck his tongue out at me 

"ASSHOLE !!!!!!!" I shouted trying to fight the smile off my face 

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!" he shouted followed by a wink

“Awww" everyone purred in the gym

"Whatever" I fanned them off

"Bishh actin' like she don’t love da' nigga" I heard a voice said behind me

"Gabriellala!!!!!" I screamed running to her " Hoe where have you been?"

"I went to Cali for two months" she hugged me 

"Oh  it’s been that long, I didn’t even miss your ass" I smirked

"Whatever” she pushed me off 

"Hey girls!!!" she hugged Dria and Nique

Slowly they are warming up to her. Gabriella didnt notice me staring at her because her head was down looking at her phone blushing

"Alright spill it.... who is he?"

"His name is Trey" she blushed harder

“Lawwdd he got it packed though" Monique  fanned herself as Gabriella showed us a picture he’d just sent her. 

"So why you calling Cameron an asshole?" Gabriella closed her phone

"We made a bet that if he wins, I give him a lap dance. If he loses, I get 5 pair of Air Jordans, my choice"

"Oh My Gosh !!!! You’re really smart to make that bet" Gabby burst into laughter

"Bae lets go" Cameron shouted as he was leaving the gym

"Alright imma leave now" I hugged them all and walked off the bleachers section.

"Ayye Kareem!!!" Monique  shouted making me turn around

"What ?!?!" i ask

"DONT DROP THAT THUN THUN (AYYE)" the three of them shouted

"You guys are a trip" I shouted leaving the gym  



"What you want for your birthday? You want a party?" I asked as we lay on the lawn chairs in the back yard near the pool looking at the stars.

"I don’t know. Maybe, but nothing big I guess" she sighed

“Oh well. I  want to go all out for my birthday. Yo' i a big building theme ass everywhere, ladies with they asses out serving me drinks, and I want that birthday cake made out 2 Chainz  birthday song. Shiiittt, I want A$$ by Big Sean Nicki to be playing when you giving me my lap dance in front everyone. Oh and Sharane!!! Yall should hit Kendrick up and ask him for Sharane's number" I goofed as Kareem mugged the shit outta me.


"What?" I acted like I didn’t know what I did 

"You’re  a total jerk" she playfully pouted

"But you asked" I chuckled 

"Now that you mention it, I wonder if Chris Brown  can give me a lap dance for my birthday" She smirked, wiping the smile off my face "No shirt on for more than an hour" she fanned herself making me angry. 

"Are you fucking serious?" jealousy raged out me

"What?" she looked at me innocently 


"Hey Ma!" she waved to my mother cutting me off

"Hey baby girl whats up?"

"Oh nothing, I was jus telling Cam that I want chris brown at my party" 

"Oh lord, that fine thang . Whew stop it Dezrine, girl you are married" they both burst out in laughter "Alright imma go inside now children" she walked away

"Y’all something else" I pulled Kareem into my lap and laid her on my chest

"Hmm" she sighed

"Sing for me babe" she gave me the puppy dog eyes

"I got my eyes on you" I started smoothly 

“You're everything that I see”

“I want your hot love and emotion endlessly”

“I can't get over you, you left your mark on me”

“ I want your hot love and emotion endlessly

“Cause you're a good girl and you know it”

“You act so different around me beause you're a good girl and you know it

“I know exactly who you could be”

“ Just hold on, we're going home. Just hold on, we're going home. It's hard to do these things alone, Just hold on we're going home.

“I got my eyes on you, you're everything that I see”

“I want your hot love and emotion endlessly”

“I can't get over you, you left your mark on me”

“I want your hot love and emotion endlessly”

“Cause you're a good girl and you know it”

“You act so different around me”

“Cause you're a good girl and you know it”

“ I know exactly who you could be”

“ Just hold on we're going home”

“Just hold on we're going home”

“It's hard to do these things alone

Just hold on we're going home” He sang so sweetly like Drake to me that he fell asleep. I kissed Cameron on his cheeks and sleep consumed me. Being in his arms made me feel safe to know that he is mine.



Mr. and Mrs. Rodriquez set the beers and food on the island so that the guests can get them

"What happen to the girls clothes? They left piece at their house" she looked around "When I was their age, I couldn’t leave the house with out my rain coat.Yeah my mama believed no part of a girl’s body must show. Her face is good enough"

"Honey lets go and leave the kids" Mr. Rodriquez gently grabbed her hands 

When they got out in the hall, they saw the girls looking at the expensive glass in a cupboard

"If one of you lil hoochies touch my glass, I swear I WILL beat y’all asses for my shit" her voice shouted 10 times louder than the music.

"Dezrine leave them alone"

"Leave them alone my ass!!" she shouted at her husband

"Excuse Me!" he put her back in her place

"Sorry daddy" she blush. She always liked it when her husband took control of her and making her feel like a little girl. 

"Get your bag, imma see if Cameron is ready. Go get in the car because you’re in trouble tonight" he slapped her ass

Sharply she gasped slipping a moan



"You ready son??" my dad asked entering my room 

"Your mother and I are leaving now"


"Oh and don’t let anything happen to the house or it’s your ass"

"Yes sir"

"Alright have fun now, but not too much"

"Will do" I answered staring in the mirror

"You will be fine. You ARE ready, I can feel it" he said referring to my nervousness. This was it. I will be running the streets and  following in my father's footstep was always my dream, but at this point, a nigga was sweating bullets. 

"Yeah" still staring in the mirror as my father left

Dressed in all black from head to toe, I took a deep breath then  put on my lucky gold chain with the number "27" hanging from it.

"Yeah I’m ready" I whispered to myself while grabbing my snap back and left my room

The minute I step out my room I heard 'A$$' by Big Sean & Nicki Minaj 

'Wobble-dy wobble-dy wa wobble wobble

I'm sta-stacking my paper my wallet look like a bible

I got girlies half naked that shit look like the grotto

How your waist anorexic and then your ass is colossal, like whoop

Drop that ass make it boomerang

Take my belt off bitch I'm Pootie Tang

Tippy tow tippy tay you gonna get a tip today

Fuck that you gonna get some dick today' blasted as I came down the stairs.

Shit it was turnt up down there. Girls  were dancing everywhere, the house was full.  People were even outside partying. I saw all my niggas in the VIP section and some at the stairs. Hoes were everywhere. I mean every corner, you would see this half naked girl shaking her ass, but I was not interested in them. I got eyes for one girl and one girl only but I didn’t see her as of yet.

"Ma nigga!!!!" Kay-shaun dapped me up 

"Ma Niggas" I gave some other boys dap

"Hey Cameron" a group of girls purred

"Hey ladies" I licked my lips making them blush and giggle

"How y’all night going so far?” I  made conversation with them

“It’s great" they laughed ... yeah they tipsy alright

"Is it okay if I take him from y’all ladies?" Jase creepy ass snuck beside me

"No" they smiled 

"Is she here yet??" I asked for Kareem

"Yeah, she is upstairs getting ready with Dria and Nique"

"Oh" we walked to the bar grabbing a beer then headed for the VIP section "You the boss now huh?"Jase sat on the stool

"Yeah so you know y’all lazy asses gone be working harder now" I laughed with my boys

"Yo Cam, what about your girl Kareem? She down or wha?' " Trey asked 

"Yeah, she gone be the Queen" I drank my beer

"Good because I can’t take another Alex" Tariq sighed

Damn I miss my baby and I want to see her badly, so I pulled out my phone and texted her.



"So are you gonna" Dria grinded her hips "give him some 'Cake' tonight?" both of them burst in to laughter

"Haha real funny" I mocked them, then my phone vibrated

Picking it up, I read a text and instantly a smile curved on my face.

"Is it because his dick small?" Dria smirked

"Girl,  make Kareem jump your ass for her man. I've seen what she did to Alex" Monique  laughed.

"Would y’all get a life and leave a bitch alone?" I smiled reading Cameron's text as I walked into Monique’s  bathroom  and closing the door

'Where ma heart at?' I read

'Oh shit! I never gave it back’ I sent back

'Naww, not since you stole it' he sent back making me blush 

'Well,  I've been meaning to give it back because it has been useless to me' I sent back smirking

'I’m  just gonna act like you didn’t just send me that' he sent back making me laugh hard

‘I wubb you' I sent

'Yeah I luv your ass. Send me a pic of it' he sent

'-_- whyy?'Ii sent ... like seriously

'Cause I want to see what I’m working with tonight when I get my lap dance' he sent ... I know this nigga smirking too

'Fuck you' I sent back

'Or you can do that ;)' he sent back

'Sure, if you can catch me' I sent back heading back for the door

Not paying attention to the door, I opened it and hit a brick wall "Caught you" I heard his angelic voice whisper over my head.

