THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE who deserve thanks for their support during my time as the campaign manager of Bernie 2016. First and foremost is my family. A campaign affects not only those working on it but those around them. In many ways, more so. Barbara, Sydney, Paul, and Will, your love and unwavering support through this journey made it possible. Thanks also to the many friends who pitched in to help my family during the campaign, especially the Tomans.

I also want to express my appreciation to the staff (Greg, Gareth, Sam, and the rest of the crew) and the customers of Victory Comics. You made sure that Virginia’s Comic and Gaming Superstore kept going strong during my absence. My friend Al Stoltz and his family as always had my back, as well.

To all the Bernie 2016 staffers who fought against incredible odds to move our country forward, you have my undying gratitude. Although we came up a little short of the nomination, your work has changed politics. In that very real sense, we did win in 2016. I know each of you will take the skills you learned into future progressive campaigns. A special thanks to the headquarters staff I worked with most closely—and to each of our state directors and their staff, who deserve much of the credit for our success, as do the advance staffers who made sure we pulled off Bernie’s packed event schedule. I also have to mention our constituency outreach teams. Despite the false narratives, your work ensured that the political revolution became the multiracial coalition our country desperately needs.

Thanks to our consultants and vendors, especially Devine, Mulvey, Longabaugh; Tulchin Research; HaystaqDNA; Revolution Messaging; our researcher Edward Chapman; Solidarity Strategies and our trio of mail vendors. Each of you brought invaluable expertise and gave Bernie 2016 the modern campaigning tools that most progressive campaigns never have access to.

The individuals and organizations who endorsed Bernie’s run faced incredible pressure to stay out of the race or to support Secretary Clinton. Thank you for your courageous stand.

Bernie 2016 was ultimately successful due to the hard work of hundreds of thousands of volunteers and the generosity of millions of small donors. All those phone calls, door knocks, and $27 contributions made the impossible possible. Your commitment to Bernie 2016 was inspiring then and continues to be. I want to give a nod to those who supported me personally with words of encouragement, defense on social media, and even by wearing blue superhero capes at the convention.

Millions of people across the country voted for Bernie (and many more wanted to vote but were disenfranchised by closed primaries, improper voting roll purges, and outright voter suppression). Despite the establishment and media narrative about the futility of our fight for progressive change, you expressed your support in the most American way possible—at the ballot box. The impact your votes have had on the politics of our country is a testament to why it is so important to protect the right of every American to vote.

This book would not have been possible without the support of my agent Ron Goldfarb and the dedication and incredible patience of Tom Dunne and all the folks at St. Martin’s Press/Thomas Dunne Books. I appreciate your recognition of the lasting significance of Bernie 2016 and your willingness to give readers a glimpse behind the scenes of our campaign.

Finally, I want to thank Bernie and Jane Sanders. Together they have dedicated their lives to creating a more just and equitable world. They have never lost sight of what is important—improving the lives of everyday people in every community. For allowing me to do my small part in this continuing fight, I am forever grateful.