“April is the cruelest month,” the poet I was so unfortunately assigned once famously poeticized. Well, he’s wrong. March is. Late March, to be semi-exact.
That’s when I finally hear. After taking the better part of an entire school year, They can’t give you a specific date or approximate time. No, that would be considerate, that would actually be humane. Instead, They want you to writhe in suspended agony. And I do, second by interminable second. “Late March.” What does “Late March” even mean? The last two weeks? The last week? The last few days? Oh, those miserable mothers!
So starting the sixteenth, I’m online like every ten minutes to check if thumbs up or down’s been posted, and naturally it never is. By the twenty-third, I’m a basket case, constantly muttering non sequiturs to myself, nails chewed down to bloody nubs. By the twenty-ninth, I’m climbing the walls, triple-checking like every ten seconds. Logging in and out, out and in, over and over again, in a mindless trance. Hours go by. And this is all night, three, four in the morning, because I can no longer sleep because I’ve basically morphed into a walking zombie.
So there I am, ebbing in and out of consciousness through AP English, when the news floats through the ether that just this moment Phil Chen’s gotten into Columbia, which doesn’t surprise me, and that he immediately flipped off the principal, which does. I bolt upright. My last check online was a full twelve minutes ago. I curse myself. How could I have let so much time go by? Frantically I bring up my keyboard on my iPhone and attempt to log on to the official Columbia University website but the official Columbia University website doesn’t come up because the official Columbia University website’s freakin’ down. The reason the official Columbia University website’s freakin’ down is because across the continent and around the globe, all 34,929 regular admissions applicants are frantically clicking just like me on the same link at the same time.
Which leaves the letter, or what’s known in the college racket as the “invitation” if you’re in and the “eat shit and die” if you’re not. Columbia times its letters to arrive the same day that decisions are posted online. My fate’s signed, sealed, delivered, and lying on its side in our mailbox. Even though there’s still another ten minutes of class, I am out the door with my teacher’s sympathetic acquiescence.
The drive back’s a frenetic blur. This, my friends, is finally it. The Word. What I’ve worked and sacrificed for. The years swirl around me. The endless hours studying subjects I could care less about, the tedious books I slaved through, the grueling months of preparing for the SATs. The few ups, the many, many downs. The constant anxiety. All for one single purpose. Columbia. I don’t want to know and have to know at the same time.
Double-parking, I explode from the Beast and sprint into the dingy lobby of our building. PO boxes fill an entire wall. I dash to ours. Hands trembling, I dial the combination and swing open the little frosted glass door. My fingers grope inside, find nothing. Kneeling, I anxiously peer into the metal compartment. Empty. I can see all the other boxes have stuff in them. The mail’s been delivered for the day. Which can only mean one thing.
Charlie. A wave of horror engulfs me as I realize it’s Friday. Charlie gets afternoons off on Fridays because he works Saturday mornings. God, no. Charlie’s got it!
I clamber up the stairs, three at a time, all the way to the fourth floor. Tear along the shabby hallway lined with doors to identical cubicles. Fumble for my keys, only to see the door is open a crack. I barrel in, breathless.
“Did it come?”
Charlie’s slumped at the table in his blue postal uniform, which isn’t unusual. What is unusual is the open bottle of whiskey. Charlie’s a stoner, not a drinker. Guzzling brown liquid from a glass, he grimaces as it goes down, obviously in distress.
“It’s not important where you get in, Brooks,” he says softly. “It may seem like it is, but it really isn’t.”
Then I spot the printed piece of embossed paper spread out in front of him. He’s read it. He knows before I do. I’m beyond pissed.
“You had no right opening it!”
I snatch the letter from the table. The world’s spinning. It’s over. I can’t bear to look. My legs go all wobbly. I have to sit down.
“The least you could do is let me get rejected firsthand,” I whisper in defeat.
“You didn’t get rejected, Brooks,” he says, pouring himself another slug.
“I didn’t get rejected?” I look up at him, stricken. “No, please don’t tell me I’ve been Wait-Listed!”
Wait-Listed. First Deferred, now Wait-Listed. Is there no end to this misery? I give up, I can’t take anymore. Oh, those mothers!
“You got in, Brooks,” Charlie says.
