Chapter 13
Fasting Fights and Removes Mucus
In my opinion most of man’s problems stem from a clogging of the entire pipe system of the human body. Most of this clogging takes the form of a thick mucus.
How free are you of mucus at this minute? Do you have a postnasal drip? Is there a slow dripping of mucus from your sinus cavities into the back of your mouth and down your throat? What about your nose? How much mucus are you carrying in your nasal passages? How many times a day do you use tissues? How many times a day do you clear your throat? How often do you cough or spit up mucus and phlegm?
Every person living on the American (S.A.D.) diet has, more or less, a sticky mucus-clogged pipe system. This stored-up toxic mucus results from undigested and uneliminated, unnatural food substances and toxins that start accumulating from birth. This mucus not only clogs the nose, throat and lungs, but is also found in the 30 foot gastrointestinal tract that starts at the mouth and extends to the anus. Some humans suffer great distress (asthma, etc.) from heavy mucus-clogging in their sinus cavities. Get the mucus out – cough, spit or blow. Never recycle mucus! When it drops into your throat, mouth or lungs, cough and spit it out!!! Never swallow it!!! Your body workers have collected it – now you help and get it out! But the most mucus is most often lodged in the lungs.
Pneumonia is one of the most deadly diseases. Mucus fills up the lungs so you can’t get enough air in to purify the 5 to 8 quarts of blood which flow to the lungs for purification. Pneumonia kills more older people; they literally drown from mucus in their lungs.
Cleansing Helps Clear Mucus Out
American Diet Forms Mucus and Illness
Our bodies are equipped with an elastic pipe system. The modern diet that we eat is never entirely digested and the accumulated waste never entirely eliminated. Our entire pipe system is slowly becoming clogged, especially the digestive tract. This is the foundation of many physical problems. The body becomes overloaded with mucus which the avenues of elimination cannot expel. It slowly concentrates into decayed, toxic masses.
Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is a mucus-forming, heavily refined, high sugar, salt, fried foods, meats, fats and dairy diet. All dairy products are especially mucus-forming. No animal in the world except man drinks milk after being weaned. The modern diet includes butter and butter substitutes, margarines, processed shortenings and hydrogenated oils and fats which are the plugging saturated fats. These are unhealthy for the body. Our bodies have a normal temperature of 98.6°. To digest and assimilate these solid, hardened, saturated fats, we would have to have a heat of 300 degrees in our bodies. Our American diet contains a great deal of processed and synthetic cheese, as well as natural cheeses which are heavily preserved with salt. I have discussed the dangers of salt quite fully in this book. Don’t use salt!
Most Americans love eggs, yet egg yolks carry large amounts of cholesterol, a saturated fat. If you eat eggs (limit 3 - 4 weekly) they should be fresh, fertile and from free range, organically fed chickens. Most Americans eat a lot of meat, mostly fried in heavy grease, either lard or hydrogenated oils. Meat also carries its own heavy load of fat, visible and invisible (frying meats, see hardened fat in pan next day). Most American cooking is done by deep-frying, including deadly favorite, french fries. This is a toxic, mucus-forming, unhealthy S.A.D. diet.
Mucus Shows Up in Urine when Fasting
The urine test shows the amount of mucus the average human carries within their bloodstream. Take a 3 day fast. Eat absolutely nothing and drink only large amounts of distilled water – from 2 to 3 quarts a day. Every morning of the fast, take a sample of the first urine you pass on awakening, put it in a labeled bottle and place it on a shelf to cool and settle. In a few days this urine will show a heavy toxic cloud of mucus. The longer you store the urine, the more toxins and mucus are revealed. A regular weekly 24 hour fast will help rid your body of large amounts of mucus and toxins. Some of these toxins maybe have been circulating in your body for years.