"Asshole" I whispered in the same tone, trying hard not to kill the moment  

Pulling away from him to go put on my shoes, I thank god that I wasn’t over- dressed. I am wearing black leggings and a blue crop tee. My hair is straighten with bangs. 

"Now, where did Monique  put my shoes?" I looked under the bed for my vans. Then suddenly I felt something rubbing against my butt.

"Cam-" I didn’t finish my rant  as he threw me on the bed. I gave him a straight face.

"What’s wrong babe?" he climbed between my legs and rubbed himself on me and lawwd I was getting hot. 



The moment she said 'Fuck You', I was on my way upstairs. I entered the room and replied to her text.

"Could y’all get out for a minute?" I ask Nique and Dria

"No, it’s my room nigga swerve" Monique  smacked her lips

"Here" I gave her ten dollars 

"Ok Dria leggo!!" Monique  shouted "We going to burger king later" she said going through the door.

"Ayye, I want my cut now" Dria shouted behind her then I locked the door

"No interruption" I mumbled

I went to the bathroom door . As I heard the handle rattle, she walked out with her face still in her phone.I shook my head. ....girls... knocking into me I whispered "Caught You" instantly wrapping my hands around her waist I pulled her into a hug

"Asshole" she whispered back 

Pulling away, she went straight for the bed and  bent over "Now where did Monique  put my shoes?"  she said looking under the bed and her ass was calling my name. I swear her ass said ‘Cameron’ It was like 'Come At Mehh' I swear that’s what it said to me.  Without hesitating, I went  up behind her and rubbed hard against her. 

"Cam-" I threw her gently on the bed  and stopping her from protesting 

"Whats wrong baby?" I climbed between her legs  rubbing slowly against her 

"Would you quit playing?" she wiggled under me

"What are you doing?" I rubbed harder making her feel my ROCK

"Cameron" she moaned 

"Yes baby" I nibbled on her ear 

"Don’t you have a party to attend?" she asked turning her blushing face away

"Your body is my party babyye " I sang in her ears

"Your ass so corny though" she laughed 

"If it wasn’t for the party, I would be tearing this ass up right about now" I got up off her

"Yeah right" she got up and headed for the door

"Oh ,by the way, you know my name gone change to King now so you should start calling me Daddy" I pulled her by her waist close to me as we stood at the door.

"Lil' boy please” she laugh going through the door


"Damn" Kareem whispered sitting in my lap as we watch the dancers on the floor do the Red Nose dance

"I know you can do better" I whispered to her

"No ,they are really good" 

When they finished, the crowd cheered then I tapped Kareem on her waist making her get up. I grabbed her hand gentle"Let’s go"

"Where?" she asked 

"To dance" I said. As we stepped on the floor, a new song came on

'Ha! Hot damn, you look so appalled'

Kareem POV

'Bosy On Mine'  came on as we stepped on the floor played.

"Ayye Chris Brown!!!" I screamed

"Not this nigga again" Cameron’s jealousy kicked in

"If you dance with me to this song, I will give you a lap dance" 

"Fine with me" he quickly agreed

We danced together to the end of the song. Then  the lights cut , and that was my que.  Wild lights flashed all around. Don’t ask me where Monique got those from. Clearing the dance floor, I pushed Cameron in the chair behind him, then the music kicked in...

'Come and put your name on it (put your name on it)

Come and put your name on it (your name)

Bet you wanna put your name on it (put your name on it)

Come and put your name on it '  I shook my ass in his face, whipping my hair all around. 

'It’s not even my birthday

But he wanna lick the icing off

I know you want it in the worst way (the worst way)

Can’t wait to blow my candles out

He want that cake, cake, cake...(You wanna put your name on it)'

I turned around and sat on his lap twerking on him so hard. Twisting my hips, giving my all to him. Lord I might regret this tomorrow, but imma bring out my freaky side


Girl I wanna fuck you right now (right now)

Been a long time, I’ve been missing your body

Let me-let me turn the lights down

When I go down, it’s a private party

Ooooh, it’s not even her birthday

But I wanna lick the icing off

Give it to her in the worst way

Can’t wait to blow her candles out

I want that cake, cake cake.... '

The moment that I heard Chris brown  voice I slightly got up and grind up and down on him . Then I got up and turned around slowly, grinding on him  and not looking at the crowd because I might just freeze.