“What?” I say, barely listening.
“You got into fucking Columbia,” he states.
“I got into fucking Columbia?” I repeat, incredulous. Can it really be true? I read the first paragraph of the letter. It starts with “the greatest pleasure.” None of that let-you-down-easy bull about receiving more applications than any time in recorded history, blah, blah, blah, before they give you the old boot. Instead, They’re inviting me, Brooks Rattigan, to join the Columbia community. It’s not the thin envelope. I got the big fat thick one. I’m in. It’s true!
Instantly Queen’s “We Are the Champions” is pounding in both ears. I’m up on my feet, dancing around, shadow boxing and flattening any and all comers. I rock, baby. I am the shit!
I cannot believe I got into fucking Columbia. I thank Farkus, my lucky stars, but most of all Uncle Max who, it turns out, is a man of his word and must have tipped the scales in my favor.
“You’re getting twenty thousand a year toward tuition,” Charlie says, gulping down another belt of whiskey.
“Twenty grand! All right! I’m going to fucking Columbia!!”
“Which leaves us, or rather me, owing a mere $44,144. And that’s just for the first year.”
But the numbers aren’t sinking in. Nothing is. I just keep feinting and punching thin air. I’m in the club, one of the select few! I made the cut! Me! I made it!
“Tuition, $46,846,” Charlie reads through the list in a dull monotone. “Room and board, $11,978. Love it how they’ve got it down to the exact dollar. Fees: $2,292.” He laughs mirthlessly. “What the hell are fees? Like tuition’s not a fee? Books and personal expenses: $3,028. For a grand total of $64,144.”
As swiftly as it arrived, the joy drains out of me, but I stubbornly continue my celebration.
“Take off room and board,” I declare grandly. “I’ll commute from here.”
“Okay,” Charlie sighs, pained that he’s not getting through. “That still leaves $32,166.”
I creak to a crawl. Thirty-two thousand? Thirty-two thousand’s serious.
“Can’t we get a loan?”
“The twenty grand is a loan, Brooks.”
“Then we’ll get another loan,” I persist. I always knew money would be an issue; I mean, I’ve been working and saving since I was sixteen. But I always figured somehow it’d take care of itself. The all-important thing was to get in. Which I just fucking did, damn it. I’ve done my part.
“With what? For God’s sake, tuition alone is what I make in a year.” Charlie suddenly stands in agitation. “I mean, what universe have you been living in? Wake up! I don’t own this place or have any savings to speak of. I lease my car. I have nothing.”
Silence. He looks down, unable to look me, his son, in the eyes. He has nothing. He is nothing.
“I’ve tried to tell you, Brooks,” he says. “But you just wouldn’t listen . . .”
“I don’t need your help,” I say angrily. “I’ve got my own money! Almost ten grand!”
“You have almost ten thousand dollars?” he says, surprised.
“And I can make more!” But I’m reeling, flooded with helplessness.
“It’s still not even half, Brooks,” he says. “And that’s just this year. What about next year and the two more after that? We’re talking hundreds of thousands. We can’t swing it. I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m sorry.”
I shakily sit at the table, my dreams dashed just as they come true. Charlie picks up another opened envelope.
“The good news is that you’ve been accepted into the Honors Program at Rutgers with almost a full ride, which leaves just room and board, which is doable . . .”
Choking back emotion, blinking back bitter tears, I look at him. I feel so tired, so old.
“You are sorry, Charlie,” I say. “A sorry excuse for a father.”
It’s like I hit him. He flinches, backs from me, turns away to block the barrage but I’m relentless.
“I’m your only kid. You could have put something aside. You could have planned. You could have at least fucking tried. Most parents want better for their kids. But not you, Charlie, you want me to have it even crappier.”
I say it. I say it and a lot more. I tell him as soon as I can I’m leaving and never coming back, just like Mom did. I tell him to take a shower, that he smells. I tell him I hate him. Everything I never said before. I let him have it with both barrels right between the eyes. And then I leave.
