Thank you to my editor, Lee Juvan, for seeing the need for this book, and to Jamaica Burns Griffin and Nancy Ringer for their eagle-eyed attention to the text. Thank you to my inspirations Matthew Becker, Mindy Green, Rosemary Gladstar, Kathi Keville, Jane Bothwell, Mark Retzloff, Hass Hassan, Pam Montgomery, Linda LaMole, Sara Katz, Beth Baugh, Margi Flint, Michael and Lesley Tierra, Roy Upton, Christopher Hobbs, Susun Weed, Diana DeLuca, Jennifer and Mo Siegel, John Hay, Chris Halverson, David Hoffmann, Martina Hoffmann, Pascal Ferry, Donnie Curren, Alyson and Alex Grey, Red Elk, and the late greats William LeSassier, Cascade Anderson Geller, Terence McKenna, Dr. Timothy Leary, and Rosemary Woodruff Leary; my beloved parents, Morton and Rita Smookler; my sisters, Dominique and Rachel; the crew at Pharmaca Boulder; and most of all, my cosmic companion, BethyLoveLight.