The story of John the Baptist has always intrigued me. He was the forerunner to Christ, the messenger announcing the Messiah. He was also Jesus’ cousin. But have you ever really stopped to think about this man’s life? The Bible tells us he wore camel skin and ate locusts and honey. We also know that he was a Nazirite, which meant he was especially consecrated to God. He couldn’t cut his hair, drink alcohol or come anywhere near a dead corpse. Though I’m sure there were other Nazirites running around at that time, I doubt any of them wore camel skins and only ate locusts and honey. John was an oddity. In today’s terms, he might be the homeless guy on the corner who doesn’t smell so good and who is screaming that the end is near. People cross the street to avoid him and definitely don’t make eye contact, fearing he might speak to them.
So, why wasn’t John ignored? Why wasn’t he shunned? Why, instead, did he gather a large number of faithful followers and then proceed to baptize thousands of people who came to hear his message? Perhaps it was his great message that God has a prosperous future for everyone, that God wants to heal them and bless them and make them rich. Right? No, John’s message was simple: “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” Repent? Like confess my sins and ask forgiveness and then don’t do them anymore . . . that kind of repent? Good grief, that doesn’t sound very cool or interesting.
Well, then surely he was popular because he had good connections. No doubt he was chums with the wealthy religious leaders of the day. Surely they were backing him and prompting people to go out to hear him speak. But wait . . . what about this Scripture?
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not think you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 3:7–10 NIV).
Hmm. That doesn’t sound very nice. John should have been arrested for hate speech! Perhaps the people flocked to him because he performed miracles, signs, and wonders. That had to be it. But no. The Bible doesn’t record that John did any miracles. So why did people go out by the thousands to listen to John and be baptized by him? Let me offer my theory. John was a simple man who was in complete submission to God, who loved God with all His heart and who obeyed God by speaking God’s Word in truth and love.
Word of God + Spirit of God + obedient servant = Power
This isn’t the kind of power the world craves. This is the power to do mighty things for God. The power to change history. Why do I tell you this? Because most of us don’t think we can do much for God. We are too shy, too weird, too sinful, too this, too that. Too often we lounge about the railing of the ship, afraid to move, afraid to speak, even though we feel God prompting us to do something. We can’t imagine what we could possibly do to help save the lost in the world. Why would anyone listen to us?
I think you’ll be surprised what one simple sailor and God can do!
MaryLu Tyndall