Chapter 2

What is The Miracle of Fasting?

What is the Most Significant Discovery of This Modern Age?

None of the above compare with fasting . . .

The Greatest Discovery of Modern Times

In our opinion, the greatest discovery by modern man is the method to rejuvenate himself physically, mentally and spiritually by fasting. Man can create a quality of agelessness and with fasting it’s possible to prevent premature ageing and a premature death!

The dread of “growing old” and becoming a burden to himself and others is one of man’s greatest fears! The fear of becoming sick, senile, helpless and unable to care for one’s self is rooted deep in every thinking person’s mind. With the complete knowledge of fasting and The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle, as outlined in this book, you can banish all your fears of premature ageing! With a 24 hour complete water fast weekly – setting aside 52 days and four 7 to 10 day fasts a year for body purification –you can keep the toxins removed and flush the rust and crystals from your moveable joints and muscles!


Don’t procrastinate and keep waiting for “the right moment.”

Today – take action, plan, plot & follow through with your goals, dreams & healthy lifestyle living! You will be a winner in life when you Captain your life to success! – Patricia Bragg, ND, PhD., Health Crusader & Lifestyle Educator

Instead of medicine, fast for a day. – Plutarch, Greek Philosopher

You must bear in mind it’s the toxic debris and wastes of metabolism (from the biological process of converting food into living matter and that matter into energy) that brings on many physical ailments and premature ageing!

When the Vital Force of your body drops below normal, then all your physical problems – as well as your mental ones – begin! Read the Bragg Build Powerful Nerve Force Book. (See back pages for book list.) It details how to reduce stress, fear, anger and worry – these negative factors can destroy your precious Vital Force and life!

Fasting Conserves Energy – Your Vital Force

Let me explain. We eat food and as it passes through the body, it must be masticated, digested, assimilated and then the waste is eliminated. We have four great organs of elimination: the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin. In order for these eliminative organs to work perfectly, the body must build a high Vital Life Force of healthy body energy reserves.

It takes a tremendous amount of Vital Force to pass a large meal through the gastrointestinal tract and also eliminate the waste via the 30 foot tube that runs from the mouth to the rectum. It takes the great power of Vital Force to pass liquids through the 2 million filters of the human kidneys. It takes Vital Force for the chemical power of the liver and the gallbladder to do their work in preparing food for your 70-100 trillion body cells. It takes great Vital Force for the lungs to deeply inhale up to 2 quarts of oxygen with each breath, to purify the entire bloodstream in your body and expel the toxins and the carbon dioxide. It takes great Vital Force for the skin (often called your third kidney) with its 96 million pores, to throw off body toxins in the form of skin rashes, pimples, sweat and foul body odors.


Our mental, physical and emotional diets determine our overall energy levels, health and well-being more than we realize. Every thought and feeling, no matter how big or small, impacts our inner vital force energy reserves.


Medicine is only palliative. For behind disease lies the cause, and this cause no drug can reach. – Dr. Weir Mitchell


Who is strong? He that can conquer his bad habits. Ben Franklin


Fasting is the oldest, fastest and most effective healing method known to man.

We Live in a Poisoned World

It is the duty of your Vital Force to supply the energy used to rid the body of any toxins created during the processing of food consumed. The Vital Force must also keep the body temperature at 98.6°. When sick the body will often create a fever to burn up the toxins to flush them out! If it falls below this norm you are enervated and sick. In our modern civilization, the Vital Force is becoming so overburdened with toxic filth, pollution and toxins in foods that man keeps creating.

The Big, Filthy Sewer in the Sky Above Us

We are bombarded with noxious, harmful filth and dirt from our skies. Take New York City, roughly 60 tons of airborne dust particles fall monthly on each sq. mile. Think of all the airborne dirt (toxic aluminum and barium, etc.) the body must battle with to keep people in New York alive! No wonder there are so many hospitals and sick people in that poisoned city. See web:

Scientists estimate that an inhabitant of an industrial city such as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania or Birmingham, Alabama stands a higher than average chance of contracting a deadly lung disease or suffering from heart trouble, just because of breathing polluted air. That special form of poisoned air known as “smog” regularly affects not only Los Angeles, but Phoenix, St. Louis, Kansas City, Washington, D.C., New York City and most big cities across America as well as around the world!

A grim mixture of soot and smoke from factories, incinerators and power plants; the gaseous by-products of industry; and the toxic exhaust from cars and trucks are making an ugly, unhealthy mess out of the air most Americans breathe. Air pollution is a real menace to our health and lives. Fasting is our best solution in helping to keep moving these filthy poisons out of our body!

Later in this book, we will explain how to examine your urine. After a few days of fasting, you will actually be able to see some of the poisons your body contained.


Our planet needs to be nurtured, guarded, loved and treasured and then it will thrive! Paul C. Bragg, N.D., Ph.D., Originator of Health Stores

Rivers, Lakes, Oceans Becoming Polluted

Not only does the air we breathe fill our bodies with poisons, but our water is so filthy that more strong toxic chemicals are used to make it “fit?” to drink. An inorganic mineral called chlorine is used to supposedly help purify our drinking water . . . along with alum and many other inorganic minerals. Remember, your body can only absorb organic minerals from living plant matter. Any inorganic minerals must be eliminated from the body by the Vital Force. If it’s below normal and can’t keep up the cleansing, then these inorganic chemicals become lodged in tissues and joints to cause future health problems!

