

Life Extension Specialist • World Health Crusader

Lecturer and Advisor to Olympic Athletes, Royalty and Stars

Originator of Health Food Stores & Founder of Health Movement Worldwide

“The Bragg Health and Fitness Way of Life”
Works Wonders for Millions!

Paul C. Bragg, Father of the Health Movement in America, had vision and dedication. This dynamic Health Crusader for worldwide health and fitness is responsible for more firsts in the history of the Health Movement than any other individual.

Bragg’s amazing pioneering achievements the world now enjoys:

Crippled by TB as a teenager, Bragg developed his own eating, breathing and exercising program to rebuild his body into an ageless, tireless, pain-free citadel of glowing, super health. He excelled in running, swimming, biking, progressive weight training and mountain climbing. He made an early pledge to God, in return for his renewed health, to spend the rest of his life showing others the road to super health. He honored his pledge! Paul Bragg’s health pioneering made a difference worldwide.

A legend and beloved health crusader to millions, Bragg was the inspiration and personal health and fitness advisor to top Olympic Stars from time swimming Gold Medalist Murray Rose to time track Gold Medalist Betty Cuthbert of Australia, his relative (pole-vaulting Gold Medalist) Don Bragg, and countless others. The Hulk, Lou Ferrigno, went from puny to super shape. Jack LaLanne, the original TV Fitness King, says, “Bragg saved my life at age 15 when I attended the Bragg Crusade in Oakland, California.” From the earliest days, Bragg advised the greatest Hollywood Stars and Giants of American Business, JC Penney, Del E. Webb, Dr. Scholl and Conrad Hilton are just a few who he inspired to long, successful, healthy, active lives!

Dr. Bragg changed the lives of millions worldwide in all walks of life with the Bragg Health Crusades, Books, Radio and TV appearances. (See and hear Bragg on the web.)

BRAGG HEALTH CRUSADES, Box 7, Santa Barbara CA 93102 USA • www.bragg.com


Author, Lecturer, Nutritionist, Health & Lifestyle Educator to World Leaders, Hollywood Stars, Singers, Athletes, etc. & Millions

Patricia is a 100% health crusader with a lifetime dedication passion like her father, Paul C. Bragg, world renowned health authority. Patricia has won international fame on her own. She conducts Bragg Health & Fitness Seminars & Lectures for Conventions & Schools, Women’s, Men’s, Youth & Church Groups worldwide. She promotes Bragg Healthy Lifestyle Living & “How-To, Self-Health” Books on Radio & TV Talk Shows throughout the English-speaking world. Consultants to Presidents & Royalty, to Stars of Stage, Screen & TV & to Champion Athletes, Patricia & her father co-authored The Bragg Health Library of Instructive, Inspiring Books that promote a healthier lifestyle, for a long, healthy, happy life.

Patricia herself is the symbol of health, perpetual youthfulness & natural femininity, radiant & super energy. She is a living & sparkling example of her & her father’s healthy lifestyle precepts & this she loves sharing worldwide.

A fifth-generation Californian on her mother’s side, Patricia was reared by The Bragg Natural Health Method from infancy. In school, she not only excelled in athletics, she won honors for her studies & counseling. She is an accomplished musician & dancer, tennis player & mountain climber. Patricia is a popular gifted Health Teacher, a dynamic personality & perfect Talk Show Guest on Radio & TV Shows where she regularly spreads the simple, easy-to-follow Bragg Healthy Lifestyle for everyone of all ages. Patricia’s been on the covers of many magazines as her health message is needed & well received by millions.

Man’s body is his vehicle through life, his earthly temple & the Creator wants us filled with joy & health for a long, fulfilled life. The Bragg Crusades of Health & Fitness (3 John 2) has carried her around the world over 30 times – spreading physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health & joy. Health is our birthright & Patricia teaches how to prevent the destruction of our health from man-made wrong lifestyle habits of living.

Patricia’s been a Health Consultant to American Presidents, British Royalty, to Champion Triathletes (She wrote 600 page Tri-Health Fitness Manual), Betty Cuthbert, Australia’s “Golden Girl” (16 world records & 4 Olympic track gold medals), & New Zealand’s Olympic Track & Triathlete Star, Allison Roe. Among those who follow her advice are some of Hollywood’s top Stars from Clint Eastwood to ever-youthful singing group The Beach Boys, Singing Stars of Metropolitan Opera & top Ballet Stars, etc. Patricia’s message is of worldwide appeal & well received by people of all ages, nationalities & walks-of-life. Those who follow The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle & attend The Bragg Crusades worldwide are living testimonials . . . like ageless, super athlete, Jack LaLanne, who at age 15 went from sickness to Total Fitness & Health!


Patricia inspires you to Renew, Rejuvenate and Revitalize your Life with “The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle” Books and Health Crusades worldwide. Millions have benefitted from these life-changing events with a longer, healthier and happier life! She loves to share with your community, organization, church groups, etc. Also, she is a perfect radio and TV talk show guest to spread the message of healthy lifestyle living. See and hear Patricia on web: bragg.com or on YouTube.com/PatriciaBragg. For radio and TV interviews and lecture requests write or e-mail: patricia@bragg.com

BRAGG HEALTH CRUSADES, Box 7, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA