Imagine, if you will, a ghost ship floating upon foggy waters with sails as black as the night sky. The captain is fierce but the crewmen are deadbeat followers. Imagine this same ship, only now it’s invisible. You only think it might be there, because you can’t see it. You don’t know what that captain and crew will do or when they will do it.
This is how some people see God and His followers. They see so much happening in the world, more bad than good, and since they cannot see God, they picture Him as some fierce, uncaring captain who stands on deck shouting orders to His deadbeat followers. They can’t see Him as a loving God, a compassionate captain who guides them through the storms of life. Yes, He does deal out punishments, but only when we’ve earned it. And even then, He’s more merciful than we deserve.
Yet God is not invisible to those who truly know him. He reveals Himself to us through his Word. By staying in the Word and praying regularly, we are guided down the right course in life. We can see God in His creations; in the clouds, in the mountains, in a rainbow. It still amazes me to this day all the different, intricate designs on flowers or the development of an unborn child. All we need do is open our eyes to all the wonders that God has created.
For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse (Romans 1:20 NIV).
We who know Him have a responsibility to spread the Good News. There is so much opposition in the world today, and we need to help others to find the truth. We need to help people to see the true God. To help them to imagine the true captain and not the lie.
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen (1 Timothy 1:17 NIV).
Now, let us imagine that ship again. This time it is a Holy Ghost Ship. It’s floating on clear, calm waters with sails as white as snow. The captain is gentle yet has authority beyond measure. The crew is composed of faithful followers who will do anything to help their captain. The ship is very visible and taking on new crew members every day.
So, let me ask you: Who is the captain of your ship?
Debbie Mitchell