I drive and drive and then drive some more. I don’t know where I’m going, I just go as fast as I can. Away from Pritchard, from Charlie, from grim reality, away into the waning light. Eventually I find myself cruising up and down the stately, impeccable streets of Green Meadow. Past the glittering palaces safe and snug behind their imposing gates. How can some have so much and others so little? It’s all about Money. My place at Columbia will be taken by some rich snot whose family can afford it. So much for a level playing field, for so-called equal opportunity, for the concept of fairness. To the victors go all the spoils. I reach the driveway to Shelby’s spread, where I fight the urge to witness its splendor just once more, but that would be too painful.
I need to talk to someone, to pour out my crushed heart to a sympathetic ear, but there is no one. No one who’d get it anyway, who’d give a flying fart. Not even The Murf. ’Cuz there is no Murf for me anymore. I’ve seen to that. For a second, I actually even consider calling Celia Lieberman. Yes, I am indeed that far gone.
It’s getting late. I keep driving, away from the place I have no reason being, speeding toward the towering, shimmering skyline of Manhattan, to the chaos and refuge of the City.
Van Am Quad’s dark, quiet, and still when I get there. Smoking my tenth cigarette in a row, I settle heavily on a bench beneath the softly glowing Rotunda. Unscrewing a pint of cheap vodka wrapped in a crinkled paper bag that I picked up at a dump I know that doesn’t card, I take a long, gut-burning swallow. I stare out at the majestic rectangle of green lawn ringed by the massive stone and brick edifices that constitute just a small part of what makes Columbia University. Touching greatness. It was all such a cruel joke.
My iPhone blips with an incoming text. Forcing down another slug, I absently check the display.
“Hey,” a bright green thought bubble announces, followed by a little smiley face.
It’s from Shelby.
Do I answer? Dare I tell her what has happened, who I really am? Where and what I truly come from? And if I did, is there the remotest chance she’d understand?
I don’t answer.
“Hey!” a harsh voice intrudes through the murk.
There’s a sharp, hard poke in my side. I sit up with a start. It’s later but still night, and I’ve passed out, stone cold on the bench. My vision’s fuzzy but clear enough to make out the shape of a beefy campus security guard prodding me with a billy club.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he glowers.
“Drinking myself into oblivion,” I answer truthfully.
“Well, do it someplace else!” he says.
Shelby texts again the next day and Snapchats me twice the day after that. But as much as I want to, I still don’t answer. I mean, come on, what am I going to tell her? That I’m a phony and a fake? That the game’s been rigged from the start and there never was a chance in hell we were ever going to be classmates? That, unlike her and all her friends in their gilded, gated bubble worlds, I’m going nowhere? No thanks. Better to take the coward’s way out. To just melt away like the mirage I am. I tell myself it’s for the best. For her. For me.
A chatty email arrives in my inbox on Wednesday, playful and flirty, filled with all the latest juicy gossip from the hallowed halls of Green Meadow Country Prep. Tommy’s being a big baby, threatening certain death to any member of the male persuasion who gets within five feet of her. Trent and Cassie are on again-again after being off again-again. Gwen Visser’s father is getting divorced for the fourth time in like five years. Brittany somebody’s wicked stepmom got another nip, lift, and tuck. Not exactly Pritchard fare. I don’t answer. I feel shitty about it because I’m being a total prick, but I know it’s for the best, that it’s what I have to do.
By the end of the week, all attempts at communication from Shelby have ceased. Although it’s what I expect, my ego’s bruised all the same. Deep inside, I’d hoped she’d give me at least until Friday afternoon or early Saturday. Late at night and numerous other times, I try not to picture those full lips, those endless legs, that toned body doing all sorts of nasty things to me in various configurations. I fight to suppress what could have been, if only I was the someone else she believed me to be. It’d be different if I was going to Columbia, I reason. Then I could have somehow eased the truth on her. But Rutgers. Let’s be real here, girls like Shelby don’t go out with guys who go to Rutgers, Honors Program not withstanding.
Spring Fling season staggers to its wobbly conclusion, which means Prom’s next up on the social schedule. Prom. The mother of all events, the final blow-up, signifying the end of the line, the point of no return. If you ask me, Prom’s right after being a bride in a girl’s fashion existence. I mean, the chicks go all out. Hair, toes, and every inch in between, sculpted, primped, and primed. And the get-ups. The plunging gowns, revealing backs, slanting shoes, sparkly accessories. You’d think it was the red carpet at the Oscars, not a high school dance.
