Day 29:  Let Go and Get God Work through the Storm


Holidays and birthdays can be such a special time for some, while for others, they can be very trying times. Let’s face it, some of us are parts of hugely dysfunctional families. And getting together all in one place seems to only accentuate that fact.

The last time my family all got together, I felt like hiding away in the bathroom and either screaming or crying! But I learned some very important lessons I’d like to pass onto you.

  1. Don’t challenge the Enemy unless you prepare for battle.
  2. Sometimes it’s simply time to let go and let God.

You see, I have some dear loved ones who are aren’t believers; and one in particular, a prodigal, seems to be spiraling further and further down a very dark abyss every time I see him. The day before our get-together, I had made up my mind to deal with the evil spirits plaguing him by praying silently while in his presence. But in the business of the day, I completely forgot. The Enemy, however, had not forgotten my threat, and he came at me full force through this person. I didn’t realize until later on that night what actually had happened. So, I caution you to take this spiritual battle we are in very seriously. Your enemy does. If you intend to go after him, then you’d better get equipped and prepared by prayer, fasting and calling upon the Holy Spirit!

Secondly, and equally important, I realized that despite repeated attempts to place this person in God’s hands, I always try and hang on, try and make things happen on my own. I fret and worry and rush about, trying to please this person in the hopes he’ll see Jesus in me. But God showed me that all these things show a lack of faith in Him. They show that I truly don’t believe God will handle the situation.

So, the Lord clearly told me to let go. I had to let go of this person and let him fall into God’s hands. I mean really let go. Stop trying. Stop doing. Stop fretting. That doesn’t mean I stop loving, but it just means I had to take a step back and release my grip.

So I did. I pictured myself on a ship in the middle of a huge storm, and this person was hanging over the side of the ship, oblivious to the raging waters below him. I was clinging to him, so afraid to let him go. But then I obeyed and released my grip, and I pictured him falling . . . falling . . . falling . . . into the violent sea. Guess what? Down below, Jesus was waiting to catch him! And He spoke to me. He said, “How do you know that I didn’t create this storm to ultimately save this person?” In other words, I was so afraid of the storm harming my loved one that I never considered that God was allowing it to bring him to God. And I was preventing that from happening by hanging onto him!

Is there something or someone you’re hanging onto? What is your deepest fear? What is your number one prayer request? It could be for a lost loved one or maybe for a situation. Whatever it is, ask God if you’re clinging on too tight. If so, let go. let the person or thing fall into the raging storm and right into the arms of Jesus!


MaryLu Tyndall