In winter, most people eat more heavy, concentrated foods – such as refined flour products: pancakes, waffles, sugared cereals, doughnuts, rolls, breads, flour gravies, biscuits, cakes, pies and refined pastas. The body then becomes so loaded with mucus that it forces the Vital Force to create a cleansing crisis – a cold, flu, etc. A fever is produced by your Vital Force to help burn up and flush out the heavy concentrations of mucus. The lungs, nose and throat pour out the mucus through coughing, sneezing, spitting and nose-blowing. Few humans realize what a cleansing holocaust the body goes through!
The body is a miracle self-purifying instrument! As long as the body has enough Vital Force to eliminate toxins such as mucus, it will work with all its energy to rid and purify the body. What do humans think about this crisis? They get feverish. A fever is your body’s cleaner, a natural phenomenon of Mother Nature and acts as her incinerator oven to burn up all the toxins!
Winter Miseries? Or Body Cleansing?
The uninformed man will tell you that he is suffering this winter misery because he got his feet wet! Or he will say that a draft blew on him and he didn’t get his coat on in time. These are unscientific and weak excuses. Winter miseries, colds, flu, etc. are Mother Nature’s internal self cleansing and purification blessings to help you get the mucus and toxins out and get healthy!
I have proven over and over that you can’t catch colds. In the early years I was associated with pioneer Bernarr Macfadden, the father and founder of the Physical Culture Movement. He organized a group of people known as the Polar Bears. Every weekend and holiday in the frigid winter, we would meet at the Coney Island Beach in New York to frolic and exercise. Then we would all plunge into the icy water of the Atlantic Ocean.
Did I ever see one of the winter bathers ever have the sniffles? Never! People would come to Coney Island bundled up in heavy overcoats, mufflers, sweaters and flannel underwear to stand on the boardwalk, staring at us swimming and splashing around in the icy water. They were the people who had the sniffles, not the Polar Bears – who believed in eating a healthy mucusless diet, exercising outdoors and swimming in icy waters.
Today I belong to two fine organizations who swim all year long at Coney Island, New York – the Polar Bears and the Icebergs. These two clubs are made up of men and women who are cold water swimmers. I also belong to the Winter Bathers Club (The Boston Brownies) who are headquartered at the “L” Street Bath House. Here is another group of people who prove that you can swim and expose yourself to the most frigid weather and still never have a sniffle, a chill, a fever or other reactions from exposure to cold weather. I live in California where the Pacific Ocean drops down to 50 degrees in winter. If I am not away on a lecture tour, you can count on me to take my cold water swims at the beach not far away.
Take the Mucus Test
I feel that fasting has done a great deal to eliminate the mucus from my body. I faithfully live on a mucusless diet and always take my weekly 24 hour fast to help keep any mucus and toxins that I may have accumulated in my body flowing out. I want to keep my machinery clean.
Take the test yourself! Eliminate all of the mucus-forming foods from your diet for several months. Fast 1 day a week and, if possible, take a 7 day fast. Watch your urine closely. See for yourself the amount of mucus you have concentrated in your body. After a fast, make 60% to 70% of your diet raw salads, vegetables and fruits and the balance in cooked vegetables, beans, legumes and brown rice. This is a mucusless diet that’s rich in enzymes and nutrients. Also the raw, unsalted nuts and nut butters and seeds (almond, pumpkin, sunflower, walnuts, etc.) are not mucus-forming, so add them to your diet of organic fruits and vegetables. While on this test don’t eat any dairy, eggs, meats and only a few whole grains or none at all.
I can tell you all the great health benefits that fasting, a mucusless and meatless diet will do for you. But it’s best you simply try it yourself, then you be the judge! Notice how seldom you have mucus and have to use a tissue. A 7 day fast is a great mucus eliminator. I make it a practice to fast 7 to 10 days in late Oct. or Nov. so that, as the winter comes on, I have relieved my body of any mucus that it has accumulated. I try to live on a mucusless diet! When traveling the world lecturing, Patricia and I find at times we can’t get all the organic fruits and vegetables we normally eat, so we put our faith in fasting for needed purification.
Break the Tobacco, Alcohol, Cola And Coffee Habit Through Fasting
It seems today most humans are addicted to some kind of poisonous drug habit – such as tobacco, alcohol, cola and coffee. Every one of these substances contain dangerous toxic poisons. The spotlight of science is still on the dangers of tobacco. Every cigarette package has this warning, “Tobacco smoking may be hazardous to your health.” Scientists worldwide have studied the effects of tobacco on humans. The conclusion: smoking should be stopped! But it’s not. Sad truth, “Flesh is dumb and will accept anything.” Your mind must be a strong and faithful health captain to keep you healthy and fit!
The flesh will accept the carbon monoxide and nicotine of tobacco. It will accept alcohol. It will accept the caffeine tars found in coffee, tea and even chocolate. The body has no mechanism to process these vicious drugs and poisons. Millions are destroying their lives using these killers, it’s like a slow, deliberate self-suicide!
Now, if a person wishes to release himself from the bondage of these irritating and poisonous drugs that act first to stimulate and then to depress the central nervous system, they must fast. The fast is a salvation for those who wish to break free of the shackles of these poisonous habits. In my years of supervising fasts, I have seen these wretched habits repeatedly defeated by fasting!
I remember years ago when a woman came to me who daily chain-smoked 4 packs of cigarettes and drank a fifth of whisky (for help contact: A heavy user of coffee and colas, she told me her nerves were shattered! If she picked up a pencil to write, she trembled. She couldn’t sleep. Her appetite was gone. Her eyes were blurred. Her skin tone was pasty and flabby. She was miserable and even had thoughts of suicide! Her physician suggested she see me, that I might help her with nutrition and exercise therapies. She had reached the end of her rope and was willing to try anything.
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Tobacco Predicted to Kill 1 Billion in 21st Century
The first thing I did with this smoking addict was to put her on a fast. I didn’t take her poisons away from her. She continued to smoke and drink a small amount of alcohol and coffee. But on the third morning of her fast, her body rebelled and these stored poisons and toxins in her body began to nauseate her. The body wanted them out! When nauseated, it’s best to force it out by drinking 2-3 glasses of water, put your finger on the back of your tongue, lean over a bowl and get it out! You’ll feel better right away! Every time she would light a cigarette or take any alcohol, tea or coffee she had heavy attacks of vomiting, nature’s wise purge to get the toxins out. I supervised the fast for 10 days. Those last 7 days of that fast were the first in years that she had not polluted her body with these deadly poisons. I broke her fast the tenth day and the urine she passed that morning was a thick ugly mass. Do you know what this mass was? – her poison residues. I then put her on a mucusless diet for 10 days and then fasted her again for 10 days. Every day of the second 10 day fast, large amounts of toxic poisons showed up in her urine.
I had photographed her at the start of her fast and at the end of 10 months. You would hardly know it was the same woman! Her skin and muscle tone were perfect. Her hands were steady. Instead of being miserable and depressed, she was now happy and carefree! She never again had desires for tobacco, alcohol, coffee or black tea. She became one of the best writers in Hollywood TV and movie world. Her income doubled and tripled. Her personal magnetism increased and she attracted a handsome, wholesome man for a husband.
The list is long of people who had hit rock bottom with their addictions who then turned to fasting as a last resort – and fasting did the trick! Any person who is addicted to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, colas or coffee, etc. will find an answer to their problems by fasting. When the body becomes clean, it will no longer allow poisons to enter. A pure, clean, wholesome body and strong mind will always reject poisons. Fasting is the greatest method to purify the body and to keep it healthy and strong!!!
Deadly Smoking Facts – Reasons to Stop!
SMOKERS PLEASE QUIT! In just 12 hours of not smoking, the blood levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide fall; heart and lungs begin healing. Smokers must stop this vicious and deadly destroyer of life, health, energy and beauty. Let’s ban smoking worldwide.