Bending over, I came up slowly rubbing deep on HIM. I bit my lip stopping the moans that were dying to slip out my mouth . I turned back around so I could go fast again...

So caught up in the song, I didn’t know it ended.  Breathing heavy, I laid my head on his shoulder. With his hands wrapped around my waist, he whispered "Am I still getting the lap dance for our wedding?"

"Whatever" I whispered

"Dang I’m wet" I referred to my underwear

"Let’s go upstairs and fix that" Cameron smirked


"Baby yuh ready? (Baby are you ready) My mom came in my room

"Yeah" I answered. I finished up my makeup.  Monique  and dria went home to get dressed for the party. 

"Lawwd , I should beat yuh ass fi a come outta mi house looking like that" she rubbed my head

"Mom, you messing up my hair" I playfully screamed

"Kip quiet mek me fix it ( keep quiet let me fix it) she sniffed

"Aww mom don’t cry" I got up and hugged her

"Don’t tell mi nuffi bawl" ( don’t tell me not to cry) she wiped her eyes

"I know mommy, I am growing up, but I am NEVER gon leave you" I hugged her

"Who did a talk bout that, mi talk bout you a go party and next thing when you come home you pregnant, me too young fi be grandmada yuh know" ( who was talking about that? I was talking about you going to a party and next thing I know when you come home you pregnant. I am too young to be a grandmother you know) she pouted

Giving her a straight face "Seriously" 

"You tell dat Cameron bwoy seh if him hurt yuh, somebody ago end up a di morgue and one ago jail, so him fi think wid him tuff head and not the soft one" (you tell that cameron boy that if he hurts you, someone will end up at the morgue and the other will go to jail, so he should think with his tough head [brain] and not with his soft one [dick])  she said pointing from her head to her crotch. 

"Mhmm I hear you" I put on my lipstick 

"What time them should pick you up?" she asked 

"Well Big Mac and Bars should be here for me any minute" I grabbed my phone and blazer following my mom out my room

"I hope you enjoy your big party" she said going down the stairs

"Mom, no matter how big this party it will never be as big as  the one we had earlier. That will always be my favorite because I held it with the ones I love" I kissed her on her cheek

The party we held earlier was small but I loved it. My aunty Taneka (my mother's twin), Monique , Adrianna, Cameron, Jase, and Gabriellalala brought Trey. They were all there and I had fun. Mom baked a cake and all. I fed Cameron cake. That nigga was fronting the whole time that I fed him. 'His Wifey be feeding him and he the only lucky nigga in the world. I swear stuff be flying in his head at times.

"Aww baby I love you" she kissed me on my cheek

Then I heard a car drive up in the drive way "They are here, see you tomorrow" I kissed her again and opened the door. I was instantly greeted by Bars and Big Mac

"Alright, be careful now" she said waving off as they led me to my Range then we headed out.

Cameron bought me a white Range Rover for my birthday but I can only drive it when I am with him. Other then that, Bars and Big Mac keep it to take me anywhere I want to go. Ever since he became King, everything changed. Within a week, he got his own house and three cars added to the one he had, but he doesn’t live far from his old house. He doesn’t want to be too far from Monique.  Most of the time, I am at his parents house because whenever I’m at his house, shit bound to happen. Nigga got me playing tag, trying to catch me and shit. 

Even after his party he chase me all around the house for SOME, but he didn’t get it.

"Cameron, would you stop playing?!!!!"  I shouted , we are the only two in the house. Monique was at Jase’s house and Dria by Kay-shaun house.

"Baby come here, come to daddy" he ran after me as I sprinted to his bedroom

"No, go away, leave me alone you perv" I screamed. Now why did he have to be athletic? Within seconds he caught me and shoved me on the edge of his bed and started to rubbing against me very hard. I felt everything and had to look to see if he had his pants on.

"Baby, why you fronting? You know you want me and you want this" he whispered pinning me down

"Cameron?" I moaned 

"Yes baby, you want it don’t you?"

"No" I started to breath heavily trying to calm myself down


"Because you’re a dog"

"What you taking bout? A nigga has been gentle on your ass" he smacked his lips "This is what you call a dog" he grabbed me and started to grind really hard on me

"Cameron stop  please" I begged him then he stop

"You just lucky you cute" he said going to his closet


Right now we are going to a club. It’s a new club that Cameron owned and tonight's the opening. I know right, he kept the opening on my birthday. I love him so much but have not told him yet. I think I will tonight.

"Princess, we are here" Big Mac said after he opened my door. He said no matter what him and Bars will always call me Princess even though everyone will be calling me Queen and I respect that.

"How do I look?" I asked getting out the car

"Beautiful" he whispered in my ears

Quickly they got me to the entrance because of the paperazzi and crowd at the door. I mean damn, I would think this wouldn’t be so big. Walking with my security at my side, my stamina swelled...

"You ready?" Bars looked down at me 


I entered “Club 27” like the queen I am, smashing a pair of  black leather leggings accompanied by my black 5 inches stilettos that matched  my gold belly blouse that stopped right about my naval. Showing my piercing and  topping it off with a black elbow blazer that stopped at my waist, my accessories, hair, nails and make-up were on point. Not that am cocky, but I must say I look damn good tonight because  my man is the king of  the city. I confidently posed for the haters, fans and friends while  giving them my killer smile. I enjoyed  making broke niggas wish they owned me, fake hoes wish they was me, and some just happy they know me. After gladly receiving all the glares, cheers, greets and hugs, I headed straight to the V.I.P section to find my man.

Being escorted behind the red velvet ropes with real gold holding them together, I stop and thought about how he went all out for me. Then I  continued walking, bringing thoughts of what I am in for tonight when I got home. When I saw him, I stopped again and bit my bottom lip. Adorned in khaki pants with a combat black t shirt with “KING” bold in gold on the front, silver diamond nubs in both ears and a gold chain around his neck hanging with  number “27”on it, King made my clit jump.

Sitting in the V.I.P section on a white leather couch, he looked my way while sipping what it looks to be Ciroc. Pulling the glass from his sweet lips, I thank God everyday for this man. He gave me his billion dollar smile and  pulled me to sit his lap. After saying hi to his friends, I leaned back resting my back on his chest. Feeling his well-built 6 pack sent chills up and  down my spine as my lips made their way up to his ears. “King” I purred in his ears notifying  him that I needed his lips on mine. Within seconds he look down at my pouty lips and smirked. Leaning on my inside, I started to get excited, but I had not yet receive my kiss. He slowly leaned and...

"Oh  Hell Naww!!!" Monique  blocked us from kissing "Save that for later" she dragged me out his lap 

"Cock-blocker" he mumbled glaring at Monique

"Sorry, later" I mouthed as she dragged me down to the dance floor

The minute we got on the dance floor the music stopped and the light shined on me. Instantly I started to blush.

"Aww look at her blushing and all. Shout out to the most beautiful girl on the dance floor right now, Happy Birthday girl. This one is for you" he played Love More by Chris Brown q & Nicki Minaj and I lost it 

'Til we get it,

I'ma get it

Til we get it,

Til we get it,

I'ma get it

Til we get it,'

"Ahhh!!!!!!" I screamed. I really didn’t care about nobody right now. Whenever I hear Jase Brown (who) nobody existed . No I didnt forget that I got a man, but Jasebrown is just ... ugh you know what I mean

Me and Monique  started to dance on each other.  Me and my wife was popping on the floor. We were grinding on each other, getting whistles from our crowd as we dropped it and coming up while laughing  as we rapped Nicki's part.

'Yo, he don't know me

But he settin' up to blow me, uh

Said my Twitter pics remind him of Naomi, uh

On the low I used to holla at his homie, uh

Fuck it, now I'm about to ride him like a pony, yeah

Okay, thug prolly, yo come polly

He wanna fuck a bad Dolly and pop Molly

I hope your pockets got a muthafuckin' pot belly

Or is it that you never ball? John Salley

He had the Rolls in his Royce, the tone in his voice

Don't want a good girl, now hoes is his choice

D-D-Dick on H, Pussy on W

Mouth on open, ass on smother you

Ass on the cover too, Elle Magazine

Vroom, vroom, vroom, get gasoline

Could I be your wife? Naw we could bang though

I got these niggas whipped, call me Django'

When the song ended we hugged each "Happy Birthday Babe" she kissed my cheek

"Thanks bae" I said trying to catch my breathe

"Oh I see how it is, y’all having fun with out a hoe, but it’s all good" We turned around facing a hot Andrianna. 

