
Hey, there! It’s us, your friendly neighborhood narrators. We just wanted to take a break for a minute to tell you something important: up until now, what we’ve shown you has been loosely based on what we’ve been able to uncover in our research, filling in the blanks where needed.

But from this point on, dear reader, we are going to go deep, deep, abyss-to-the-inner-crust-of-the-earth deep into the stuff the historians don’t want you to know about, the stuff they will go to extreme lengths to hide. (Because can you imagine the cost and hassle of rewriting all of the history books?) We’ve traversed the great plains of Hertfordshire, spelunked the dark tunnels of Piccadilly, hiked the rolling hills of the Cotswolds searching for the descendants of our lovers and the poisoned king, and we have compiled what we so delicately refer to as . . . THE TRUTH. (Because of the danger, we considered changing our names. But we didn’t. Still, we sleep with swords under our pillows.)

If the truth of what happened to our heroes and heroine scares you—and God’s teeth, it should scare you—do not venture past this point.

But if you are a bucker of the system, a friend of truth, an ally of love, and a believer in magic, then read on.