Lake Erie is critically ill, and the symptoms are there for all to see. Beaches that once were gleaming with white sand are covered with odorous green slime. The lake’s prize fish – walleye, blue pike, yellow perch, and whitefish – have all but disappeared. One Cleveland health student wrote to tell us that “Our lake is a wastebasket for factories. It is unfit for fish to live in, and for people to drink and use, because it’s loaded with toxic, deadly chemicals.” The major reason for the lake’s terrible pollution is that most of its larger tributaries have been turned into little more than open sewers. Detroit alone pours 1.5 million gallons of waste a day into the Detroit River, which flows directly into Lake Erie.

The Cuyahoga River, which runs through the middle of Akron and Cleveland before spilling into the lake, is so clogged with logs, rotted pilings, chemicals, oil slicks and old tires that it has been labeled the filthiest water in America. Added to the scum and stench are thousands of dead fish that were smothered by the nasty pollution.

On a cruise up the Buffalo River last summer, Buffalo’s mayor glided past islands of detergents, pools of grain dust and a general rainbow of dirty industrial discharge. “The odor was overpowering. Unbelievable! Disgusting!” he concluded. Hopefully, the Buffalo and Cuyahoga River environmental problems have now been corrected! We are citing only one water supply among the many that are completely contaminated. All across America we find water supplies polluted. They use lots of water heavily chemicalized and often it isn’t fit to use!

Fasting – The Key to Internal Purification

Remember that all those inorganic chemicals must be passed out of your body or they can cause great damage. If the body’s Vital Force drops too low then it can’t force these inorganic chemicals through your eliminative systems. Then they remain in the body and can cause grave health damage and disease in the future! If we are to get these poisons out of our bodies we must fast! By fasting we give our bodies a physiological rest. This rest builds Vital Force (page 6) and the more you have, the more toxins are going to be eliminated from the body to help keep it clean, pure and healthy.

Poisons from Chemical Pesticides & Sprays

Tons of all varieties of deadly chemicals are not only sprayed in the air to kill insects, but tons are sprayed directly on commercially grown fruits and vegetables. Salads are healthy and appetizing, but often are made deadly because of the use of insecticide sprays. This year’s crops have been exposed to more poisonous pesticide chemicals than ever before! Please be on guard and buy and eat organic non-irradiated produce for your health!

Beware of that salad! It may fill your body with deadly poisons! A convention group of women were having lunch at a Miami hotel and shortly afterwards, they were all seized with an attack of cramps. Nausea and dizziness soon followed. Sick, pale and shaken from vomiting, the women required medical aid. It didn’t take a physician long to trace the source of this outbreak to food poisoning. The villain proved to be an appetizing salad bar, with salads, vegetables, dressings, etc. Stating the reasons for the illness, the doctor said, “The poisoning was caused by chemicals, ‘stay fresh’ stabilizer spray and pesticides on the restaurant’s salads and vegetables.”

Dangerous chemical pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers are used on crops. In America deadly DDT was banned due to deaths and health problems caused! Now these companies sell these poisons to unknowing farmers worldwide – so beware of foreign vegetables and fruits!


Avoid irradiated foods, they kill phytonutrients (see page 239) in plants!

Food Crops Often Exposed to Toxic Poisons

Food shipments are often found exceeding the legal limits of toxic chemical pesticides and are seized. But this isn’t the whole sad story of food poisoning. First of all, only shipments destined for interstate commerce are checked, and only a small fraction of the country’s total produce ever comes under inspector scrutiny. Many tons and truckloads of lettuce, vegetables and fruits containing pesticide residues “in excess of legal tolerance” will stay within the state or area where they are grown and not be checked at all! On shipments across state lines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will be the first to admit that, because of limited manpower, only a fraction of fruit and vegetable shipments in interstate and foreign commerce are checked.

The frightening truth is that a high percentage of the field crops you are eating have been sprayed with a wide variety of deadly poisons! These include chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides, toxic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and other phosphorus and toxic compounds that are used in growing. The contamination of salad vegetables doesn’t stop with spraying the leafy portion of the plant. Medical researchers have discovered that many chemicals such as fertilizers and weed killers applied to the soil can remain there for a long time and are then absorbed by succeeding crops grown in the fields. The poison finally ends up in the pulp of the vegetable itself. It becomes part of it and cannot be washed off! Please start demanding organic produce!

No doubt it has occurred to you that if the vegetables in your salad are contaminated you should make some effort to get rid of this poisonous residue before you eat too much of it. You might feel that peeling off the skin of a tomato or removing the outer layer of the lettuce will do the job. It won’t. Some of the residue will be removed, certainly, but there will be more in lower leaves and in the pulp itself. The chemicals cannot even be broken down by cooking! The poison is part of the plant and is there to stay. So eat organic and don’t panic!


