NO SECOND CHANCES came during an emotional time in my life. Little did I know that my hormones were out of control because of an undiagnosed illness. To say that writing this book changed and ultimately saved my life is an understatement. I honestly think that 2016 will go down in the annals of history as the year of no chill. It totally kicked me in the ass until the very end.

This book would not have been written without the help of so many people. First and foremost, I’d like to thank my mother. She hates it when I don’t tell her things. So this is my promise to you, Mom. Open book.

Special thanks will always go to my amazing editor, Holly. Thank you for your patience and continued enthusiasm. I wouldn’t be the writer I am today without your wisdom. And thank you for letting me get away with naming a minor character after a Winchester.

Lauren, your input always puts me at ease. Thank you for helping me see into my characters’ souls. I am forever grateful.

My undying gratitude also goes to Kat. I wouldn’t have thought of “it” that way if you hadn’t showed me. My nose was too close to the screen to see clearly.

I would also like to thank Jean Feiwel and everyone at Swoon Reads for giving me a chance to share the Dodge Cove trilogy with readers. I’m so happy that Didi, Caleb, Nathan, Preston, and now Natasha and Jackson’s stories are out there for anyone to discover.

Lastly, I would like to thank the readers. Without you these books would not have become reality. Thank you for your unfailing support. Reading your tweets and messages always makes my day. Thank you for welcoming the DoCo gang into your lives.