We owe special thanks to so many people who aided in the research and writing of this book. Roy Levin and Jan Thomson, who kindly put us up at their condo during our research trip to San Francisco. Emily Magnaghi and Seth Cotterell, who led us on a tour of the California Academy of Sciences, pulled out library cartloads of books and papers from the archives, and answered countless questions about botany and Alice Eastwood (and they appear in tribute as Alice’s colleagues during the earthquake scenes!). Paul Price and Julie DeVere, wonderfully knowledgeable curators who gave us private tours, respectively, of Carolands Chateau and Filoli Mansion and Gardens and answered many questions about how Gilded Age California mansions operated upstairs and down. Christina Moretta, photo curator of the San Francisco History Center at San Francisco Public Library. The Chinese Historical Society of America, and the Legion of Honor Museum whose fabulous exhibit of embroidered fashions by Guo Pei sent Suling’s character arc careening in an entirely new direction. Our friends and fellow historical fiction authors Stephanie Dray and Stephanie Thornton, for taking their red pens to the messy first draft of this book. Our patient spouses: Stephen, who fueled us through two days of feverish spreadsheeting with homemade ramen; and Geoff, who took over the logistics of moving to a new house in a new town so that Janie could hit her writing deadlines. Last, our wonderful agent Kevan Lyon, our patient editor Tessa Woodward, and the endlessly enthusiastic PR and marketing team at William Morrow. Without you all, The Phoenix Crown would never have been written!