Sad Health Fact: USA is way down on global life expectations to 42nd place!

The Miracle of Fasting Aids in Flushing Deadly Poisons from the Body

When we fast (stop eating) all the Vital Force that has been used to convert food into energy and body tissue is now being used to flush poisons from the body! When Patricia and I travel throughout America and the world lecturing, we are fortunate to know health-minded people everywhere. We are usually well supplied with organically homegrown fruits and vegetables from their health gardens. But sometimes only commercially grown foods are available, which may have been sprayed with poisonous pesticides. So, we fast faithfully to cleanse toxins out, even when traveling, one 24 hour fast weekly!

I do four 7 to 10 day fasting periods yearly. When I go on a 7 to 10 day complete water fast, I take a specimen of my urine each morning upon arising. I put it in a small labeled bottle to let it cool and settle. In a few days, I can see little crystals forming in the urine. I have had my urine examined for chemicals, and the examiner has told me time and time again that traces of DDT and other deadly pesticide residues have appeared in my urine. On one occasion, I took a 21 day complete water fast. On the 19th day, I had terrible pains in my bladder. When I urinated it felt like red hot water passing through me. I had this urine examined and sure enough, it was filled with DDT and other pesticides and poisons!

A great feeling of energy flowed over my body when this poison had passed out of it. The whites of my eyes were as clear as new snow. My body took on a pink glow and my energy surged. Now, remember I had been fasting for 19 days. Yet, I drove from Pasadena, California to Mt. Wilson, which is six thousand feet high, and climbed the trail with absolutely no fatigue! I ran with ease most of the way down the winding trail. I felt that a tremendous burden had been lifted from my body! In my personal opinion, fasting is the only way to rid the body of the many commercial poisons found in foods!


Who’s Eating Fast Foods? Americans – 30 Billion Times a Year!

USA Today said 44% of junk food eaters are 35 years or older. Only 23% are youth under 17 years old. – These Shocking Food Facts are Causing Health Problems.


Some students drink deeply at the fountain of knowledge – most only gargle.

Health Menace – Waxed Fruits & Veggies!

Top medical experts reveal another menace to the nation’s health – a toxic wax on fruits and vegetables. Next time you eat an apple, green pepper or cucumber, etc. take a good look at its surface. Is it bright, smooth and have a glossy look? If so, beware! Chances are it’s coated with a wax paraffin solution which is one of America’s most serious health threats, according to medical experts! Scratch surface to check for wax. The wax coating seals fruits and vegetables with a protective layer which they claim retains the water and juices, preserving the taste and creating a false appearance of freshness. Beware! This toxic wax residue clogs the body!

What you are eating is a kind of wax that cannot be handled by your body – a paraffin wax which is a by-product of petroleum. There is no organ in your body, including the liver, that can process petroleum. This deadly wax therefore runs wild in the body. That is one reason doctors are so baffled by the many new diseases that American people are acquiring from eating foods contaminated by commercial food interests. Demand organic produce and unwaxed fruits and vegetables from all your produce markets this helps get results!!!

This wax can cause damage if it remains in the body. You must stop eating waxed fruits and vegetables. If you must, then be sure to peel the skin. Your weekly 24 to 36 hour fast combined with longer fasts during the year will help rid your body of this wax, if you do eat some.


Fasting is a Miracle – It Cured My Asthma!

I really haven’t had any health problems since I was 17, soon after I started reading about health and nutrition, in Bragg book The Miracle of Fasting. I then started realizing there was a real connection between what you put in your mouth and your health and how you felt. So I immediately changed everything about my diet. I stopped eating refined white flour and sugar products, and dairy products and anything that was not a whole food or whole grain. What was left was a lot of healthy things: organic vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, seeds, nuts, etc. After years of asthma, within a month I could breathe almost normally for the first time in my life. Fasting is a miracle and I thank Paul Bragg for saving my life and being my inspiration!

Paul Wenner, Creator of the Gardenburger, author of Garden Cuisine

Food Supply Poisoned by Greedy Men

Thousands of synthetic food additives, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides dumped into the nation’s food and water supply are responsible for a great deal of sickness. For years our foods have been loaded with so-called “safe” chemicals that now have been discovered harmful to the human body. Sadly, many toxic pesticides are still being used! My friend, Rachel Carson, in her classic book, Silent Spring, exposed the harm the chemical industry was causing to the human population, as well as the environment and all wildlife. Please read Silent Spring, available at most libraries. It’s a must read!

For example: take a loaf of commercially refined, “embalmed” white bread that’s been treated, bleached, colored, dyed, enriched, purified, softened, preserved, flavored, and given a fresh odor – all by synthetic toxic chemicals that your body doesn’t need or want!!!

In most stores it’s almost impossible to get a healthy loaf of 100% whole grain bread that is free of toxic sprays and synthetic food additives. It’s best to make your own bread or shop health stores for healthy, organic whole grain products that are the real staff of life and health!

The amazing human body is a miraculous collection of 70-100 trillion cells. When nourished by healthy foods that provide basic needs for growth and normal function, humans can live to 120 years or more! But when people toy with their body and pollute it with chemicalized, toxic, unhealthy foods, water and air, naturally the body responds adversely! When food is polluted and its entire composition altered by radiation and toxic chemicals, the body’s cells become sick, function poorly and can’t keep adjusting to irritating toxins forced on them causing illness, premature ageing and death!


All through the Bible, God has honored fasting and prayer with miracles in healing.


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding. – Proverbs 4:7


It’s not where we stand in the world, but in what direction we are moving.


Nothing can bring you peace – but yourself. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Synthetic, Toxic Food Additives Can Kill

A vast amount of chemical poisons contaminate our food. Most commercial interests are not concerned with our health and lives. The economic bottom line is their main concern! It’s best and safer to eat live, organically grown foods whenever possible. Avoid complicated, chemicalized, preserved foods. Read the labels of all foods you purchase! Ask questions about any special products and foods you like – even write the company and ask for a complete nutritional and chemical analysis.

Fast faithfully 24 – 36 hours weekly to rid yourself of toxins and help your body stay healthy and clean. When you don’t feel up to par (colds, flus, mucus, pains, aches, etc.), then it’s time to take a 3, 5 or 7 day complete fast and give your body a thorough body detox cleansing!

When you fast, your Vital Force is doing the cleansing.

Beware of Harmful Salt

Would you use sodium, a caustic alkali, to season your food? Or chlorine, a poisonous gas? “Ridiculous questions,” you say. “Nobody would be foolhardy enough to do that.” Of course not. But the shocking truth is that most people do just that because they don’t know that these powerful chemicals constitute the inorganic crystalline compound known as salt. For centuries, the expression “salt of the earth” has been used to designate something good and essential. This idea is erroneous! Salt may actually help to bury you!


Happiness is not being pained in body or troubled in mind.

– Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President, 1801-1809

Salt – Some Startling Facts:

If salt is so dangerous to health, why is it used so widely? Mainly because it’s a habit ingrained over the years. But it’s a habit based on a serious misconception that the body needs it. Many people never eat salt and never miss it (we don’t own a salt shaker)! Your wise body doesn’t want it. Once a person is free of the salt habit, salt becomes repulsive to the taste as tobacco is to a nonsmoker! Among certain animal species, salt acts as a poison (particularly in the case of fowl), and pigs have been known to die after ingesting large doses of salt.

How Did the Salt Habit Originate?

Gustav von Bunge, a biochemist, explains that in prehistoric times there was a balance of organic sodium and potassium minerals in the earth. But continued rainfall over centuries washed away the more soluble organic sodium salts. In time, many land-grown foods and soils became deficient in sodium, but high in potassium. The result was that animals and humans developed a craving for something to replace this mineral deficiency. They found an ineffective and highly dangerous substitute in salt (inorganic sodium chloride).


Follow The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle daily for a long, healthy lifetime!

Salt Causes Edema, Kidney Problems, etc.

Swallowing salt to obtain natural organic sodium is like taking inorganic calcium to get calcium. Both are chemicals and neither can be assimilated. All inorganic chemicals cause all the body harm, digestive organs, etc. That’s why the body sends out sudden SOS thirst signals, calls for water, after salt is eaten! The stomach is reacting to salt and demands water to quickly flush the salt out through the kidneys (page 55). Imagine what effect this has on the delicate kidney filters. Millions suffer from serious kidney problems! Of all organs, kidneys are most affected by salt. What happens when more salt is eaten than kidneys can eliminate? The kidneys break down, excess salt is deposited in various body parts, especially lower extremities. To protect its tissues against salt, the body automatically seeks to dilute it by pooling water in needed areas to help flush out salt. As tissues become waterlogged, swelling occurs in feet, ankles and legs causing edema and dropsy. Salt (sodium chloride) also causes puffy eyelids and water bags below lower eyelids.

Salt Affects Millions with High Blood Pressure

Salt is harmful to the kidneys and heart. In some heart conditions even small amounts of salt are dangerous! The heart muscle is governed by the balance of natural, organic sodium (found in kelp, celery, fruits, vegetables, etc.) and calcium salts in blood. Salt upsets this vital action, increasing the heartbeat and causing high blood pressure which affects millions, plus liver and kidney disease! Statistics show Japanese have highest salt intake and high blood pressure problems! What causes this? Medical Science recognizes many causes: salt, diet, stress and toxic substances as smoking, insecticides, drugs, food additives and pollutants. To protect yourself from these caustic agents, exclude all harmful agents possible from your environment. The major cause of high blood pressure you can remedy: don’t eat salt, instead use Bragg Kelp and Bragg Sprinkle (24 herbs & spices) both delicious seasonings (page 268) and Bragg Liquid Aminos (page 266).


Watermelon and its seeds (chew or grind them) contain cucurbocitrin that helps reduce swelling (edema) due to excess retained water from salt and the huge variety of salty, processed fast foods Americans eat.

Up to now, we have been talking about causing high blood pressure in the average person. But how about the effects of salt on those millions suffering from our country’s most prevalent ailment, obesity? Here is a critical area for research, because excess weight is known to be frequently accompanied by high blood pressure. Is there a link between the overweight individual’s high blood pressure and his salt intake? The answer is ahead!

