Day 33:  Beware the Call of the Siren


Ephraim mixes himself among the peoples courting the favor of first one country, then another; Ephraim is a cake not turned. Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knows it not; yes, gray hairs are sprinkled here and there upon him, and he does not know it (Hosea 7:8–9 AMP).


I ran across the phrase cake not turned in Hosea the other day, and I visualized a pancake bubbling and sizzling on the griddle, ready to be flipped over so its other side can be cooked, but whoever is cooking it just leaves it there. So, what happens? It gets burned and is good for nothing but to be thrown in the garbage. You see, Ephraim was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, and like the other tribes, and against God’s command, Ephraim mixed with the heathen people around them and after a while, these heathen nations caused Ephraim to turn away from God.

This verse contains a stark warning. Basically, God is saying, “Don’t mix with the world! Be in the world but not of the world!” Easier said than done, right? The world and the things of the world have a magnetic appeal. Riches, fame, beauty, success, power, popularity . . . whatever it might be that attracts you. They are like the mythological Greek Sirens, beautiful women who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island.

What is luring you today? Are you flirting with the things of the world? Whether it be something as blatant as considering sex outside of marriage or drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs or stealing, or whether it be something as “innocent” and subtle as watching a TV show or movie that you shouldn’t watch or engaging in gossip or fudging on your taxes. If you continue to flirt with these things, believe me, you’ll give in eventually. And once you give in, you’ll give in to something else, and then something else, and before you know it, your ship is wrecked on the rocks! (Take it from someone who knows.)

Strangers have devoured his strength and gray hairs are sprinkled upon him and he doesn’t know it! Verse 9: “When you mix with the world, it steals all your strength and makes you old before your time.” Sure, you might still make it to heaven, but your life here on earth would have been a complete waste. I’ve seen countless Christians who have one foot on the deck of the Kingdom and one foot still on the dock, and they are the most miserable people I know. Not only that, but as they age, they seem to only get more depressed and angry. They do indeed seem much older than they are. Don’t let that happen to you. Don’t be a burned pancake! Don’t heed the call of the world’s sirens. The things of the world will not make you happy. It’s a lie. I know. Because I’ve been on both sides, and I can honestly say I will never go back.


For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life (Matthew 16:26 NASB).


MaryLu Tyndall