Alethi Glyphs Page 2. The Calligraphic Phonemes. • A, B, V, CH, K, D, E, I, F, P, G, H, L, M, N, O, U, R, S, SH, T, TH, Y, J, Z. The Hybrid Phonemes (below) have gained popularity recently and incorporate shortcuts experienced calligraphers have used for decades. In a hundred years, I suspect this set will supersede the others and be the basis for a more streamlined Alethi glyph system. • A, B, V, CH, K, D, E, I, F, P, G, H, L, M, N, O, U, R, S, SH, T, TH, Y, J, Z. Now, on to different things! (Finally.) You know my tendency towards boredom, and I suspect your giving me this latest errand was less to collect information and more for your own amusement, to see if you could interest me in something other than smuggling artifacts, covertly collecting strange weapons, and drawing in those secret sketchbooks you’ve endlessly chided me about since you discovered them. (For the record, I also enjoy learning rude phrases in other languages, thank you very much. I’m not entirely uncultured.). I regret to inform you that your clever scheme to make a scholar of me might have, unfortunately, worked. For, while I hope to never return to the Calligraphers Guild, I did discover something intriguing. The instructors in the guild, especially the self-proclaimed calligro-cartographer Isasik Shulin, have repeatedly told us it is futile to pick apart the phonemes from old glyphs. Nobody tells me what not to do (except for you, though I don’t always listen), so picking apart old glyphs is exactly what I’ve done, dissecting them like little biology projects. My rebellion yielded very little until I teased out some bits from the ancient glyph for Roshar, which oddly looks a lot like the ancient symbol for the Knights Radiant, but the phonemes in the glyph don’t say “Roshar.” If you separate out its components, this emerges:. • Glyph for “Roshar”. • Glyph for “stormlight,” or “zeradoreh,” but the phonemes say “tavodovast,” or “Tavast’s light,” using Tanavast’s Alethi name. • Unknown glyph, but reads “koradaros,” or “Koravari’s light,” obviously referring to Koravellium Avast, She Who Brings the Dews at Dawn. • Unknown glyph, but reads “rasodonar,” or “Rasan’s light,” Rasan being an Alethi name for Rayse. I suspect we’ll see this glyph again. Then again, I also dissected the glyph for “love” and discovered the principle phonemes for “friendly cremling,” so I could be, as they say, seeing shades in the mist, unless we’re looking for a new name for our little organization. Next page: How to swear like a Horneater. Oo’kali’laa’e!