The Myth of the “Salt Lick”

Is a low-salt diet a deficient diet? Don’t we need plenty of salt in our diets to keep us in top physical condition? This is a popular notion, but is it true? People will tell you that animals will travel for miles to visit so called “salt licks”. I investigated salt licks where wild forest animals congregate from miles around to lick the soil. Although these sites were known as “salt licks”, the one chemical property they all had in common was a complete absence of sodium chloride. There was absolutely no organic or inorganic sodium at the salt licks. But they all had an abundance of other organic minerals and nutrients which the animals craved.

Why Cows are Given Large Amounts of Salt

A man who puts his investment in a dairy farm is in it to make all the profit he can. Dairy farmers found by giving cows salt blocks to lick, they drink more water. The more water they drink, the more milk produced. Most cows are sick, mass fed and drugged! See web:

But the result is that the average quart of milk contains the extremely high content of 12 grams (1,500 mgs.) of salt per quart! Go past any American school and look at the children. You will be amazed by how many of them are overweight, lack stamina and the spark of youth. Most are heavy drinkers of commercial milk, and eat refined processed foods that are high in salt and sugar.


The best way to lengthen life is to avoid shortening it, stop salt and an unhealthy lifestyle.


Are you in Health Bankruptcy? If so, you need a Health Overhaul!


It’s strange that some men will drink and eat anything put before them, but check very carefully the oil they put in their car.

Americans are Salt-A-Holics!

Go into supermarkets and look at canned, bottled and frozen foods. All of them are loaded with salt! Plus there’s salt in milk, ice cream, prepared vegetables and most commercial foods. Add it all up and you can see why heart disease is the #1 killer in America! We are a nation of salt-a-holics! Cheese, frozen and canned vegetables, breads, potato and corn chips, and most all popular foods are saturated with salt. Even commercial baby foods contain salt! Read labels! Don’t buy salt!

Death Valley Hike Proved Salt Dangerous

Most people have the preconceived idea that salt lost through perspiring must be immediately replaced. Many factories supply salt tablets to their workers. They mistakenly believe these are helpful! But are these salt tablets necessary? In my opinion: “NO!”

To prove definitely to myself that I did not need salt during extremely hot weather, I went to Death Valley, California, one of the hottest spots in the entire world during July and August. On my first test I hired 10 husky, strong young college athletes to make the hike in Death Valley from Furnace Creek Ranch to Stovepipe Wells, a distance of approximately 30 miles.

The boys had salt tablets and all the water they could drink . . . and a station wagon filled with plenty of food that contained salty foods like bread, buns, crackers, cheese, luncheon meats and hot dogs. They each ate, drank and took as many salt tablets as they desired. I had no salt, no food, only water during the 30 mile hike. We began the hike on a sweltering July morning. The higher the sun rose, the hotter it became! Up went the heat until at noon it stood at 130° – a dry, hot heat that seemed to want to melt and defeat all of us!


Pure water (8-10 glasses daily, see pages 153-164) is the essential fluid of life, the solvent of our ills and the deliverer of a radiant long life.


Use your willpower and better judgement to select and eat only the foods which are best for you, regardless of the ridicule or gibes of your friends or acquaintances. – Dr. Richard T. Field

The college boys gobbled the salt tablets and guzzled quarts of cool water. For lunch they drank cola drinks with ham and cheese sandwiches. We rested a half hour after lunch and then continued our rugged hike across the red hot blazing sands. Soon things were beginning to happen to those strong, husky college boys.

First, 3 of them got violently ill and threw up all they had eaten and drunk for lunch. They got dizzy and turned deathly pale and great weakness overcame them. They quit the hike immediately! They were driven back to the Furnace Creek Ranch in poor condition. The hike went on with 7 college athletes continuing. As we hiked, they drank large amounts of cold water, soft drinks and took more salt tablets. Then suddenly 5 of them got stomach cramps and became deathly ill. Up came the drinks and their lunch. These 5 had to be driven back to the ranch.

That left but 2 out of the 10 hikers. It was now about 4 p.m. and the merciless sun beat down on us with great fury. Almost on the hour, the last remaining salt tablet-eating athlete collapsed under that hot, burning sun and had to be rushed back to the ranch for medical care.

Only the Non-Salt User Finishes Hike

That left me alone on the test . . . and I felt as fresh as a daisy! I was not full of salt tablets and I was not full of food because I was on a complete fast. The college boys wanted cold drinks, but I drank only pure distilled water, not chilled. I finished the 30 mile hike in around 102 hours and I had no ill effects whatsoever! I camped out for the night. The next day I arose early and hiked another 30 miles back to the ranch without food or salt tablets.

The doctors gave me a thorough examination and found me in perfect condition! I am ready and willing to repeat this hike across Death Valley, CA for any scientific group that wants to do research on man’s mythical“need” for salt. (I get organic sodium from my food.)