Missing Prom’s the ultimate FOMO, so the calls keep pouring in. I’m like a switchboard, juggling dates. My calendar rapidly fills in, Friday and Saturday by Friday and Saturday. Hackensack. South Amboy. Keansburg. All over the map. And I take them. Because even though it’s hopeless, I haven’t given up hope. Besides, as the man once said, I needs the money.
In preparation for the coming campaign, I bring the Armani tux I’ve bought on installment at a consignment store in Metuchen to the cleaners for alterations and, while I’m at it, drop off the ol’ suit for one last fluff and dry before I retire it for the duration. I’ve grown quite fond of the suit. It’s proved to be a trusted friend and sturdy companion. My suit has served me well. Checking through the jacket pockets like I always do, I nod to Sanjay, who, reeking of cleaner fluid, faintly waves back. I pull out a little crumpled cocktail napkin. The name Shelby is embossed in elegant gold letters on the lower corner. It’s from her birthday gala at the club. The vision of that night returns. Her. Gliding in slow motion through the twirling bodies in the glittering ballroom. The short, sheer, clingy dress. The pronounced nipple outlines. Beauty, smarts, class, but more than that, radiating a supreme confidence that can only be inherited. Shelby’s the whole package. Mine, all mine. That is, of course, if I’d just been lucky enough to be born the right kind of person. The injustice of it roils through me.
It’s my iPhone. I resolve to buy a new ringtone. It refrains again. No doubt another frantic put-upon father. I click on.
“Rattigan and Associates,” I announce by rote over the rattle of rotating clothes racks.
“Hey,” a subdued female voice whispers.
Oh God, it’s her. It’s Shelby. She must have added my phone number to her address book when I called. I go cold. My heart stops. I hesitate.
“Hey, you,” I finally manage. “I’ve been meaning to call.”
“Haven’t heard from you for awhile,” her voice wavers. She’s trying to be nonchalant but failing. She’s confused and upset with me. I would be too if I were her. Actually, I’d be nuclear. What’s surprising is that she isn’t. “Everything cool?”
By the very fact she’s degraded herself by calling, I realize Shelby’s a finely tooled high-maintenance machine, not used to such a marginal level of attention, let alone outright rejection, which perversely only increases my attraction to her and hers to mine. She’s got everything in life worth having, but she’s still a chick. And chicks always go for the self-centered douche bags. I’ll never understand it.
“You know, usually I’m never the one who has to call,” she jokes mildly.
Usually she wouldn’t have to. Usually I’d be panting after her like a rabid dog, like every other red-blooded teenage male in Westchester County. Which I suddenly further realize means usually I wouldn’t have a chance with her even if I was being me. Ironically, the fact that I’m not who she thinks I am and can’t act like I usually would is my biggest appeal. It’s insane.
“Sorry, I’ve had a lot on my plate,” I maintain, noncommittal.
“We still on for Friday?” she ventures.
Friday? I’ve forgotten all about Friday. What to do about Friday? The target’s within sight, yet somehow I can’t pull the trigger. Not under false pretenses. Okay, I’m a dick, but not that much of a dick, as too often I wish I could be. But what if I’m wrong about her? What if it’s the real Brooks Rattigan, the sensitive, considerate Brooks Rattigan deep underneath that Shelby instinctively yearns for? I’m not a bad-looking guy, I’ve done all right. A little uncouth around the edges compared to the fair-haired boys she’s used to, perhaps, but not without my charms. The industrial-sized washers churn around me. I’m in the cleaners. I interpret it as a metaphor, a portent on how to proceed. What if I come clean with her? Lay it all out there. Not about being Celia Lieberman’s paid escort. Never. But all the other stuff. What I’m really about, what I hope to become. What if by some miracle it doesn’t matter that my father’s a postal worker and I go to Pritchard High in New Jersey or that I’m matriculating at Rutgers? If there’s even an infinitesimal possibility, shouldn’t I reach for the grand prize? I must be out of my freakin’ mind.
“Well?” she presses.
I stare at the dainty napkin in my hand, conflicted. A beat, then . . .