“Mind control is so finely tuned in today’s world, that the best thing one can do is learn the tricks. Jones and Flaxman provide exactly that in the most comprehensive examination of the subject I’ve seen yet. From its pervasive use in media and marketing, to being one of the darkest tools of the nefarious Elite. If knowledge is power, then Mind Wars is mind control Kryptonite!”

—Greg Carlwood, host of conspiracy podcast, The Higherside Chats

“For those who think that the desire to control and know what you think at all times is a new phenomena…think again! In their latest book, Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman show that throughout history powers and principalities have spied, manipulated and otherwise attempted to discern what we think in order to harness the power of our minds. What is even scarier is what lies ahead! Within a few short years, will technology render the concept of a private thought obsolete? What evil could be done with this tremendous power? You’ll have to read Mind Wars to find out. Don’t just think about it, buy this book today before THEY say you can’t!”

—Jim Harold, president, Jim Harold Media LLC;
host of the Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold’s Campfire;
author of Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories and True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold’s Campfire 2