Mother Nature is man’s teacher. She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eyes, illuminates his mind and purifies his heart. – Alfred B. Street


Change your mind – change to a healthy lifestyle and your life and body will sparkle with health and joy! Patricia Bragg, ND, PhD., Lifestyle Educator

Historical Proof That Salt is Not Needed

Rommel’s German-Afrika Korps swept across the gates of Egypt, fought and lost a hard battle at El Alamein. Then they retreated over miles of blazing desert. Yet, when the war was over, the English found the captured troops in good physical condition, even though the German soldiers were not supplied with salt tablets. This story – just as my own Death Valley hike, which was also performed in the blazing desert sun – supports the findings of many experiments performed on humans with a non-salt diet under hot desert conditions.

What happens, according to the scientific studies, is that: after the first few days of becoming acclimatized, the subjects stop losing salt through perspiration. Apparently there is a normalizing mechanism at work that conserves the sodium in the body. The comfortable endurance during all weather conditions of people on rigid, salt-poor diets shows that the “need” for added salt in hot weather has been greatly exaggerated!

There is enough naturally occurring sodium in most vegetables, celery, soy beans, seaweeds and other foods that have not been processed or supplemented with common table salt. These natural foods can supply the needed organic sodium required by the body. Proof of this is also found in the past histories of many races throughout the world who have never used salt. The Native Americans knew nothing about salt when the first explorers landed. Columbus and all the explorers of the American continent found wonderful physical specimens when they arrived. Sad fact – the physical degeneration of people often follows with the introduction of salt, alcohol, smoking, refined fast foods, caffeine and toxic chemicals!

I have made over 13 expeditions to the far corners of the earth and I never found the inhabitants to be salt users. Therefore, none of them suffered from high blood pressure. In fact, regardless of age, they generally had blood pressures of 120 over 70, which is perfect. They did not suffer from kidney or heart diseases, either.


Habits and ruts long traveled, even if unhealthy can grow comfortable.

How Much Salt Can Body Tolerate Daily?

There’s been a great deal of research on salt tolerance. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults reduce their sodium intake to no more than 2,300 milligrams per day. But the body’s actual physiological sodium requirement is less than 500 mg. daily. Unfortunately, the average American salt addict actually consumes daily 2 to 5 times his sodium tolerance!

This extremely high salt figure Americans eat is due to the excessive amount of “hidden salt” in most all commercial and “fast” foods. It is in breads, cheese, prepared meats (ham, bacon, lunch meats, etc.), frozen and canned veggies, soups and hundreds of staple foods.

I was reared in Virginia and many of my relatives suffered from high blood pressure. Sadly many died early of strokes and kidney diseases because they were heavy salt, pork, ham, sausage and bacon eaters. High concentrations of table salt were used at every meal. By the time these people were 30 years old, they ached all over with what they called the “misery”. Their joints were cemented, and they hobbled around stiffly and with great pain! I believe that the heavy salt diet of the average Southerner brought on this “misery”.

The most dramatic wrongful death case against salt occurred in a Binghamton, New York hospital, where a number of babies died when salt was inadvertently used in their formula. An overdose of salt can kill a baby quickly! The body needs natural, organic sodium – not table salt, an inorganic chemical. You can obtain natural sodium which Mother Nature provides in organic form in celery, beets, carrots, potatoes, soybeans, turnips, sea vegetation, seaweed, kelp, watercress, etc. and many other natural, healthy foods. Remember, only organic minerals can be utilized by your body’s living cells.


It’s magnificent to live long if one keeps healthy and youthful in mind and body.

– Harry Fosdick, Famous Baptist Minister


I have found that distilled water is a sovereign remedy for my rheumatism. I attribute my almost perfect health largely to drinking distilled water.

– Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone Inventor,1876

Fasting De-Salts The Body Cells & Organs

I have had over 70 years experience with the science and use of rational fasting. And I have found that in 4 days of complete fasting we can de-salt the body. The urine will reveal the story of salt. Take a 4 day complete distilled water fast. Nothing must pass through your body for 4 days, except for distilled water and ACV drink. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses daily to flush the salt out.

Each morning take a sample test of the first urine your body passes. Put these urine bottles (labeled) on a shelf to settle for 3 weeks, then look at them in the sunlight. You will see concentrated salt and toxic wastes in the bottom of the bottle. When this salt is passed from your body notice how freely your kidneys will function. Notice how naturally moist your mouth is and how you have no abnormal thirst. Notice your skin and muscle tone. The first thing the body throws off during a fast is salt and the side effects – bloating and edema (dropsy) that goes with salt. Lumpy, waterlogged spots vanish and you become more streamlined. There is a thinner and more youthful look to your body. Water-bloating vanishes and you begin to see your natural figure again!

You can hardly believe your eyes! A wonderful miracle transformation is taking place during your fast. The powerful Vital Force that would otherwise be used to handle your food is now being used exclusively to clean out the debris, waste, and poisons that have been locked in the body cells and vital organs. Rejuvenation is taking place in every one of the 75-100 trillion body cells! After 4 days of de-salting the body, be sure to keep salt out of your diet. It’s a difficult thing to do since there’s so much “hidden salt” in processed, “fast” foods, etc. That’s where your weekly 24-36 hour fast helps continue to de-salt and detox your body to keep you healthy!

