The idea was so shocking that Ryan stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk, causing a woman to glance at him oddly.
Marry Jessie. The thought made his heart race alarmingly. Part of him was still that adolescent boy with a crush on his lissome young neighbor. With those long legs and the graceful way she carried herself, she was most definitely elegant, but she was also volatile. If she disagreed with him, she said so in no uncertain terms.
He’d told himself he was over Jessie, that she’d been an adolescent fantasy. But in the back of his mind he knew he’d been comparing other women to her for the past ten years or more.
And he was over her. Just because he couldn’t stop thinking about her didn’t mean anything except that he was still as physically attracted to her as he’d always been.
Was it ridiculous to think that he could make a life with her now, a life that included the children he’d always wanted?
He reached for the phone. After all, what did he have to lose?