Day 87:  Feel like Your Ship Is Upside Down?


Do you ever wonder how the world got so crazy? It seems like wickedness is admired and sought after while goodness and righteousness are labeled evil. Patriots are called haters and terrorists, while real terrorists are labeled friends of our government. Money is taken from those who work hard and given to those who don’t work at all. People who believe in God are crazy while those who believe the complexities of life formed out of chaos are brilliant. Sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out.

Hear what Isaiah said some three thousand years ago:


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter (Isaiah 5:20 NIV).


While it may seem like God doesn’t notice or care about these things, believe me, He does. He’s watching all of this very carefully, and someday He will judge the world for the things it has done as well as individuals for the lives they led. Yes, He is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. Therefore He can do no less than be just.


The nations were filled with wrath, but now the time of your wrath has come. It is time to judge the dead and reward your servants the prophets, as well as your holy people, and all who fear your name, from the least to the greatest. It is time to destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth (Revelation 11:18 NLT).


We live in an age where everywhere we turn, we see people trying to puff themselves up, trying to take center stage and crying, “Look at me, look at me!” We live in a culture that glamorizes beauty and fame and money and turns its face from people who dedicate their lives to serving others. How many times do you see a story on the news or in a magazine or a show on TV that glorifies people who are doing good all over the world and living their lives for God? Very rare, if ever.


. . . some who seem least important now will be the greatest then, and some who are the greatest now will be least important then (Luke 13:30 NLT).


Maybe you’ve felt lately that you just don’t fit in anywhere. Maybe you’re not popular in school or at work. Maybe it’s always someone else who gets the attention among your friends and family. Maybe you never draw the eye of the person you have a crush on. Have you ever felt like you could just melt into the wall and no one would notice? I have. Well, rest assured. God sees you. If you live your life for Him, you may be one of the greatest of all those in Heaven. Just be patient. God is coming to set things right!


MaryLu Tyndall