We find it difficult in our world travels, lecturing and doing research, to avoid “hidden salt” in foods, even though we always do request, “No salt, please!” in restaurants, on cruise ships, airplanes and trains. However, our weekly cleansing fast of 24 to 36 hours keeps any inorganic salt we ate flowing out of our bodies.


Fasting gives the stomach and other vital organs a vacation!

We never add salt to foods in Bragg household! We use natural seasonings that add zest to foods: herbs, garlic, kelp, onion, lemon and our delicious Bragg Organic Vinegar and Bragg Liquid Aminos, a tasty all purpose soy seasoning that contains 16 amino acids and Bragg Kelp and Bragg Sprinkle (24 herbs & spices) – see page 268. With fasting, you’ll soon see how improved you look and feel, plus a sweet taste in your mouth. You will discover many improvements when you are faithful with your fasting program and also banishing salt!

Fasting is The Great Cleanser & Purifier

People are constantly asking and writing me, “Will a fast cure my ‘this or that’ disease?” I want it clearly and distinctly understood that I am not recommending fasting as a cure for any disease! I don’t believe in cures unless Mother Nature, God and your body do it! I can only inspire you to fast to build more Vital Force to overcome enervation and debilitation. Then as you build up your body’s Vital Force it can then self-cleanse and self-heal. Read our Build Powerful Nerve Force book for more info on importance of building your Vital Force.

Enervation Explained

We live in a chaotic world. The demands for energy in these hectic times are enormous. We all have a standard of living to maintain and an image to create and live up to for our relatives and friends. We each have many responsibilities. Every waking hour requires great outputs of Vital Force to earn our daily living, to support our family, to drive a car in traffic, to be responsible for a job, to maintain a house, to rear our children, to perform social and civic duties. Plus there are thousands of other daily activities that call for your Vital Force to perform continually in operating your body. You need go-power and energy! Energy is a precious vital ingredient; it cannot be purchased in a bottle or can. Many misguided people think they can get it from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar and colas. They can’t! Energy is a reward for living as close to Mother Nature’s Laws as possible. (Read Bragg Nerve Book – it’s a life-changer. Visit

Humans Won’t Take Blame for Miseries

It’s because of your bad habits that things start to break down and decay in your body! Your bad habits enervate and rob your energy! This is the important point: as energy drops and you become enervated, you do not have enough energy for your body to properly cleanse. Low energy brings on slow functioning in all the basic eliminative organs: the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs. There is no energy to function at full natural capacity. Then poisons of all kinds are not completely flushed out of the body, but instead are deposited inside, slowly building up and taking a terrible health toll!

Poisons start to collect in various parts of the body, causing you illness, aches and pains. These are Mother Nature’s flashing warning signals that you are not living the healthy lifestyle that She and God intended for your body! Perhaps you blame everything and everybody for your problems, instead of analyzing your own lifestyle habits for the real causes of your health problems!

“No,” you say, “I caught a cold when I worked too hard.” “I get sick because I am getting older.” Excuse after excuse is given . . . but never the real cause: yourself. You alone are responsible for your aches, pains and premature ageing! Start now living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle!

Your unhealthy habits promote low Vital Force and fatigue! Then the poisons can’t be thoroughly flushed out of the body. So they find a spot to torment you and are named according to the location of your pain. But that pain actually came from the way you live. Don’t put the blame elsewhere! You have enervated yourself, and the toxic poisons from many sources of your daily living are tormenting you. Cleanse and rebuild your Vital Force by fasting and natural living, and fatigue will vanish! Unhealthy living is the reason why you feel burned out, fatigued, full of aches and pains, prematurely old and, maybe heading straight for the human “scrap heap”!


Almost every human malady is connected, either by the highway or byway, with the stomach. – Sir Francis Head


When you live as God and Mother Nature intended you to live, you start to rejuvenate yourself!

Most people think they can attempt to break all of Mother Nature’s good and just laws of Healthful Living. How very wrong they are. You can never break a natural law – it will break you! Many think they can break all of the natural laws of health – then run to a doctor to circumvent these natural laws by having a medical “miracle” fix-all bandage for their misery.

The Miracles are Within You

The human being craves sudden miracles. Not fully aware of the actual achievements of natural nutrition, exercise and fasting – which are in themselves miraculous – he searches in the realm of the unknown for manifestations that he cannot understand. Simply obeying Mother Nature’s great laws is too simple a procedure to follow! People full of miseries and premature ageing want a quick, easy way to find health and youthfulness. Just remember: You must earn your health! You cannot buy it. No one can give it to you. I have boundless energy, great power, wonderful strength and radiant, vibrant health because I have studied with respect Mother Nature and God’s Natural Laws and followed them faithfully! These healthy, natural nutritional laws, the Laws of Self-Purification – Fasting, keeping the circulation healthy, free-flowing and the skin and muscle tone active by exercise – leads to agelessness!

Do You Have Harmful Habits To Overcome?