"Dria!!!!" we squealed as she joined us on the dance floor

"Happy Birthday Bae" she hugged me

"Thanks boo" I cooed

"I see you looking hot" Monique  smirked

"Yeah, last time I checked, it’s my party. Why you gotta try and steal my spotlight?" I joked

"Well you and me are the Life of the party" she sticked her tongue at me

"Keyword is try "I stuck my tongue out as she gave me a playful straight face

"Whatever" she retorted

'Take it off, I wanna love ya

And everybody wanna touch ya

You're moving right, wanna see whats up under

Then back it up, beep beep, like a trucker

Nice thighs, nice waist, and you know I cant forget about your face

But don't none of that matter, I'm about to make your pocket fatter'

"Ayeee!!!" We shouted as Strip by my husband JaseBrown played

Me and my girls were dancing in a threesome with our booties popping and all, putting our arms on each other shoulders as we shook our asses.


"I’m thirsty" Dria fanned herself

"Yes you are" I laughed at her

"It’s all good. I’ll leave you to Cameron tonight"

"Fuck you" I mouthed

"Naw I'll let Cameron do the honors" she smirked

"I don’t know about y'all but I’m hungry too. Where the hell the food at?"Monique  scanned the place for any signs of food

"I would tell you to move into a restaurant, but then that place would run out of business" me and Dria laughed

"Real funny haha, the boys got our drinks up there so lets go" we headed back to the VIP section...


I saw my baby dropping it on the dance floor. Tonight she gone get it. I saw them as they made their way back to the VIP section

"Food!!!" Monique  ran towards the little snack bar near us

"Fat ass" I coughed

"Baby behave yourself" Kareem sat in my lap

"What!? It’s not like she heard" I whined

"I’m thirsty" she pouted

"Would you like some of daddy's drink" I whispered in her ear and making sure my lips touch her ears

"Mhmm" she nodded yes

I took up my class of Ciroc off the table to drink some first and rubbed my lips on the edge of the cup. I took a sip then brought it to Kareem's lip rubbing the same spot on her bottom lip. Slowly she opened her mouth and took some sips. Slightly pulling it away from her, I drank it all then pulled her in for a kiss.

"I got you something" I whispered against her lip

"Aww babe this party is enough and the car and-" I cut her off with a kiss

"Shut up. You’re MY girl and I love showering you with gifts. So suck it up because a nigga ain’t gone always be nice" I smirked then she kissed me. 

I pulled out the a small box out my pocket "Here, this is just part of it though"

"Awww babe" she gasped.

I know how to please my lady. I got her gasping and she ain’t get the real deal yet ...

"Cameron, you shouldn’t have" she got all teary eye

"Aww please don’t cry. I hate it when you cry" I rubbed her back

"It’s just so beautiful" she smiled "Can you put it on me please?"

I took the necklace out the box. As she lifted her hair, I hooked it in the hole then I fixed the "27" making it lay straight on her chest. Now me and my woman have matching necklace/chain.

"Hey daddy whats the other gift ??" she asked teasing me

"It should be here any minute now" I said dryly

"Ok, be right back" she got up and went to the snack bar


I can’t believe  that she talked me into this. I hate the nigga, yet still imma let him touch my girl. How could Monique be so evil. She used her brain on me to get some nigga to come to the party, and I won’t even sit and watch when he gets here...

"Alright, where the birthday girl at? I am told there is a special gift out here for you girl" the DJ said cutting the music

Shit here's the part that I don’t like ...

"Baby, what are they talking about?" Kareem came back looking over the balcony at the stage 

"Umm I think you should go and check the gift out" I said trying to hide my anger

"Oh shit IT’S here!!" Monique came up to us

"What is IT?" Kareem asked with her eyes on the big ass present box

"Girl let’s go see" Monique dragged her down to the stage



Lawwd I feel like a queen with all the treatment that I have been getting all night, but this box; what kind of gift could be so big?

I finally made it to the stage then they shouted ‘open up your gift’. I started pulling the ribbon then tearing off the wrapping with my name all over it.

“Step away from the box” the crowd shouted

I did as told and when I step away ....

"Yeah I would like this dance little mama

I thought you'd never I got a lot of cash especially more

for ya yeah, cause you the hottest thing up in this club'

He came out the box singing and slowly my hands went up mouth. He started walking towards me

'I can tell when you hit the stage

Baby you getting paid

Your booty is like a magnet, you

looking like Jessica Rabbit

Puting these other chicks in the casket yeah'

Pulling me into his embrace, I inhale his cologne .... True Religion

"Am I dreaming?" I whispered 

"No, you’re not dreaming baby" he echoed .... oh shit he had a mic

"Happy Birthday baby girl" he said then continue singing, but he was gently pulling me to the other side of the stage. 

When he pushed me in a chair and smirked, thats when it hit me ... I Was About To Get A Lap Dance from Chris Brown

'Here go a g spot come and seat on my lap

Now let me tell you what i'm here for

Looking to fill this position and baby girl you fit the description yeah

Private dancer, my private dancer

Said you gon' be my private dancer

Just pack your things up 'cause your coming home wit me tonight

My private dancer, my private dancer

You gon' be my private dancer

Just pack your things up 'cause your coming home with me tonight'

He sang as he twirled in my lap. Lawwd them hips  and that ass, he got up then he turned around and sat on my lap, wrapping his legs around my waist. He grinded on me so hard , I wanted to moan, but I dare not to. 

I can’t believe Cameron did this for me. This was a big deal, and the fact that he hates Jase, but he still got me the lap dance that I was dying for, I love him. He did something that he hates just to please me. He getting it tonight

Jase started biting his lips as he came closer to my neck and kissed me .......Sweet Mama Jesus !!!!!!

'Private dancer, my private dancer

Said you gon' be my private dancer

Just pack your things up 'cause your coming home wit me tonight

My private dancer, my private dancer

You gon' be my private dancer

Just pack your things up 'cause your coming home with me tonight' 

"Happy Birthday Again Baby Girl" he ended the song and kissed me on my cheek 

I took some pictures with Jase and we talked.  Nigga wouldn’t even pass up them digits but its all gucci. After that, I went to go find my man ....


"Can you calm down?" I asked Cameron as he ranted about the nigga on stage with Kareem.

I mean if that was Monique  ... Wait that couldn’t be Monique unless I was the one giving her that lap dance.

"Fuck you" he gulped his Ciroc

"Did you see him kiss her though? Imma fuck him up" he argued

We had to get the whole crew to keep him upstairs and not to go beat the nigga's ass for dancing on his girl like that.

When the nigga was grinding on her hard, Cameron was like 'Fuck where my gin at?' shit was serious. I am so that they stoped. He is cooling down now. 


Nigga lucky my guys held me down or else he would have been dead. I went down to the bar to get another bottle of Ciroc when I heard her voice

"Cam!!!" she forcefully turned me around

"Baby whats wrong?" I asked because she had a mighty tight grip on my shoulders

"Baby let’s go" she said  

"Are you ok? Baby, you haven’t cut your cake yet or opened any gifts, you alright?"

" Cameron, I am not drunk, and I need you. Now let’s go now !!!" she whispered in my ears seductively

Fuck it. I walked out the club and jumped into my black Range Rover not telling anyone we left and I sped home ...


The moment they got to Cameron's house, they began to make out on the sofa, but was sadly interrupt by the door bell.

"You gotta be shiting me" Cameron murmured getting up to get the door, 

Kareem giggled. As they make it to the door, Cameron flashed her a glare "shit ain’t funny"

"Susan, honey it looks like no one is here, lets go" a male voice said at the door

"The lights are on so someone is there" a female voice followed

When the door open, there stood a white man who looks no older then 40 and woman about in her 20's  "Hi! I am Susan and this is my husband Bob and we are your neighbors" she smiled while cameron had a straight face, Kareem noticed the awkwardness and bought her right hand up to shake the lady's hand.

