Shallan’s Sketchbook: Honorspren. Among the Radiant spren, the honorspren civilization appears to be the most humanlike in its organization, ranks, and hierarchy. They are also the spren most devastated by the Recreance, having rebuilt only a fraction of their former numbers. Countless deadeye honorspren wander the floors of the bead seas. The substance of their forms is made up of a softly glowing light, yet their hair, skin, and clothing all feel physically as real as a human’s. Their clothing is composed of the same light as their bodies. The fashions range from military uniforms to loose, flowing robes. The style of clothing seems to correlate in some respects with their personal beliefs, even more so than a human’s might. They wear very real steel swords. They most often appear in the Physical Realm as miniature versions of their Shadesmar selves, made from the same blue-white light, though they may wear any shape they wish and will change their forms on a whim. Often they mimic windspren, appearing as ribbons of light that ride unseen currents.