Do you eat salt and salty foods? Do you drink coffee? Use tobacco? Alcohol? Use refined white sugar or eat products with this devitalized material in it? What devitaminized and demineralized foods are dragging you down and enervating you? Is your willpower weak or strong? Who is the boss of your body? Your bad habits? Or does your mind control your appetites? Remember that flesh is dumb and can’t think for you. Only with positive thinking can you overcome the bad habits that your flesh might crave. If you really do crave glorious health, and unbelievable strength, tremendous vital force and a trim and fit body you will be proud of, start now working with faithful Mother Nature and God today!

Fasting – the Miracle Key to Super Energy

Fasting is the miracle key which unlocks Mother Nature’s storehouse of energy. It reaches every cell in the body, the inner organs and generates the Life Forces. No one can do it for you! It’s a personal duty that only you can perform. No one can eat for you. And I believe that 99% of all human suffering is caused by wrong and unnatural eating. The efficiency of any machine depends upon the quality and amount of fuel for generating power it is given. And that goes double for the human machine!

Some people will blame everything on earth except food as the cause of their physical miseries and premature ageing. Why they are suffering is always a mystery to them. The average person does not know how horribly unclean the inside of their body is, caused by years and years of overeating, eating when not really hungry and, in many cases, wrong-minded eating of dead, devitalized foods. All these unhealthy habits build up internal poisons and clogging toxic wastes in their bodies.

Put the person who brags that he “enjoys perfect health” on a cleansing distilled water fast for 5 days. His breath becomes putrid and his tongue will have a foul-smelling, white coating (page 99). His urine becomes dark and evil-smelling. This definitely proves his whole body is filled up with uneliminated toxic materials brought in by eating wrong foods and is now detoxing.

The continual accumulation of increasingly foul body poison is the buried or latent unknown ailment. When Mother Nature wants to get rid of this ailment by a “crisis” known as sickness, people look for an easy “quick fix” to get rid of their troubles. They usually ignore the miraculous fasting Mother Nature has given us which has no dangerous side effects: See inside front cover page.


When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless and reason is powerless. – Herophiles, 300 B.C.


Now learn what and how great benefits a temperate diet will bring along with it. In the first place, you will enjoy good health. – Horace, 65 B.C.


Over the next decade nutritionists expect to see those pursuing the more healthy lifestyle move from meat to beans to avoid saturated fat, toxins and cholesterol found in all the animal products.– Reader’s Digest

Fasting – A Natural Instinct and Miracle

Sickness is Mother Nature’s way of showing you that you are filled with toxic wastes and internal poison. Dead people don’t have colds. It is only when you are alive and have Vital Force that you have physical problems. By fasting, you are working with Mother Nature to help expel the wastes and poisons you have accumulated in your body. Every animal in the wilderness knows fasting, for it’s the only method animals use to help overcome any physical trouble that befalls them. This is pure animal instinct. We humans have lived so long in this soft civilization that we have lost this natural instinct to fast when health problems occur in our bodies.

In your life you may have experienced physical suffering, when you felt no desire for food – it might even have repulsed you. Then, kind but ignorant relatives or friends may have told you to “eat to keep up your strength”. The very last thing you needed was food, because your body was signaling you to stop eating. Mother Nature wanted you to fast so she could use your Vital Force to help cleanse and then heal your body!

Mother Nature’s soft loving voice is often hard to hear and understand. By fasting, your extra-sensory instinct becomes very keen! The fast sharpens your mind and tunes you in with the gentle inner voice of Mother Nature and God. Fasting has made my inner body, mind and soul more alert! My body and mind work better after each fast. I know yours will, too! Fasting brings miracles!


Fasting clears away the thousand little things which quickly accumulate and clutter the body, mind and heart. It cuts through corrosion and renews our contract with God and Mother Earth.


Don’t injure your system by over-feeding it. Over-eating can kill you long before your time. – Paul C. Bragg, N.D., Ph.D., Originator Health Stores


When you fast you become part of the Miracles God is doing on the Earth.


Fasting Saves You 15% Yearly Off Your Food Bill!

Do you want to live a longer, happier, healthier life and save hundreds of dollars annually? Then following The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle with water fasting one day a week not only to provide life extension values, but an extra big savings of 15% off your annual food bill. – Patricia Bragg, N.D., Ph.D.

Jesus, His Disciples and All History’s Great Spiritual Teachers Fasted

When the great city of Alexandria, Egypt was the educational center of the world, people had to fast for 40 days before they could enter and study with the master of that time. Jesus fasted for 40 days, and his disciples also took long fasts. All of history’s great spiritual teachers have had great confidence in the power of fasting – not only to improve the physical body, but to promote a keener spiritual understanding of the divine power that is above us and within us. Your mental power increases! Prove it to yourself. See how much sharper and more alert your mind becomes after a fast. Notice how quickly you acquire facts . . . how much more your mind absorbs and remembers what you read.


Jack LaLanne, Patricia Bragg, Elaine LaLanne & Paul C. Bragg

Jack says, “Bragg saved my life at age 15 when I attended the Bragg Health Crusade in Oakland, California.” From that day, Jack has continued to live The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle and inspires millions to health and fitness.

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To work the head, temperance must be carried into the diet. – Beecher


Jesus lived by His own rules. He fasted. Matthew 6:16


When thou fastest appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall award thee openly. Matthew 6:17-18