Where We Stand Today

Welcome to the newly revised edition of Addiction-Free Naturally, which was originally published by Inner Traditions in 2001. So much has changed since the beginning of the century! Indeed, there have been stupendous technological advancements, but also addiction is in the news daily with concerns about the opioid crisis, overdoses, and deaths. Psychedelic therapy and research, which was halted during the Nixon administration, is now being successfully revisited, with studies occurring at such well-respected schools as Johns Hopkins and New York University. We can add to our herbal pharmacopoeia kratom and iboga, two newly popular herbs that may be helpful in addiction treatment. In some areas cannabis, psilocybin, and other psychedelic compounds are being legalized or decriminalized, and require guidance on how they might be helpful and when they may be dangerous. Everywhere, research is validating what the ancient ones already understood about herbs.

This book offers both a broad overview of addiction and specific information for particular types of addiction. In part 1, you’ll find a breakdown of the basic therapies used to treat most addictions. Part 2 addresses different types of addiction one by one, helping you to build a personalized treatment plan. In part 3, we’ll talk about how to get through the withdrawal process and maintain an addiction-free lifestyle.

I suggest that you use this book in conjunction with the support of your health care provider. Addiction can be challenging to overcome in any circumstance, and the effort is more likely to be successful with the support of family, friends, and community. In some cases, therapy is called for. In other cases—especially when you’re dealing with addiction to potent and life-threatening drugs like opioids—medical help is needed.

Addiction-Free Naturally is meant to empower us to take charge of our health and let go of addictions—naturally! It offers lifestyle and healing techniques that can help us rise up, liberate ourselves from that which undermines our health and freedom, and live more consciously so that we can create the life we desire.