"Nonesense, around here we hug" she pulled Kareem into a hug

"Oh... my bad I am Kareem and this is Cameron" she pulled away then hugged the man 

"Oh well, we just came to say hi" her voice went high pitch      

"See why i'on like living in them white neighbor hoods? Noisy ass white people." Cameron muttered as Kareem closed the door and they head upstairs ....

As soon as they get into the room, Kareem didnt waste a second pushing Cameron onto the bed and tugging at his belt, making him take his pants off . Heart racing, palms sweating she was hot and ready. She loved Cameron and she knew before this moment, that she wanted him to be her first and last love.


"Wait." Cameron panted stopping her, as much as he wanted to feel her cream on his thickness, he wanted to be sure this is what she wanted.


"Ain't this ya first time?" He asked rubbing on her cheek and she nodded as she kissed his neck, biting it a little.


"Yeah," She panted.


"And you sure you want this?"


"Baby," She replied as she put her lips to his ear, letting them brush against it sending a chill down

his spine. He looked up into her eyes,


"I'm positive."


Cameron was hyped as he kissed her neck and flipped Kareem over so that he was on top.


Removing her top and bottoms while looking at her body. He held her hips as he kisses up and down her body letting his tongue wonder over her body.

"Ummmm," Kareem let the moans of ecstasy escape her as she bit her lip. She wanted him ten time worse now, never feeling this feeling before she was drunk in love.


Unhooking her bra, her beautiful brown breats fell and looked  delicious as he planted kisses on them and then moves down her body sliding her panties down her legs . He moved her up on the bed and then got in between her legs .


Kareem's heart begins to beat fast as Cameron spreads apart her legs and lets his head drop , planting kisses on her wet lips causing chills to go up her spine . His mouth then starts to go to work as his tongue moves in and out of her wondering around in her insides causing her back to arch and her hands to grip the sheets .


Cameron knew he was doing the damn thing . Couldn't no one tell him his tongue game wasn't on point .


He then starts to lick on Kareem's flesh faster causing her back to arch fully and her to start panting.


He begins to slip several fingers inside of her . First one...two...three...four, he went until his whole fist was inside of her . He wanted to know just how much his girl could handle. Screaming on top of her voice he knew that he was doing it just right, until he decided he was done teasing and wanted her to meet his other half. He continued to rub her spot as he reached in his boxers taking his partner out  and strapping up. Because it was not time for a baby in their relationship


He notices Kareem look at it and her eyes get wide . He smirks with pride .


He knew that department was on point too .  Kareem's heart begins to pound even more . She was ready, she was for certain . She wanted Kareem so bad right now , but she knew it'd be painful having it be her first time .


He places one of his hands on her hip and then the other on his partner easing it into her .


"Ahhh!" She shouts squirming away. "Shit Cameron that hurts!" She cries .


"I know it does baby, it's gonna hurt at first . But it'll get better, I promise." He assures her. "I gotchu."


He continues to push it into her causing her to make another outburst but he ignores it and goes all the way . He thrusts in and out of her as she grips the sheets and releases a few tears . It hurt her so bad she could barely stand it.

As Cameron started to pick up the pace, Kareem's pain started to turn into pleasure and her whimpers turned into moans .


Next thing Cameron knew, she was begging him to go faster which Cameron didn't hesitate to do .

He pounds on her a few more times until Kareem finds herself sitting up, and pushing Cameron onto the bed . She straddles him, sitting right on top of his half and begins to ride Cameron nice and slowly teasing him.


"Oh so you wanna play with me?" He smirks.


She lets out a small chuckle when he grabs her hips bouncing her up and down on top of him . At this point, Kareem wish she'd never teased him because now she was reaching her climax .


"Ca-Cam...I'm about t-to..." Kareem wasn't able to finish her sentence . All she could do was scream from the reached climax . She begins to slow down and leans down on Cameron putting her hands on his chest.

After awhile they lay beside each other panting heavily until their breathing levels out.

Cameron turned to Kareem "I Love You" he kissed her on her lips while moving the strands of wet hair on her face

"I Love You Too" she kissed his lips, pulling Kareem on top of him she whimpered.

"whats wrong" he asked worriedly


"IT hurts" she whispered causing him to laugh


"I beat it up good didnt i" he laugh


"whatever" she scoffed ...

Cameron kissed her forehead, together they fell asleep.